Thursday, March 22, 2018

Tri-Color Italian Pasta Salad

Even though this is the view out my windows....

...and Spring is no where in sight on this 33 degree day, I have been craving summer foods. I made potato salad and grilled (in the broiler!) sausage this week and tonight my guys are having Philly cheesesteak sandwiches with tri-color pasta salad, by request of my son.

What am I eating? Why, stir fry veggies of course, with a side of pasta salad!

This stuff is the best and my go-to salad all summer. I have been making it for years and years and years and it is great every time. It has a little bit of each food group, so you really could eat it as a meal (wink, wink).

Believe me, you will want a huge portion, or just have 6-8 small helpings. No calories after the first two.

Anyways, my son is funny because every time I am going to make this he comments on how bad the tri-color pasta salad is in the deli where he works. It has pieces of nasty ham in it and no taste. He is right, I tried it! He prefers mine over that 100%.

I promise there are no nasty pieces of ham in this recipe. Just pasta, broccoli, black olives, pepperoni, chunks of mozzarella, and grape tomatoes. I do not know where I got this recipe, nor do I measure the amounts too much. This is about what I used today. The cheese and dressing stays the same every time.

Tri-Color Italian Pasta Salad

1 pound box of tri-color pasta
4 oz. mozzarella cut in chunks (half a bar)
one small head of broccoli chopped
1/2 can black olives chopped in half
1/2 container grape tomatoes chopped in half
a handful of pepperoni slices cut in half
1/2 cup grated romano or parmesan
1/2 cup canola oil and 1/2 cup white vinegar mixed together

Cook the pasta till tender but not mushy. 
Drain and add in the rest of the ingredients.

**Please try not to cheat and use bottled Italian dressing...blech!
The combination of the grated cheese, parsley and the oil and
vinegar is really, really good**

This is the kind of recipe that tastes best if you make it in the morning for that evening's dinner.

It is even better the next day.



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  1. One of my favorites. too, endless possibilities of what can go into this (mine always has red onion!)

  2. Hi AnnMarie, oh I have the same view of the snow as you! I did shoveling twice yesterday and once today! I had my workout for two days! LOL. When is spring weather coming? Oh how I can't wait. I love pasta salad and yours looks and sounds so good.
    Be well and stay warm.
    Julie xo

  3. Hi AnnMarie, oh I have the same view as you with the snow. I can't wait for spring like weather to arrive. I love pasta salad and yours looks and sounds so good.
    Take care and stay warm.

  4. I have no doubt your son loves your Tri-Colour Pasta Salad over the deli's one; it looks delicious! Thank you for the recipe, I think I will most definitely have to whip up this delicious salad. I too, enjoyed stir fry last stir fry! My gosh, it's hard to believe that it is still snowing at your place. I imagine it is a wee bit chilly there still, but oh how beautiful it looks. Surely Spring has to make an appearance soon.

  5. I'm so sorry about your view of snow from your window, AnnMarie, but your pasta salad looks like Springtime! I'd love a big serving and would love to try your recipe. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Yours is somewhat similar to my favorite pasta salad. I think the best salads are sort of a trashcan punch kind of thing -- if you have something that would be good, throw it in or if you're out of an ingredient, no harm, no foul. I always appreciate salads with a vinaigrette vs. mayo-mix dressing just because they are so good for summer potlucks where they might be sitting out a tad long. This looks delish. I'm going to have to try adding the pepperoni. Love that!

  7. I make one similar to this but I probably do cheat. I'll try harder. :) This is like summer in a bowl! Without the pepperoni my husband doesn't like it. It really adds to the flavor.

    Happy weekend, AnnMarie. :)

  8. Nothing better than having a nice pasta on a hot Texas summer day.
    For Me; to save time I will use the mini pepperoni; no cutting involved. :} Maybe also may add some peeled, seeded , diced cucumber to the mix.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    No snow here in Texas. In fact; will be planting my hot pepper and tomato plants this weekend and of course the yard needs mowing.....Again.

  9. Yum yum yum! I love pasta salad! The snow however is a different story - I do NOT love it. We are expecting 1-2" tonight which compared to other places is not much but sad just the same. I feel like running around telling the Robins to run for their lives . . . it's not safe to be back yet!!

  10. This looks and sounds amazing, AnnMarie - I printed it to try this summer....or spring....if we ever get there!!

  11. My mouth is watering. This sounds so good!

  12. That looks so good!! The pasta...not the snow! I have the snow and I am also craving the pasta and summertime food. It looks delicious!! Stay warm and fingers crossed for rising temps and tulips!!

  13. We will love your Pasta Salad, it looks delicious! Hope you are having a great weekend and thanks so much for sharing your great post with us at Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen

  14. Mmmmm... I love this kind of pasta salad! I have never tried it with just oil and vinegar since I always use Italian dressing, but I will have to next time I make it.

    Hugs to you!

  15. Thanks AnnMarie for sharing this nice pasta salad at our Cooking and Crafting with J & J. Hope you have a nice week and a Happy Easter.

  16. I am making this same salad for Easter dinner with a huge baked ham plus more goodies

  17. I love Pasta of any kind and often make use the tri color pasta. My youngest daughter loves to make that pasta but she likes to put pepperoni in it. Love this stuff. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  18. My Hubby loves pasta and this would be something new for him... I do love trying new dishes... this would look great on the luncheon table for Easter... Thanks for sharing...HAPPY EASTER

  19. AnnMarie, your snow is still pretty and pasta salad is always good no matter when..Happy Thursday..Judy

  20. I love pasta salad and have not made one in a long time. I make a similar one, but can't wait to try your recipe!! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  21. This looks delicious, AnnMarie. It makes me think of picnics and barbecues and wonderful summer things.

  22. That looks so good. I love pasta all year long. Most of my friends only seem to serve it at their parties in the summer but I love it all the time. Even hot. Yours is making me want some for breakfast! :-)

  23. Ooooh, this is right up my alley! I'll have one huge portion, please! (Belated) thanks for sharing at Best of the Weekend - This is pinned, and I can't wait to try it!

  24. I love a good pasta salad and there are so many different ways of fixing it. I use green peas and color in mine. Darn, now I am hungry for pasta salad.


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