Thursday, March 29, 2018

Parlor Reveal - Mini Makeover

Have you ever loved something, like a color,
and then suddenly you can't change it fast enough?

For me it was my parlor walls,
painted 21 years ago to cover up the ugly cherry paneling.

I am anxiously waiting for our bathroom remodel to begin but
I thought I would throw in a parlor redo in the meantime. 

Only the walls were going to be painted.
The Ballerina Pink ceiling would stay and the white trim would stay.

This wasn't going to be a total makeover. I just wanted a more
neutral color for the walls to blend everything together.
I still like my window treatments, fairly new rug, chairs and decorative items.
I was just so tired of the Cranberry Cocktail walls!

These paint chips had been hanging on my wall for months.
I knew I wanted Sherwin William's Portobello but at the last minute I chose a darker color,
just to be sure I didn't want a darker color.

Luckily I got a sample.

When it dried on the wall it literally looked like baby poop....a really bad poopy diaper!
Sorry if that is too graphic, but several others used the same phrase when they saw it!

Back to Portobello it was and I love it!

I had great pictures on my phone of all four walls of the parlor in the original color.
Could I get them to download onto my computer? No.

So here are a few Before's just before the painter arrived.

And here are the After's.....

The color looks different on every wall, depending on how the light plays off of it.
The first few days after it was painted it was very sunny 
out and it looked so good. Of course when it is 
that sunny in the room, I wouldn't
be able to get good pictures!

I thought the pink ceiling would be pretty with the Portobello 
and after the room was put back together, 
I love how it plays off the chairs and window seat pillows.

The room got a thorough cleaning, including
taking EVERYTHING off
the bookcases to clean and rearrange them

Some trim had to be touched up and the 
floors got a refresh with a new-to-me product that you just 
squirt on and mop. It is called Quick Shine 
by Holloway House.

I split the chairs and table apart a little to show 
the window seat more. I will live
with it for now. 

I am happy with the finished look and with my
painter who did it all in about 4 hours.

I like this view from one end of the house to the other....

Now if we can just get started on
the bathroom redo. It will be
a total gut job which is scary
to think about living
with the mess.

Here is a before of the bathroom. 
It will be totally different.

Hint: a black feature wall!

Wishing you all a Happy Easter 
and Passover!

AnnMarie xoxo


  1. Wow, what a great color, AnnMarie!! Such a warm and cozy space, great choice! I look forward to seeing what happens with the bathroom - you're one busy lady! Can you come over and clean my bookcases too pretty please?

  2. I think the new color looks beautiful especially because I think it makes the fireplace pop better than the previous color. And a black wall in the bathroom? Now that is interesting. :) Can't wait to see.

  3. Such a beautiful transformation, AnnMarie! Your parlor is truly a most beautiful room. The color Portobello is the perfect colour with your furnishings. The white painted furniture looks a treat with this color and your fireplace.....oh your fireplace....I have a terrible case of the 'wanties'!! I love it!! Your bay window area is lovely. The little bunny cushion is sweet. Looking through to the other rooms looks seamless. Everything sings a beautiful song in unison. Now for the bathroom. Yes it will cause disruption for a little while but just imagine how new and lovely it will look. It is always a delight to wander through your lovely home, AnnMarie. May you have a blessed Easter.

  4. I love the color AnnMarie--it has such warm tones--can't wait to see your bathroom!

  5. Wow! That is a huge change. So light and bright. I love it! You must be thrilled with the makeover. And how clean your place must be. Maybe I should repaint. Haha! Can't wait to see the bathroom. I totally get it with the renovation and the mess, but in the end it will be worth it. Happy holiday weekend to you, enjoy!

  6. Great job! It is always so nice to make a change in time for spring. Lovs that fireplace!
    Happy Easter

  7. I just love it, AnnMarie!!! I don't think I could live with the dark cranberry for very long-it would be a tad too dark for me. I love how the room looks all pulled together. You did a great job and I bet it feels like you are living in a new house.

    Love to you and Happy Blessed Easter! xo Diana

  8. I think I love this makeover even more than you do, and that fireplace is the stuff dreams are made of ❤️

    I bet you smile every time you see your handiwork!


