Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Energy Bites

This is one of those recipes that I made years ago and then promptly forgot about it....until I was at my daughter's house babysitting and my grandchildren were finishing off the bowl of them she had just made.

They are a small bite of sweet and crunchy and they are good for you.

Once you buy the ingredients for them, you can make several batches, and you will want to!

It is a very easy chopping or mincing....just measuring and putting it all in a bowl.

There is the little detail of rolling the "dough" into little balls (it makes about 60 depending on the size) and then you're done.

This little bite is full of protein, grains, seeds and sweetness.


Energy Bites

1 cup oatmeal
2/3 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup flaxseed
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
1/3 cup honey
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix all and refrigerate for a half hour. Roll into balls about 1" in diameter.
Store in the refrigerator.

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking with these fun blog parties:

Full Plate Thursday
Best of the Weekend
Happiness is Homemade
Cooking & Crafting with J & J


  1. Ooh, I like little snacks like this. Pinning this. Thanks so much! My grands might like this too. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Yum! Healthy and easy, two of my favorite combinations! This will be a perfect snack for my two grandsons when they get a little older - thanks for sharing the recipe! Wishing you a good week. xx Karen

  3. OOO, I must make these soon....

  4. These are absolutely delicious!! My sister gave me a similar recipe over the holidays. I could have eaten the entire batch...LOL Thanks for sharing another great recipe...healthy and delicious!! Love and hugs!

  5. Very similar to something I make only I leave out the chocolate chips. I love these simple things that taste good and are pretty healthy. xo Diana

  6. I have every one of these ingredients in the house. Do you use the flax seeds, or flax meal? Definitely going to try these soon!

  7. Ebert recipe of yours I've tried I have not been disappointed. I have been searching for snacks that are good for you, so I will certainly give this a try.
    Thank you for sharing your goodness with us.

    Have a terrific day!

  8. I have all these ingredients except the chia seeds. These sound like they would be very satisfying AnnMarie, and healthy too!

  9. Looks like I will have to go to the store to get some ingredients!

  10. Good things in this recipe. I'm pinning for later. Thanks, AnnMarie. xo

  11. Oh my...they sound great. Will have to give those a try. Thanks for sharing and thanks for coming to my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

  12. Sounds simple and tasty, I think I'll try them too.


  13. These energy bites look delicious, AnnMarie!

  14. They look and sound scrumptious, AnnMarie! I need to start snacking on healthier food, so thanks for these!

    Have a lovely weekend,

  15. These sound so good! I'm not a big peanut butter fan but with the other flavors, I think I would like them. I'm going to make some. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. Nom, nom, nom! Gotta make some!

  17. These look and sound so good to snack on AnneMarie. Thanks for sharing the recipe to make them. I will give them a try since they seem to be very healthy!
    Hope you have a nice week!
    Julie xo

  18. Mmmmm... I love energy bites! Thanks for sharing your recipe! I start mine by scooping up with a melon baller to give me a head start on the somewhat time consuming task of rolling them all into balls.

  19. I could really use one of your energy bites right now, these look fantastic! Hope you are having a great day and thanks so much for sharing you awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  20. They sound yummy Ann Marie! I have everything but the chia seeds. Can't wait to make them! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  21. They sound awesome AnnMarie! I've saved to my recipe board on Pinterest so I can try them later.

  22. Love the ingredients! Just know this would be a big hit here too!

  23. I just love the ingredients for this recipe and MUST try it soon.

    Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. Enjoy your week!

    Hugs and joy to you!

  24. Hi AnnMarie, these look so good. If it's got peanut butter as an ingredient, I'm in!! Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend. xo

  25. Love this idea. Pinning and sharing!

  26. I'm thinking I need to make these for my son. He always has me buy these ridiculously expensive protein bars. Maybe these would work. Thanks for the recipe. :)

  27. These sound wonderful, going to give them a try. I'm feeling energized already :-)

  28. What an amazing recipe ! I will soon be making it and it sounds yummy too. I love energizing food. Thank you for been so sweet to share it with us.


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