Sunday, January 1, 2017

A New Year...A Birthday....A Wish

So, it's January again.

A new year.

A chance to do new things or improve on the old things.

It is the month of my birthday and this year is a biggie.


At the end of the month I am throwing myself a birthday party....girls only, at an Italian restaurant. My husband is paying for it as my gift.

I worked at the restaurant for 14 years in my younger days, so I got to pick the menu from all my favorites. No typical buffet for this girl.

You may not know this, but over the years I grew to not like my birthday too much.

Recently I was talking to a friend about the snow we used to get here in Upstate New York.

Remember the storm of 1967?

I was going to be 10 and because of the snowfall, my birthday party was cancelled.

We sledded out of the second story window of our suburban house, the snow was so high.


But not at my birthday party. That was never rescheduled.

It scarred me for life.

Not really.

I won't go into the details of all the bad birthdays, but by my 50th I decided to throw myself a party. I do not like surprise parties.

Or any surprises, for that matter. Unless I am forewarned, but then it wouldn't be a surprise.

My birthday is and always will be in the winter (which explains a lot of the bad ones) but I decided to go with it.

I had a winter wonderland party.

We rented a cute cabin on the lake in a park and decorated it with snowflakes and snowmen and served different kinds of soup.

It was great!

Some more bad and some good birthdays and here we are 10 years later at my 60th.

It will be a winter wonderland theme again, just in a warm restaurant this time.

I have chosen the décor, the food and most importantly, the guest list. I have painstakingly chosen those ladies in my life that I have a heart connection with. That I really want there to celebrate with me and I know they would really want to be there.

I have one birthday wish this year.

I would love it if I could fly all of my blogger friends in for the day to celebrate with me. Those of you that I share comments with, and also chat with via email. Those that I feel a real heart connection with by sharing every day life stuff with, or the love of thrifty treasures with, shared our homes and decorating ideas, and baked and cooked each others delicious recipes with.

Although I have never met you in person, you are on my party list.

I know it is not possible to bring in my blog friends from all over the country and from around the world. That is why it is a wish.

So I will have you there in my heart with my other guests. I will pretend we are eating great food, laughing together and exchanging hugs with each other.

Do you like Fettucine Alfredo?

It's on the menu along with Deluxe Carrot Cake for dessert.

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

Share Your Cup
No Rules Weekend Blog Party


    Your birthday wish is a beautiful one and how special it would be to gather together as Bloggers and celebrate with you, dear AnnMarie.
    Enjoy your night out♡

  2. Oh you cute thing! How wonderful to be celebrating the big'60' with your besties! You know I will be there in my heart!1 I hope that I am one that would be included on your list. :) Can't believe that you could sled out of the 2nd story window of your home. Wowzer!! Having a winter birthday does have it draw backs, but mine is in the summer. Most of the time I love it, but when I was a grade school child I sometimes was sad that I was out of school and couldn't invite some of my school friends that I only saw at school. I got over it and when I was a teen I had wonderful slumber parties in our back yard. Oh the fun we had!! Happy, Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!!

  3. Happy Birthday AnnMarie! It seems like that's yet another thing we have in common (the 13th here). I will be there with you in spirit my friend, and I wish you a happy and healthy New tear!

  4. Happy Birthday AnnMarie. It will be a wonderful celebration with your girls friends. How fun to gather together, pick the menu and celebrate a milestone birthday with best friends. I love your birthday wish and it would be great to celebrate with you!! Instead, I will be thinking of you and sending birthday wishes your way for a great new year filled with blessings for 2017!!
    Love your gorgeous winter pics. My birthday is the last day of Feb. and was always very cold and snowy growing up in Michigan. Here in Texas, it can be like a spring day. lol
    Enjoy your special day and the best 60 ever!!

  5. Happy Birthday, dear AnnMarie! I will be with you at your birthday party in spirit. Praying you'll have a wonderful, yummy (I LOVE Italian food) dinner with your closest friends. Hugs, Nancy

  6. Happy Birthday to you sweet friend. If only funds were unlimited I would fly in for your party. Yes it's a big one for you and you look great. I love Fettucini Alfredo and Carrot Cake. Yummy. Take lots of pictures and here is a big hug.

  7. Happy birthday AnnMarie. I hope you have a wonderful time out with your friends and celebrating your big 6-0. Best wishes, Kelly.

  8. Sweet friend, you are absolutely precious! How I would LOVE to be there to help celebrate your day - oh, what a delight that would be. This post was wonderful and brought a smile to my face. I hope this year is simply the greatest, my friend, filled with lots of love, joy, and sweet blessings.

    And may I just say you look amazing for 60! You are a beautiful lady, inside and out. Love and hugs to you!

