Monday, February 13, 2017

You're all caught up...

Well, where has the time gone?

Since my last post, that is.

Other than crazy busyness, I have had writer's block and/or not enough to write a whole post about in the last month or so.

Oh, there were definitely things happening....

** I could have shared my 60th birthday celebration....

My birthday cake....home made Carrot Cake....

The food we ate.....

Fettucine Alfredo, Greens and Beans, Artichokes French, Chicken Wings, White Pizza

and the family and friends that attended....

Some of my besties

Irene and Me

My daughters Candice and Jena

Darlene and Kim. Kim is wearing the necklace I made for all my birthday guests.

Granddaughters Chloe and Cassidy
and a few of the gifts I received.....

Garnet is my birthstone

Is this me or what?!

** I could have shared all the treasures found from the non-stop thrifting and picking I have been doing.....

I have been thrifting like crazy the last month or so in anticipation of moving into the full room of the booth I have at Rustiques. No time to post about the stuff I have accumulated....been cleaning and researching, pricing and tagging them all. It all happened February 1st.

The sweet yellow dresser has sold already. I have a new passion for offering furniture in my booth and will be thrifting this Spring and Summer for small pieces at the many yard and garage sales that will start popping up. For now I have my local Goodwill which has had some pretty good stuff lately.

** I could have shared a ton of recipes from all the baking I have done.....

I have been baking up a storm lately too, for the Dessert Theatres that our traveling community theatre, Impact Theatre puts on in our area. I have been using my tried and true recipes that I make a lot, like New Jersey Crumb Cake.

I need to slow down now for awhile and will be forced to soon in March. That is when I will have carpel tunnel surgery and removal of a cyst on my finger, all on my right hand.

Not looking forward to that but it must be done.

Two fingers will be bandaged together but I may still be pecking away at my computer with my first finger and thumb!

** I could have.......

I guess I just did!! 


  1. Happy belated birthday!!! What a great celebration you had, and all those food pix are making my tummy growl! Not helping my WW journey, my friend - ha ha!!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday. It looks like you had a good time surrounded by family and friends. That necklace is sweet--lucky girls!
    You have done a lot-no wonder you haven't been blogging....the booth is looking good and I hope you have LOTS of sales. Blessings- xo Diana

  3. Happy belated birthday - you look marvelous!

    So happy to hear the booth is doing well. I love to re-do furniture and sell it. I could work on furniture all day long. Right now I have 2 trunks I'm working on.

  4. Hi AnnMarie, You HAVE been busy! Wow! Happy belated birthday. It looks like you had a great day, lots of food, special people and gifts, love the ring. Your booth looks fun too. Hope your surgery goes well for you.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Looks as if you had a beautiful celebration for your 60th birthday. Your ring is beautiful!
    You have done a great job on your booth, wished I lived closer so I could browse through it.
    Oh that New Jersey Crumb Cake looks delicious. That has become one of my ultimate favorite recipes. Thank you for sharing the recipe with us.

    Blessings to you,dear lady~~

  6. how lovely!
    Happy birthday friend!
    you have wonderful family and you are very smart and gorgeous lady!

  7. Happy Birthday...looks like a fabulous celebration! You certainly have been busy with all sorts of wonderful activities. Trust your surgery goes well.
    Mary Alice

  8. Happy 60th, AnnMarie! All the very best in health and happiness and prosperity! What a lovely celebration you had with friends and family!

    You've been super busy and it sounds like you are enjoying every minute of it. Your booth looks beautiful, and your goods are sure to go fast! Best of luck!


  9. I hope all goes well with your surgery. I know for someone like yourself it's a challenge not to be able to use your hands, but with any luck it won't last too long.

    Glad you had a nice birthday with friends and your beautiful daughters.


  10. You look fabulous! And your daughters have your beautiful looks. . .granddaughters, too. What a fun birthday you undoubtedly had. How nice of YOU to give gifts. Very sweet. The food looks so good. Of course, it's getting close to lunch here, so my mouth is watering. I don't do much baking, but have been making an easy gluten-free brownie to keep in the fridge for after dinner treats. Your booth looks so inviting. I can see why the yellow dresser sold right away. Have fun! xo

  11. AnnMarie, you are just beautiful and definitely do not look 60!!! It looks like you had such a wonderful time on your birthday! And thank you for sharing photos of your booth! I love to look at all those goodies and do wish we lived closer so that I could shop!! Please keep us posted on that surgery so that we can pray for a successful surgery and quick healing! Love and hugs to you sweet friend!!