  9. AnnMarie, your parlor looks terrific. A beautiful update with paint. I know it was hard work, but it sure paid off! Happy Easter, my friend.

  10. I think it looks lovely and so delightful to have it done in time for the holiday. The cranberry is lovely too but I prefer the light and this just really works!

  11. Well I have to say that I'm glad you persevered past the poopy diaper color and went with this lovely color! It's so much brighter and airy looking - beautiful! Whose dress is that hanging on the door? Is that a wedding dress? It's beautiful!!

  12. You ended up choosing a great color! It does look really nice with the pink ceiling and your decorations. It does lighten up the room. I like the view of the whole house too. Our kitchen and dining room are similar yellows to some of the yellows I see on your walls.

  13. Love your new color, very soft and soothing! The white trim looks great again this color, too!

  14. Oh, my word! Your home is just gorgeous! And, I LOVE the new look in your parlor!! One of my favorite color combinations is pink combined with brown shades. The two colors are just so complimentary and warm. This all came together so beautifully, and you did an excellent job! I can't wait to see your bathroom...this is my first time seeing it as is, and the current look is just so pretty. It will be so interesting to see what changes you make! Thank you for sharing!!! God bless you, my friend. :)

  15. It looks so pretty, AnnMarie! I love it! It looks very fresh and classic at the same time. All your beautiful woodwork looks so nice with it, too. Love the soft ambiance. You must be so pleased! Wishing you a lovely Easter! xx Karen

  16. Beautiful changes - my favorite photo is looking through each doorway and seeing all the colours work so well together.
    Happy Easter.

  17. Well, my sweet friend; I think it turned out fabulously! It brightened up the room immensely. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  18. Oh my mercy Ann Marie, I love that bay window. WOW! I love the color change and oh that beautiful white trim just makes it all pop. I wish I could have hired a painter! My man won't pay anyone to do what he can but see here....I DESPISE painting and would have gladly given him a tip! LOL! Girl, any kind of makeover is a job. Just keep saying to yourself.....It will so be worth it when I am through. Can't wait to see your bathroom makeover. Have a great week dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. That is such a beautiful makeover Ann Marie and now all of your white pieces pop against that neutral color. Great choice for the walls.

  20. This looks very pretty! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  21. How exciting to get the painting done... Renos are stressful but worth it in the end... The main thing is that you’re happy with the end result....Go Girl Go ... after so many years everything needs a makeover (Ha Ha) We’re working on a bathroom facelift too... It makes life interesting... Can’t wait to see what you do !!!!...ENJOY your week...hugs

  22. LOVE the Portobello, AnneMarie--it's very close to the color I chose for my living and family rooms :) It achieved exactly what you were after--pulling everything together in that room--

  23. What a fantastic makeover and your house is such a treasure!
    Great to meet you at SNT!Thanks a lot for visiting me on my blog and your lovely comment!
    oxo Susi
    from Austria!

  24. A beautiful makeover, AnnMarie! The bright colours are gorgeous too, but it's more peaceful looking now. I love the soft yellow walls too, so sunny. That fireplace is amazing, wow! Thank you for sharing at Simply Neutrals, it's really nice to see you joining too! Big hugs and happy day wishes, xx

  25. Wow, what an amazing transformation! I love your new colour scheme and your parkour looks so beautiful with your stunning decorative touches 😁. Nice to meet you at Simply Neutrals Tuesday party and wishing you a wonderful week! J 😊

  26. Hello AnnMarie~ I enjoyed spotting your entry at Simply Neutral Tuesday! What a lovely post. Your fire place is absolutely wonderful! Have a blessed day~ karen o

  27. I love how you've decorated your beautiful home, and your new color is spot on to showcase it all!

  28. Hello AnnMarie, I'm from Simply Neutrals Tuesday too. Your room looks much better with the neutral colour. I like your vintage bits and pieces, too :)
    Have a great week,

  29. Love Love LOVE it, AnnMarie! And, yup, I can relate - I felt the same way about my living room/dining room walls, which were a deep gold for years. I couldn't get it off fast enough. Unfortunately, I feel that way about a lot of things in my house now, but can't replace it all! I'll do a little here and there. Hope you had a great Easter! Appreciate the Passover wishes!

  30. LOVE the color you went with. Everything looks so pretty. Lot of work but great job.


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