  9. Hello AnneMarie! Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! Your birthday party sounds like a great time. I love Italian food and that includes Fettuccine Alfredo. Your idea for your 50th birthday party was brilliant too. :P

  10. Happy Birthday, AnnMarie!! It sounds like it's going to be a wonderful party and I love Fettucini Alfredo and carrot cake...great picks! I hope that the weather cooperates and your plans go off without a hitch! :) Hugs to you my friend!

  11. Happy Birthday sweet lady and yes I love Fettucini Alfredo and carrot cake! And if I could be there to help you celebrate I would. Oh girlfriend, I know what you mean by not liking surprises and especially a surprise party. My girls had me a surprise party when I turned 55. In all honesty, it made me mad at first! I know, that sounds awful. But I went with the flow and all worked out well. I hope that your special day that God created you is sweet and kind to you and that you will feel so very much loved and blessed. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Oh yes I like fettucine Alfredo and love carrot cake I make it home made once in a while.

    Happy Birthday AnnMarie

    I know you will have a wonderful party with your gal friends

  13. Oh how wonderful your wintry wonderland looks! Your 60th birthday party looks as if it is going to be the best fun. How lovely to share it with all those lovely ladies who share your heart. What a delight to be there and share in all the happiness and special times. I too have a January birthday....I have always thought it to be the best month for a birthday....though of course mine is in Summer. =) Have the most wonderful celebration, lovely AnnMarie. Enjoy!!

  14. Oh, AnnMarie, this got me all choked up! I will be "there" for you on your big day, eating way too much fettucine alfredo, and two pieces of cake. Happy Birthday, my friend! Enjoy your day!

  15. Hi AnnMarie, Happy Birthday! I love how you have the winter wonderland theme for your big party! It's a great idea. I know how you feel about your birthday. Mine is 4 days after Christmas! I know you will enjoy have a wonderful party that you will remember for year.
    Take care and Happy New Year!!
    Hugs, Julie

  16. Happy Birthday AnnMarie! What a lovely way to celebrate such a milestone with your gal pals. I will definitely be there with you in spirit. I wish you all the best for a fabulous birthday and a wonderful year Ann Marie. Enjoy!

  17. Happy Birthday! I hope your special day is filling with friends, laughter and fun with friends. I love carrot cake and sure wish I could celebrate with you.

  18. Happy Happy Birthday, AnnMarie!!!! Belated..but heartfelt! When I go to Olive Garden the only thing I ever order is Fettucini Alfredo. lol It is on my "I LOVE IT" list. I would have made a good party guest! Oh- and welcome to your 60s. I have not minded being 60+ at all!

    I hope you have a wonderful year! xo Diana

  19. Oh, I'm sorry I missed your birthday, AnnMarie! I hope it was wonderful and made up for all those 'bad' birthdays! (I've had a few of those.....) Welcome to the '60' club. It's a wonderful time of life. I wish I could have come to your party. I know it would have been a great time, even if I did gain about 10 more lbs. :) Two of my favorites on the menu. Beautiful snow scenes and I can relate to climbing out the upstairs window because the snow is so deep. I grew up in New England. I hope this first year of being in 'the club' is the best year evah (as we used to say in Boston). Hugs xo Karen

  20. Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful and very special time with all your besties, sounds like a great plan for sure! That winter storm of '67 must have been something else to be able to slide out a second story window, oh my! I hope this birthday is a special one that will be remembered fondly for you through the years. I do love Italian food too, fettucine Alfredo - the best! Hugs and special birthday wishes to you today :)

  21. AnnMarie, happy birthday to you!! I love that you've organized a party with your girlfriends. Only girls understand! It's sweet that your husband gets it.

    I wish you a very happy birthday without the need to sled out the upstairs window. I wish you laughs, and good food, and wine, and sweet girl time. Then for the year, I wish you all good things. :)

  22. Oh AnnMarie, how I would love to celebrate with you, sweet Friend! Happy 60th and may your year be full of blessings and as special as you are. Eat some fettuccine for me!

  23. How disappointing for a child to have a birthday cancelled. You must celebrate extra hard to make up for it :-) Happy Birthday, AnnMarie, and a big hug!

  24. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, and a wonderful time with your special friends. Your party sounds like a recipe for success...and btw, I love that you plan your own party.
    Mary Alice

  25. Hello AnnMarie...I am so delighted to be visiting your lovely blog this morning...I have missed stopping by! I recently changed my blog and email and thus, lost a couple addresses along the way...
    Oh, I am so glad to see we share a birthday month! My birthday was on January strange to have one so close to Christmas and the start of a New Year! What date is yours?
    A blessed 2017 to you...enjoy the winter season! Here in South Africa it is SO hot right now and downright unpleasant...I am greatly anticipating cooler days! {{Smiles}}
    Love and hugs,

  26. AnnMarie, I know you had THE most amazing 60th birthday bash because I have seen the post you did on it, and I loved it. But, just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your writing in THIS post. You are a sweetie, and if I could have been there, you can be sure I would have, even if I had to slide down my roof to get there!;) All the best, once again!



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