Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Spring Musings....

There's not much Spring going on outside my windows so I have forced myself to try and bring some inside. I actually just took the winter décor off of my front porch. The calendar says Spring but I can't say that "Spring is in the air" yet.

We are living in a sea of brown, bare and dirty.  Whatever is green has been all winter. No new green anywhere yet. The beginning of Spring is not so pretty in Upstate NY.

My new black patent rain boots are waiting patiently by the side porch door, ready to get dirty in the garden.

I should have had them on when I went scouting for thistles to fill a basket. I got the thistles on the side of the road, along with a few thorns in my fingers and one foot ankle deep in the swampy brush.

My Spring/Easter decorating includes vintage, of course, and lots of bunnies that hibernate all winter in the many cupboards around my home. When they come out to play, they hang out mostly in the parlor (the cranberry/pink room) and my dining room.

I am always delighted when I coax them out of their deep sleep to rediscover what I have. Some just cannot wake up!

This White Rabbit is reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland, a story that I have always loved. My husband bought him for me years ago and Mr. Rabbit was just recently found hiding in the dining room closet.

I changed my mantel for Spring, moving all but one of the pictures of my family to another cupboard top and added some vintage books and architectural pieces, including the paned window I found at a yard sale last summer for $5. The crown candleholder is from Antique Farmhouse.

Of course the mantel had to include a pink mercury glass bunny, a thrift store find.

My bunny banner is from an Etsy seller a few years ago.

The bunnies are hand cut out of thin wood and arrive separate from the string. You string them yourself and hang them however you want to.

This pretty Granny Square lap throw is a recent thrift store find. The colors just say Spring. It is available here.

The first picture is of my dining room centerpiece. It is hand made out of a crystal pedestal and a square metal pan. I filled it with a nest from my yard, eggs I painted aqua, my small lantern and more bunnies including a vintage flocked bunny and a metal chocolate mold. This is a closer look.

and the back.....

The sun is out today and our temps are supposed to rise to around 50 by the end of the week and weekend.

Yup, we are still wearing winter coats and scarves and warm boots.

I have Spring in my heart though!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:

Best of the Weekend


  1. Not very warm here, either. Lots of rain, but that's better than snow! Love your bunny collection. That pink mercury bunny was quite a find. I've never seen one like it. Your home looks very springey, my friend. Enjoy! Hugs.

  2. You are celebrating in great style, it was fun to visit all your collectibles today.

  3. Ann Marie, You have some very unusual bunnies at your house. I love the one your hubby bought you. The pick mercury glass must be rare. I am wishing you some spring growth in your yard. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. Love seeing all your sweet Easter Bunnies, AnnMarie! Love your mantel and those rain boots are something I could use right now. We are setting records for rain here in WA state. The little doll bunny is adorable. Hope your warmer weather sticks around and you get to go out and play in the dirt soon. Sending hugs xo Karen

  5. I love bunnies I have collected them since I was a little girl.We finally got rain last night 3 inches. I couldn't believe it. I'm trying to get all of our crops started.

  6. Oh! I see so many pretty things...the bunny banner, the mercury glass bunny and that gorgeous lap throw are my favorites. It sure looks like spring inside. I say stay there for a little while longer! ;)

  7. Oh my, I am so sorry to hear about the boot-wearing weather you are still having. Our snow has just about melted, and I have tulips popping up in my garden. I know what you mean about the early spring weather, it is just awful, isn't it. But when late spring finally gets here, it is truly gorgeous! So, we patiently wait! Loved all your sweet touches of spring inside, and soon enough those boots will have dirt on them :)

  8. Oh I love your spring Easter . I'm biting st the bits to plant but as far as garden veggies go we usually wait til Easter as in Florida you never know when that last bite of frost will come upon you . I'm wanting to plant some flowers too but trying to get over a bout of peumonia. Grr ... well at least you have your boots ready when the weather decides to work with you . Happy day friend . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  9. Those boots look ever so shiny... they need a bit of dirt, Fingers crossed for a warm Spring

  10. I'm sorry that Spring hasn't sprung in upstate NY yet, but you've certainly added such pretty indoor vintage Spring decor. I was just outside doing some planting, but I'm in Texas. Before long we won't be able to enjoy the outdoors because of the heat. I hope you get to use those boots and do some planting yourself.

  11. Hi AnnMarie, the bunny banner, my favourite, is simple and sweet. Despite the cold temps, muddy landscape and winter garb, spring has lovingly sprung in your heart and in your home.

    Happy weekend,

  12. Very cute spring decor. All those bunnies are so fun.

  13. I love that pretty! The pink mercury glass bunny was a sweet find. It may not feel like spring for you but your home radiates it. Everything looks great! Have a lovely Friday.

    Hugs, Vicky

  14. I see you're a fellow bunny lover :). I saw the sweetest one today. I'm sure if you were with me you would have gobbled it up.

    I just heard that the northeast will be getting some bad weather tonight and tomorrow. Doesn't mother nature know it's Spring?!


  15. I love your bunny collection, even though you are t experiencing spring outdoors, indoors you have beautiful spring vignettes! Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. We had beautiful spring weather. Then rain and cold; and now back to spring. Can't wait to get back out into the garden! Hope you get to put those boots on soon. :) You have some sweet bunnies. Love that sleeping one and the pink mercury glass. What a fab thrift find! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  17. Hi AnnMarie, Well it might not be spring outside in your neck of the woods but you sure brought it beautifully inside. Love your pretty items that just speak springtime and so inspiring. Love your table vignette and your mantel is beautiful. Your pink mercury glass bunny is so pretty.
    Your rain boots are wonderful. I sure need to get a pair. We are into the storm season here now and they would be great for gardening.
    Love the sweet bunny banner and your clock collection is incredible. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Blessings xo

  18. We have the same not-so-pretty spring here in NJ. In fact, it's been freezing and raining here the last couple of days. Looks like you were successful in bringing a lot of spring sunshine into your house!

  19. Love the decorations, AnnMarie. I also love the black boots. You'll be the chicest gardener on the street.

  20. I love seeing your spring decor. Here in VA things are blooming and looking so pretty. Your area can't be too far behind!

  21. Love that granny square throw! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  22. Your spring decor looks perfect for Easter time. So fun! I love granny squares, and that pink bunny doll is so sweet. Not much spring here either yet, but hopefully soon for both of us. :)

  23. AnnMarie, spring has certainly arrived in your home...even if the weather isn't cooperating! Your fancy White Rabbit is my favorite. Thank you for sharing @Vintage Charm!

  24. That soft pink rabbit with the rubber face is so adorable. I remember something like it when I was a little girl. We use to put our pyjamas in them and keep it on my bed. What a pretty vintage piece. Made me happy remembering them. Thanks for sharing it.

  25. Happy Pink Saturday, AnnMarie. Thank you for joining us and for making Pink Saturday special.♥

    I would love to come visit and see all the wonderful things you have. They are so interesting, and I love things with a story.

    This post is being featured on my Pink Saturday post this week as "the one that caught my eye". I love your little pink snuggly bunny.


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