  12. AnnMarie, it sounds like a wonderful celebration with friends, family and fabulous food. LOVE your junkin' shirt and your booth looks great! Hugs, Cecilia

  13. Hi AnnMarie, Looks like your birthday was special and the pics with you and family are beautiful. You sure look young for 60!! The food and the treats you've made look so good. I will be thinking of your when you have surgery for Carpal Tunnel. I understand this too well and have it too along with Radial Tunnel Syndrome which is between my wrist and elbow. I tell you I know it's painful.
    Your booth looks gorgeous and congrats on the dresser sale. Wish I could shop with you there.
    Happy Valentine's Day. Blessings xo

  14. Happy Birthday, AnnMarie!! I am glad your party was a success!! It's also great to hear that you are having fun with your new room at the shop. I love your party dress and your tights! Fabulous!

  15. Happy Belated Birthday! It looks like you had a really nice time. Your booths look really nice and congratulations on the sale of the dresser. Good luck with your surgery!

  16. Happy Birthday, AnnMarie! You look so cute in your photos. And your booth is filling up ... where are you getting all of the energy? :) Thanks so much for linking up with Let's Talk Vintage! Best to you as you go through surgery on your hand. May your recovery time be very short!

  17. Happy belated birthday sweet lady. WOW...looks like you had a wonderful time for your special day. Girl, you simply rock that cute haircut. Love it! Been meaning to tell you that and I kept forgetting. Hope you have a great rest of the week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  18. Happy belated special 60th Birthday
    Your ring is beautiful
    also looks like you had a very special party
    Nice to see pictures of your daughters and cute granddaughters

  19. Oh, AnnMarie - you are the youngest-looking 60 year old I've ever seen! So glad that you had all your beautiful loved ones to help you celebrate. Happy belated Birthday! Your ring is beautiful :) You have certainly been a busy gal - running your business, baking, and all the business of life besides. Your booth looks wonderful and your baking looks so yummy. I will be sending prayers and positive thoughts for your upcoming surgery. Hugs xo Karen

  20. Happy birthday to the woman on the go. Love the Junkin shirt. Looks like a fun celebration. Your booth resembles a clean, neat version of mine! I am now searching for a dessert around here.

  21. Happy Birthday AnnMarie--what a lovely celebration. Glad things are going well for you at your booth :)

  22. Happy Birthday AnnMarie.. lovely celebration...

    Please visit:

  23. Happy Birthday AnnMarie, it looks like it was an ABFAB celebration! Your booth at Rustiques is lookin' dreamy. Prayers for your upcoming carpel tunnel surgery and speedy recovery. Happy Junkin!

  24. Ann Marie, I hope you had a wonderful birthday! It looks like your friends and family showered you with love and fun. How special. :)

    You are a doll!

  25. Well you certainly have been busy! All of the food looks delicious and your booth looks fabulous! Getting it stocked certainly was a job! Good luck with the surgery. I had carpel tunnel on both hands years ago. Are you able to have it done with a laser? Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  26. I forgot to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday! :) :)

  27. Happy Belated Birthday! What a special occasion you had, with the food, the besties, and the gifts! The carrot cake looked soo good! Your new little booth is amazing, lots of great treasures to be found! I'm not surprised the little dresser sold so quickly, it was darling! Hugs to you today :)

  28. It looks like you had a great birthday celebration! I also love your pretty necklaces you made! I love the black one you made. I will have to make something like that too. Thanks for sharing your birthday and the necklaces.
    Hope you have a nice weekend.
    Julie xo

  29. No wonder you haven't blogged of late, you have been so terribly busy! Although rather late....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Looks as if your party was fun. Gorgeous people, delicious looking food. The shirt is most definitely you!! Loving all your vintage pretties in your booth. Wish oh wish I lived near you, so many of your pretties would definitely have a new home.

  30. Happy Birthday AnnMarie. You have beenvery busy and that looks like such a fun celebration. Your booth is also full of treasures which must be tended to. Good luck on your surgery and rest up.

  31. Happy Birthday, AnnMarie! Looks like you had a fabulous birthday celebration! I've been blogging somewhat sporadically, too, lately - don't know where the time is going, but I always seem to have some else that's pressing. Wishing you lots of good luck with your booth, and mostly, hoping your surgery goes well! Sending positive thoughts your way!
    Thanks for sharing your post at Best of the Weekend!

  32. Looks like you have some great treasures hidden here! And your b-day celebration looked like a fun time, too!

  33. Happy blated bday! Mine is 2/14. Love carrot cake....and homemade is the best. Great booth also. I love to Goodwill and thrift and I usually repurpose my finds into a craft project.


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