Monday, August 21, 2017

Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Got Zucchini??

In the Northeast growing season now is the time to harvest the abundance of Zucchini in our gardens.

Here in Upstate New York we are always looking for new recipes to use this versatile squash.

I thought I had shared the recipe for this light and airy summer chocolate cake, but when I searched my blog, I guess I didn't. I did share a recipe for Zucchini Bread, which is equally delicious.

I found this recipe in my all time favorite recipe book Applehood and Motherpie. It was published in the 1980's by The Junior League of Rochester, New York.

I have not made one bad recipe out of it yet. As a matter of fact, all of the recipes I've made are phenomenal.


I actually have a copy of it and it's companion For Goodness Taste available to purchase in my Etsy shop here.

Edit 8/22 - These are sold! A sweet blogger friend couldn't resist and bought them!

You can see how airy and moist this cake is....

 and the cinnamon is an unexpected delicious addition....

Add some chocolate glaze or frosting and it is a great summer dessert. Hey, chocolate is a great dessert any time but this feels summery because of the zucchini :-)

So on to the recipe, which is pretty easy too....

Chocolate Zucchini Cake
2 cups sugar
¾ cup oil
3 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups coarsely shredded zucchini
2 ½ cups flour
½ cup cocoa
2 ½ tsp baking powder
1 ½ tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
½ cup milk

In large bowl beat sugar, oil, and eggs. Add vanilla and zucchini.
Mix dry ingredients together. Add alternately with milk to zucchini mixture. Blend well.
Pour into a 10 inch tube or Bundt pan. Bake. Allow to stand 10 minutes, then remove from pan.

Temp: 350
Time: 50 to 60 minutes

For the chocolate glaze I used my favorite go-to recipe. 
It makes a lot so I halved it. For chocolate frosting
you have to play around a little, substituting 
cocoa powder for some of the confectioner's sugar.

All Purpose Frosting/Glaze

2 2/3 cup confectioners sugar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon flavoring (almond, lemon, vanilla) OPTIONAL
Hot water

Combine all ingredients except water. Slowly add a little hot water 
till frosting is smooth. 

If you find yourself with an abundance of Zucchini at the end of the summer, I hope you try this chocolate cake. 


  1. Yum! This looks delicious! Pinning--thanks for sharing!

  2. This looks yummy! I'm adding it to my recipes to try.

  3. This sounds delicious, AnnMarie. I'd love to try it!

  4. In looking at the ingredients I realize I have them all except the zucchini, but living in the northeast that won't be hard to find.

    I have always found the junior league cookbooks to be fabulous so I'm not at all surprised you enjoy them as well.

    I doubt I'll be doing much baking in the coming months but now I know where to go when I do!


  5. Are you kidding me with this??? Oh my gosh AnnMarie I am so excited to try this! I've been making things all weekend with zucchini (soups and pasta sauces for the freezer) and I've been searching for recipes online! We're giving tons away but it's still coming in faster than I can process it!

  6. Enjoy your cake, AnnMarie! I will definitely try this recipe! Who can resist? Have a great week, my friend.

  7. Thanks for sharing this - I was just given 4 huge zucchini's so guess what I'll be making?

  8. I have never been disappointed with your recipes so I must give this a try when our squash overwhelms us, which is coming soon. I love the squash plants in the garden, but not real favorable towards the actual vegetable. Ha!
    That cook book sounds like a winner.
    Thank you for sharing your goodness with us.

  9. Oh my goodness AnnMarie, I HAVE to try this one! I mean, I'm a zucchini bread junkie, but zucchini bread with chocolate and cinnamon??? Goodness me, heaven! xx

  10. I would never have thought of adding zucchinis into a chocolate cake. It looks delicious. I rather like chocolate beetroot brownies. Have you heard of chocolate and beetroot together? The humble zucchini always seems to multiply in a Summer garden, doesn't it.

  11. Thanks for the recipe. Dang, I've never heard of such. Putting zucchini in cake. WOW! Old dogs can learn new tricks. LOL! Happy day to you dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Hi AnnMarie, Just wanted you to know I linked back to this recipe on the post I just put up!! Can't wait to try it, I printed the recipe and it's on my fridge for the weekend!

    1. Thanks for linking her recipe and leading me here. I want to make this!

    2. I made this cake this past weekend with my daughter and we are absolutely in LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing way to sneak in some more veggies....I used whole wheat pastry flour to make it even healthier, and it's still absolutely one of the most delicious cakes I've ever tried! A keeper for sure, thanks AnnMarie!

  13. Hi AnnMarie, WOW what a great recipe. This looks so delicious. I love baking with zucchini and I'd love to try this one. Adding the chocolate, wow makes it perfect!! Thanks for sharing my friend. xo

  14. Pinned! I bet this is tasty! :)

    I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/PLUCKYRECIPESCRAFTSTIPS/

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  15. AnnMarie, what a yummy looking and sounding cake. We don't grow zuchini, but always have some from neighbors. They always let them get too big for my taste but for this cake that would be great. Printing out the recipe right now..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  16. This zucchini cake looks and sounds scrumptious, AnnMarie! Those cookbooks also sound amazing. Glad you sold them, but will you miss them?

    Have a lovely Thursday,


  17. oh my goodness! I will be saving this recipe for later.

  18. That looks delicious with or without the glaze.

  19. Hello AnnMarie,
    Wow this cake looks so good and I bet it tastes delicious. I love zucchini bread so I know I would love this. Thanks for sharing the recipe at C&C with J&J.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  20. I love Zucchini Cake! Thanks for sharing this recipe. And thank you for visiting my blog and sharing your experience. I am a new follower.

  21. Looks pretty yummy! Love your runner and the centerpiece. Super cute!

  22. Junior League cookbooks are always terrific. That one looks delish and I do have some zucchini!

  23. Oh how I want to piece with a cuppa of coffee right now.
    Thanks for sharing. I like moist cakes and even without the glaze. I will pin it.
    Funny, I just made Zucchini parmegiana for a Sunday lunch.

  24. This cake looks delicious and the further I scroll down and see the recipe I know it must be! I am your latest follower. Have a great week

  25. Junior League cookbooks are the best! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home.

  26. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful post with us at Full Plate Thursday this week. Please keep our great state of Texas in your thoughts and prayers as we are struggling with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Hope you have a good week.
    Miz Helen

  27. Oooooh, can I come over for a slice? :) Your cake has my mouth watering, my friend! I must say that you always share the loveliest recipes.

    Happy hugs to you!

    P.S. -I think I know who bought the cookbooks {{smiles}} She was quite thrilled!

  28. Healthy and not fattening, right, because it is, after all a "vegetable" cake! Oh, I wish, but I'll pin it anyway because it sounds delicious!

  29. Anything with zucchini in it has to be non fattening so I am going to try this and add double the frosting. lol It looks so good!


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