Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Almond Joy Cookies??!!

About twice a month I bake goodies for the traveling community theatre for the arts that my husband Frank, son Michael and I run. It is a dessert theatre and I am the coffee and dessert girl!

I love finding new recipes to make but they have to be finger foods and not too messy to eat.
Cookies and bar cookies fit the bill.

When I found this recipe for Almond Joy cookies that only had four ingredients, I was all over that!

Here are my ingredients....

And my favorite tool to use for cookies....

I whipped up a batch today for a performance tomorrow night so I can tell you that they are super easy. I even had all the ingredients in my cupboard already.

I do not remember where I found the recipe because I hand wrote it from somewhere. There are plenty of versions on Pinterest though.

Almond Joy Cookies
Makes about 4 dozen

14 oz. bag shredded coconut
16 oz. chocolate chips
3/4 cup chopped roasted almonds
14 oz. sweetened condensed milk

Set oven to 325 degrees and line a pan with parchment paper.
Mix all four ingredients together.
Scoop out on pan and then flatten each cookie.
Bake 12-14 minutes.

If you love coconut, this recipe is for you. I baked mine for 13 minutes which gave them a nice golden color and a little crunch on the edges.

The hardest part of this recipe is packing them up to let others enjoy. Here is the pan that our guests get to indulge in. And yes, I tasted one, or two after they came out of the oven!


AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these blog parties:
Tuesdays With a Twist
Keep In Touch
Full Plate Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Share Your Cup
Home Sweet Home
Best of the Weekend

So honored to be featured....
and here!


  1. Yummy. Thanks for sharing AnnMarie.

  2. AnnMarie: Talk about things coming out of the past. I made these cookies many years ago. I don't know where I got the recipe and I don't remember what they were called. In fact, I didn't even remember making them until just now when you reminded me. I do remember, however, how good they were. Thanks for the memories!..Judy

  3. Those look to die for! I'm bookmarking this one!

  4. Those sound amazing and so easy!!

  5. These look so good! I love the ice cream scoop. I should do that. Can you believe w don't have one? Thanks for the reminder. And the theater looks neat. We are a theater family. Kids have been performing for years...we are well acquainted and it's a wonderful endeavor.

  6. Yes AnnMarie, I DO love coconut, and your almond joy cookies sound wonderful, and oh, so easy! I have a macaroon recipe that I love and also a coconut cake, that I made for Easter. I'll be trying your recipe soon. Thank you for sharing.

  7. These are what I have always called macaroons (as opposed to macarons). They look so easy that I will have to pin and try someday!

    1. Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe at Best of the Weekend!

  8. Good Morning!
    WOW! These sound so good! My Mom made a similar treat but she called them Hello Dollies and added butterscotch chips. I am most definitely going to give these a try, when the kids come to visit!
    So neat that you are part of the Community Arts Theatre too!

  9. My mercy those things look so good! I must make a batch of these. YUM! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. SHUT. UP. OH MY GOSH!!! I will be making these in the very near future -- shame on you for these :)

  11. Always a family favorite around the holidays; well Anytime really.

  12. These look so easy to make - and also are mouth watering to look at!!

  13. Those sound so good that I think I could make myself sick eating more than my share! LOL I am saving this recipe...I like things that are portable like that (and easy). xo Diana

  14. These look amazing. They remind me of those layered bars. Thanks for linking to Keep In Touch.

  15. Gotta make these! I make magic cookie bars and we love them. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  16. These look fantastic! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  17. We will love these cookies! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen

  18. Wow, this cookies look amazing. Hope you stop Thursday Favorite Things by since you are being featured.

  19. Hi my friend,
    SYC is starting late this week, but just wanted to let you know that you are being featured.

  20. Hi AnnMarie, so sorry I have not stopped by to visit you sooner. I have just been so busy lately!
    Wow your cookie recipe is so simple and easy to make. They look wonderful. I am going to try and make these sometime. Thanks for the recipe!
    Have a nice weekend.
    Julie xo

  21. I love coconut and I love a simple recipe even more. I made muffins this morning and it took twice as long to clean after than it did to bake :-)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. You had me at “4 ingredients! LOL! This theatre gig sounds interesting!

    Hope you have a couple of warm days ahead very soon!

  24. Oh my! These look addicting! Almond joy are my favorite candy bar - so I know I would love these. Love the simple recipe, too. Thanks for sharing, AnnMarie!

  25. OMG ..These look delicious and we love almond, coconut and chocolate .. No wonder they are called “JOY” cookies( Ha Ha)... I will definitely be making these on the week-end.... I can bet that there were none left by the end of the performance.... What play or musical were you staging? Sound so exciting Girl...
    Thanks for you kind visit to my blog.. as requested info: my “ Followers” button is on the upper RH side .. hopefully my comment button has been corrected...Have a wonderful week-end, my Friend... Hugs

    April 13, 2018 at 2:19 PM

  26. These look yummy! My granddaughter would love making these. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

    xo Dianne


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