Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A New Adventure for the New Year

 In an old warehouse....

on the edge of town....

is a thrifter's paradise...

and I now have a booth there!

It is called Rustiques, run by Liz and David....

He's the creative mind with great decorating, thrifting and upcycling skills, while she has a head for business. Together they have created a huge emporium of eclectic vintage treasures. I am so happy to have a booth in this fun place.

Here's a peek at the inside of Rustiques, and then I will show you my booth.

I want this door!

I want these clocks!

This is the White Room and it is filled with gorgeous items all different shades of white. It is the room where David shows his great decorating style.

And just behind this mantel is the room where my booth is. I have half of the room right now but hope to someday soon take it all!

The great rust table is not mine, it is the room divider for now. The items in front of it are mine.

If you are local in Wayne County, New York, and want to visit, Rustiques is located at 235 Murray St., Newark. They are open 9-5 Tuesday-Sunday year round. I like those hours! There is a Salvation Army next door and two other thrift stores on the street so it makes for steady traffic.

David said there is already a following there and Rustiques has become a destination for those visiting the area. He is constantly thrifting and picking for great items to fill the warehouse up. Before I rented a booth I would run into him at barn sales and have watched him in action.

I got a peek at some of his stash behind closed doors and there is no shortage of great treasures still to be put out.

Although winter is not the best time for thrifting with limited places to pick, I am always looking for new things to fill my booth.

My Etsy shop (on the sidebar) is going great and I am constantly re-filling it to stay above 500 items. Better SEO that way!

In the Spring I will decide if I am going back to Ye Olde Schoolhouse Country Store, closed for the winter. It was my first adventure in retail. You can read about it in my post titled Spreading My Wings.

I see a lot of pickin' and thrifting in my future to keep up and I couldn't be happier about that!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:


  1. That sure looks like a place any of us bloggers who love thrift store would visit.
    Good for you opening a new booth also.
    Now if it was just a tad bit closer to Missouri LOL

  2. What a great place to have a booth - your photos show the best collectibles stuff !

  3. CONGRATULATIONS, AnnMarie! What a fun thing to have happen! I have thought about doing that, too-and there is a place downtown that just moved to larger quarters. I know there is a romance to doing it but I also know there is a WHOLE LOTTA work involved. Your booth looks great and I hope you have lots of sales. LOVE that all white room. He did a great job styling in there. xo Diana

  4. Congratulations and good luck!!!! I'm jealous.

  5. Oh my gosh!!! How I wish I lived closer! Best of luck AnnMarie! :) I know you will be a huge success.

  6. Oh, what a great place to have your booth, AnnMarie! I wish you lots of success at your new endeavor! I sure wish I lived there :( Your booth looks great! xx Karen

  7. Congrats to you!! This is exactly the type of shop that I would love to rummage through!!

  8. Looks like you are going to be having so much fun! What a great place. I want that door too! LOL Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. That's wonderful AnnMarie! What a great place to strut your stuff! Lucky you!!

  10. How exciting, my friend! Rustiques looks like an amazing place and oh, how I would love to see your booth in person :) I hope it goes well for you!

    Love and hugs!

  11. I am so happy for you! Your enthusiasm jumps off of this post.
    I need to take a look around your shop again, I adore my Vintage French pitcher!
    Congrats and Happy New Year!

  12. How FUN! Your booth looks wonderful, AnnMarie!

  13. What a fun place to shop, especially for a vintage junkie like me. Visiting from Vintage Charm

  14. Wow! That old turquoise door is amazing! That place looks awesome, and your booth is full of so many wonderful things. Love the pink shelf! Good luck with your new adventure. :)

  15. How exciting to have your booth in such a unique spot! Sounds like a perfect adventure for you, and your booth is full of really neat things! Love that Raggedy Ann doll! :)

  16. WOW, what a thrifter's paradise! It sounds like you could do a good amount of selling with the traffic there and the other nearby places. I hope it goes really well for you!

  17. Wow! What a place ... you know I would love to check it out! Love your new booth and the pink bookshelf caught my eye!!!!

  18. Wishing you luck on your new adventure! I can't ever pass up a thrifting paradise and but being Chicago keep from visiting. It looks like a great place and friendly owners which makes a huge difference. Good luck!

  19. That is a thrifters paradise and I love everything. Good luck with your booth. :)

  20. I would love to shop in a placed like this. The "white room" is fabulous. Your booth is filled with really neat things, and I'll bet you'll do really well there. So glad your Etsy shop is doing well. I've thought about selling my collages and such through Etsy, but feel so overwhelmed by all the payment, shipping, etc.

  21. What an awesome place! I would love to treasure hunt there! I hope your booth does great!

  22. Congrats Ann Marie! Sounds like a wonderful place for a booth. Wishing you lots of success! Thanks for sharing your fun space with SYC.

  23. Gave you a Let's Talk Vintage feature this morning, Ann Marie! THanks so much for linking up!

  24. I love to thrift and antique. Such neat things to see and want, only I am running out of space. Haha...I want that door also, would make an awesome pantry door. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Congratulations! How exciting and such a wonderful place to be!! I could shop there for days!! I know you are so excited!! Love and hugs!

  26. Hi AnnMarie, Just wanted to let you know you will be featured at tomorrow's Vintage Charm party!

  27. Congrats on your new venture, AnnMarie! You have such fun places to shop in your area - wishing you much success! Do you need to be there all of the hours they are open?

  28. Best of luck to you AnnMarie with your new booth--woo woo--very exciting, and it looks like a great place. If I'm ever out Rochester way...

  29. Congratulations Ann Marie, pretty sure this is what paradise looks like! I read your other blog post,"Spreading My Wings" and while I'm about 18 steps behind you I'm so inspired. I've recently entered the 'blogosphere' as the first step in my journey to an Etsy storefront and ultimately a little "vintique" corner in the real world ;) Thanks for sharing your stories and this will be my first stop if I ever make it up to your neck of the woods, albeit quite the journey for this Texan!

  30. Oh how I would love to rummage through Rustiques. How wonderful for you to have a booth there, AnnMarie. It sounds as if there will be a lot of people visiting this wonderful place. You have some wonderful wares in your booth. Love that plaid chair and footstool and the high chair is very cool. What a pity I live all the way down here.....I would love to investigate everything in your booth. All the best with your new venture!

  31. I would really enjoy browsing around here. Thanks for your recent visit and comment on my blog, much appreciated.

  32. How exciting, AnnMarie! Your space looks great already and I'm so glad Kathleen chose to feature you on Vintage Charm!
    I hope you enjoy many years of fun there. My sisters and I are approaching our 9th year, and it's been the best thing since retirement!
    Rita C at Panoply

  33. gasp, gasp , gasp, gasp! I was oohing and aahing all the way through this post. You are very lucky to be in a space like this. Your items are so attractively merchandised. Congratulations.

  34. Ha! How did I miss this post?! I've been checking in to see if you had a new post up after your 'Energy Bites', and as I scrolled down, found this great news! CONGRATS, Annmarie! I know you'll do amazingly well with your new booth because you love this business so much. Although David's white room is pretty, your booth is filled with beautiful colour, and that makes me smile!

    Best of luck with your new venture!


  35. I wish I lived closer to New York, but alas, I'm in Texas. I enjoyed virtually shopping however!

  36. Bet you are staying busy with your booth. Like you...I WANT that door. That would be amazing as a pantry door. Best of luck and have fun.


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