Sunday, April 2, 2017

Playing with My New Camera

I have not been happy with the photo quality my cheapy little point and shoot camera has been delivering lately.

Could it be because it has fallen a gazillion times and now there are dark shadows all along the top of every picture?

There is a beautiful blog called French Country Style from the Foot of The Rockies that I visit occasionally that always has such gorgeous, clear pictures. Recently Pat posted 10 tips for great picture taking and showed the point and shoot camera that she uses.

I just happen to be in the market for one! It's a Canon Powershot Elph.

That's all the incentive I needed. I ordered it online from Walmart and picked it up at the store the same day. I got the Elph 180.

I have been playing with it, taking pictures of things I recently posted to see if they look better, and of some other things around my house and yard.

Here's a sample....

My old camera....

this is after I edited the shadows out!

New camera.....

Here's another one...

To me it is a huge difference, and with practice, my pictures may be somewhat decent soon!

One of my favorite features so far is the rechargeable battery. No more buying expensive lithium batteries!

Some other pictures I took with the new camera....

It is actually sunny and 57 degrees outside today, so I went out to take a few pictures of things that popped up out of the ground. Pat suggested to take outdoor pictures on an overcast day, but I had to get out in the sunshine and just shoot!

It's always fun to get something new and play with it, but this new toy will come in handy for my item pictures for my Etsy shop as well as my blog.

Sometimes you just have to upgrade to something better.

Check out Pat's post for those 10 tips for great pictures!

What have you been shooting lately?

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:
Share Your Cup
No Rules Weekend Blog Party
Best of the Weekend
Sweet Inspiration Link Party


  1. Looks great Ann Marie! It's always fun to play with a new toy :)


  2. Congrats on your new camera. Looks like you are off to a great start. The photos look amazing. Have fun and a great new week. xo

  3. New cameras are always fun to play with! Enjoy it!! :)

  4. I can definitely tell a difference! The photos are brighter and more clear. It's fun to get a new toy to play with...:) I still need to learn to use my camera correctly. Someday! Have a great week!

  5. Hi Ann Marie, I wanted to stop by to tell you how much I appreciate your prayers for my surgery last Monday. Diana posted a prayer request on her blog and I am full of gratitude! I am slowly recovering but wanted you to know how very much I appreciate you thinking of me. :-) Your pictures are just lovely, enjoy your new camera! I am looking forward to following your blog and getting to know you better. Have a great week!


  6. How wonderful, you really see a huge difference in quality of the photos. The new ones are much brighter and the colors are beautiful. Enjoy your new friend :) The bag with flowers you show here is so gorgeous. And isn't just making you happy to see signs of new life everywhere? I'm constantly oohing and aahing in the garden with every new leaf or flower, haha!

  7. I so need a point and shoot that is good! It would make life so much easier when we are at ballgames for the grands or simply on an outing that I'd really like to capture some good pics. Thanks for sharing about the site too for tips. I always appreciate tips of any kind. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  8. Pat does take beautiful photos and I enjoyed her post as well. I can see a huge difference in your phtotos! I'm thinking I may need an upgrade as well. :)

  9. Hi AnnMarie,

    Your new camera seems like a winner; you've snapped some bright and lovely shots!

    I have been using my 18 year old Sony Cybershot, which is a point and shoot, but it has been acting up lately - no surprise. I cannot afford to upgrade to those expensive DSLRs which most bloggers use, and so I have been using my Samsung phone; I kid you not. It has forced me to get really creative, which is always a good thing, right?

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  10. That looks like a nice camera. Thanks for the tips. I've been taking photos with my Samsung phone. I feel I should buy a camera. I will look into this one.

  11. Hi AnnMarie - I can totally see the difference! I have an older model - an ELPH 300 HS and I love it! It takes great 'low-light' photos without a flash and also takes great shots when driving :) As long as you shoot things out in front of you or at a distance. I know I shouldn't be taking photos while driving, but hey, I am usually the only one on these country back roads! Love the tapestry purse and your vintage photo wall! So nice to see that you have flowers coming up, too. Have fun with your new toy! Hugs xo Karen

  12. I love Canon products. My DSLR is a Canon and it takes great photos. I use a point and shoot for the's a Samsung Galaxy. I love it too. A good camera makes all the difference in the world. Love the new shots! Hope your hand is doing better! Love and hugs!!

  13. Ann Marie, what an amazing difference in the quality. Wishing you a beautiful day and get outside and enjoy your new camera!

  14. Enjoy your new camera, AnnMarie! Nice to see spring flowers blooming. I'm shooting everything in sight, these days!

  15. Hi AnnMarie, I love your nice new camera and I too can see the difference with the quality of those photos you took with it. Enjoy the camera and the weekend.

  16. How lovely to have you drop in at LAWN TEA! I've just been looking my eyes full of your beautiful blog---that windowful of crochet is worth a King's Ransom in my heart, for it represents long and careful hours and days of talented hands' work.

    And you're about the fifth one this year to have such a charming tray display---I just love the old tin stands, and they seem to hold their own, from rustic to a lacy dining room to hopping right up onto an immense granite counter with equal aplomb.

    Thank you for loving my sweet pink kitchens---both of them.


  17. Ann Marie I have the same exact camera. No fancy DLSR for me. It is easy to use and takes great pictures for the price you are paying. Enjoy your camera, the photos look great!

  18. How exciting for you a new camera Ann Marie ! I know this feeling three years ago, and what a difference in quality of the photos I can see it.
    Have fun and enjoy your great new toy.

  19. Wow, such a big difference in the photo quality Ann Marie. I've been thinking about getting a little point and click to use for the blog and based on what you've posted here, the Canon seems like a really good buy. Have fun with your new toy.

  20. How awesome! Love the lighting your new camera is able to produce, makes a HUGE difference! Love that gorgeous purse. So pretty! Have fun with the new camera!

  21. Oh la la, your new camera is amazing, my friend! I am sure you are having a lot of fun with it :)

    Have a blessed Easter. Hugs to you!

  22. Exciting times! It is such a nice feeling to know that you're working with a good camera. And the photos are looking good!

  23. Looks like you got a good camera, AnnMarie. I have my late husband's Olympia that looks very much like your Canon. I need to find the cord to recharge the battery, but now seeing your photos I think I need to get on that! I badly need a better camera. Thanks for sharing. xo

  24. AnnMarie, Wow--I really enjoyed seeing the difference your new camera makes! I think clear quality images can be a challenge for most bloggers at times. Thanks for sharing!

  25. wow ! a new camera really makes a difference. I use my phone and my photos are just so so .. maybe I'll look into this camera. Thanks for sharing


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