Thursday, December 21, 2017

Abundant Blessings

To all who have visited me and 
left lovely comments
throughout the year....

I have been blessed to 
to call you friend
and I wish for
you abundant
blessings for the
New Year

AnnMarie xoxo


  1. Beautiful, AnnMarie. I am sending those same sentiments back to you..Merry Christmas..Judy

  2. Thank-you, AnnMarie! Wishing you and your family a lovely and blessed Merry Christmas, too! xoxo Karen

  3. And the very same to you, sweet friend! I hope you have a blessed holiday and enjoy your time with family!

  4. Right back at you, AnnMarie! xoxo

  5. Wishing you and yours a very merry and blessed Christmas.


  6. What a beautiful picture! I wish you a very Merry and blessed Christmas, too, AnnMarie! So nice to have "met" you this year and to walk this blogging journey with you! God bless you in the new year, too!! :)

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

  8. Oh, how lovely. May you and your loved ones have the most wonderful and blessed Christmas, lovely AnnMarie. I look forward with delight in visiting you next year; so, so happy to have found you and your beautiful blog. Xx

  9. Wishing you a beautiful season and a very Merry Christmas. I'm so glad to have discovered you this year.

  10. It's been a joy to get to know you Ann Marie, and I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday and healthy, happy New Year! ❤️


  11. Lovely rendering of the Magi. Have a very happy Christmas!

  12. A lovely Christmas post. - Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.

  13. God bless you, AnnMarie. I am so glad we found each other here in blogland. You are such an encourager and good friend. Blessings and love to you- xo Diana

  14. Looking forward to visiting you in the new year, too, AnnMarie. Merry Christmas to you and yours and wishing you all the best in health and happiness for 2018!


  15. I'm a little late, but blessed to have actually met you in person!!! Blogland is a wonderful place, filled with amazing people. Happy New Year, my friend!


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