Thursday, December 14, 2017

Romantic Touches for Christmas

This is my second post on my holiday décor.  If you missed the first one,
which featured mostly rustic décor, you can see it here.

I have been waiting almost a month for an item I wanted to use this
year as part of my new décor.

It finally came in the mail.

I think it will fit in perfectly with the Creating Christmas Link Party going on
at Jann's Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson.
I am linking up at My Thrift Store Addiction
  where the theme is A Rustic and Romantic Christmas.

I am going with the romantic theme in this post, although I couldn't resist
putting a picture in of my vintage, retro tree. It
has a little bit of romance on it.

My house is a mix of rustic, romantic, retro and traditional décor.
What can I say?
I love all styles of décor with a huge emphasis on vintage :-)

This is the item I was waiting for.

My husband bought me the dress form so that I could play dress up
for the seasons. When I saw this dress,
I knew that is what I wanted to style for Christmas.

It is sage green with just enough red and green to make it Christmasy.
I added a simple red satin bow, a sparkly gold pick and some vintage pearls.


I have a collection of nativities and this is one of my favorites.
I bought it years ago on QVC. It was a limited quantity item and
I have never seen anything like it since.

Across the room is another small porcelain nativity I found
this year at a thrift store. It fits perfectly with my
mirror vignette and Gurley angels.

My mantel is dressed with Joy. The vintage picture hanging above it 
is of a sleigh driving through the countryside.
Such a romantic thought for Christmas time.

The sweet glass vase with the ornament on top was
found at a show this past September on a 90 degree day.
Still, I was thinking ahead for Christmas decorating.

My stackable poinsettia boxes were found a few years 
ago at half price after Christmas. I have
loved them ever since.

You saw the window seat in my first post.
I added the snowman pillow since then. The snowflakes in the 
windows with my fringed valances add a touch of romance 
to my parlor.


In the living room, the floor to ceiling window gets
dressed every year with a sparkly wreath and
gold ribbon.

The top of the armoire has a handmade (from Etsy) JOY banner
and flocked trees.

My snowman sits atop a chippy bench 
that is hiding the plug for the tree.

You can link up your Christmas home tours
at any one of the participating bloggers
until December 24th.

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up to these blog parties:


  1. AnnMarie, I love your decorations, I really like the old ones. That dress would have been fun to wear when I had a little waist line. LOL I do like it as part of your décor. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Everything in your home looks so festive! I adore your form and dress and it will certainly be fun to change it up for different holidays and seasons! How I would love a window seat with lots of pillows!! Lucky you! Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh I like all your decorations and especially the dress WOW that dress is fabulous from days gone by.
    What a find

  4. This is wonderful. I just LOVE the dress! And like you, I'm a little of everything -- rustic and not, cozy and more formal. All depends where you look. I like looking here1

  5. This is wonderful. I just LOVE the dress! And like you, I'm a little of everything -- rustic and not, cozy and more formal. All depends where you look. I like looking here1

  6. Oh, your home is just gorgeous! I LOVE the way you decorate, and the Christmas dress is just so pretty! It was such a joy to visit with you today. :) God bless you this Christmas season!

  7. AnnMarie, your dress form is wonderful and the holiday dress is perfect! Thank you for the shout out and for linking to A Rustic & Romantic Christmas! Hugs, Cecilia @ My Thrift Store Addiction

  8. Oh how I love the dress, it is absolutely charming and perfect. I was also admiring your cozy window seat! Everything looks so lovely.
    Merry Christmas!

  9. Christmas is looking beautiful at your home, AnnMarie. I think you do a great job of mixing all those different styles together. That dress form is fantastic and I LOVE that vintage dress. It sure makes you think of softer, simpler times, doesn't it? Sometimes I miss the joy there was in those simple days before internet, cable TV and microwaves. lol I DO LOVE all those things, too, but when I was talking to my grandgirl last night we were talking about what things were like BEFORE NOW! lol I loves sharing things with her an then she was back to her iPhone and texting a friend. Such is life.

    Have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

  10. I absolutely love that dress on the dress form, Ann Marie! I think you should actually wear it for Christmas, though!!

  11. Hi AnnMarie, Wow your home is amazing. I love all the special touches you've done to decorate. Love the vintage and those poinsettia boxes are special. Your tree is amazing and I love your joy mantel but that dress form is over the top gorgeous with that beautiful dress. I love it. I too have a dress form in each bedroom and change it out for the seasons. So much fun!! Your home is a beautiful mix of styles that all blends so well together. You just know how to do it and it shows. Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment on my once a month post. I so appreciate you taking the time. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. xo

  12. Love that dress form and the dress! Who needs a tree with a beauty like that? Actually I would love to wear that dress, so maybe I would need a tree. Great idea...Merry Christmas!!

  13. Your home looks just beautiful, AnnMarie! That vintage dress is a reall show-stopper, and what fun to have a dress form to display it on. I love all of your special touches--thanks for sharing them with us :) Merry Christmas!

  14. Oh AnnMarie, your home looks wonderful for the holidays! I took a peek at your first post, darling! I loved the suit cases you had stacked and decorated. Last year I was at this vintage thrift store at my mother's church (The proceedes go towards missions) and they had a set of vintage suit cases that were perfect for our master bedroom and I hummed and hawwed over buying them and DIDN'T! I regret it till this day.
    Any who...You have done a fabulous job creating a very festive home for the holidays.

    Merry Christmas!

  15. More glorious Christmas pretties to be seen here, AnnMarie. How beautiful your home shines. LOVE the Christmas dress; it is quite simply divine!

  16. Hello AnneMarie, oh you have decorated everything in your house so nice for Christmas. I really like your dress form and the dress! The mantel is pretty too. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

  17. I just love seeing inside your home, my friend. Everything is truly beautiful and oh-so-warm and inviting. LOVE the Christmas dress and what a fun idea to play "dress-up" during the different seasons :)

    Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas. Love and hugs!

  18. Ann Marie, I love it all and especially that vintage dress. WOW! I do hope dear lady that you have a very Merry Christmas. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. AnnMarie, that dress is simply stunning. What a great find and I love the print over the mantle, as well as that beautiful fireplace itself. Have a very Merry Christmas..xxoJudy

  20. Wow, that dress!!!! It's fabulous and I can visualize my mom wearing something like it years ago. The nativity you got on QVC is beautiful! Your home is chock full of romantic touches!

  21. The dress is fab, AnnMarie, as are all your decorations. Happy holidays to you and yours!

  22. Oh my Ann Marie, that green dress is to die for! So perfect on your new mannequin! So happy it came in time for Christmas. Love your beautiful Nativity and those Gurley angels. I have a set of three, but different than yours. Thanks so much for linking to Creating Christmas. Have a wonderful Christmas dear friend!

  23. AnnMarie, what a perfectly gorgeous Christmas dress you've found! Oh, wow, it is just fabulous! Love your window seat and old-fashioned, romantic Christmas tree too. Merry Christmas to you and your family! It's always so much fun sharing the vintage love with like minds, and I appreciated your friendship that blogging has allowed us to share.

  24. Your home looks so lovely AnnMarie, and that dress is a show stopper. Absolutely love it, and you styled it beautifully. How wonderful to have a dress form to play with. Merry Christmas!

  25. Love it pretty and festive.

  26. What a beautiful dress! It deserves a special place as the one you gave it. Your home is beautiful, AnnMarie. Hugs.

  27. Love love love how you have your dress form styled. So festive!

  28. That dress totally ROCKS! Would have loved to be able to wear something like that now,I'm too wide for sure, though, at one time, I could have carried it off. Really fun touch, thanks


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