Saturday, July 28, 2018

Fresh From the Garden....A Closer Look

I have been living vicariously through all the beautiful garden posts and blog parties all summer, not participating in any of them as yet. I have shown bits and pieces of my garden but not the full picture.


My garden is not growing well!

We had a terrible drought that left our lawn brown and crunchy and the only thing growing now is the crab grass.

The flowers have been pretty crabby too.

But then my perspective changed when I scrolled through Jann's Up Close and Personal with July Blooms post over at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson. She and some other lovely ladies are hosting a Garden Party that you can link up to.

Inspired to finally do a garden post I grabbed my camera and went outside to take some fresh pictures, up close. I managed to find some that are doing just fine.

One plant that did not fail me is my favorite orange Daylily. I tried to buy more at several garden stores but was told they are too common to sell. I was tempted to dig some up on the side of the road where they grow in abundance, but decided I like my freedom more ;-)

My fairy garden in a bird bath is doing just fine, being in and out of the shade most of the day.

The Impatiens seem to like their spot in this old rusty floral vase.

I mix in a lot of different decorative things in my garden and these wooden mushrooms are my newest edition. I got them at a great garden shop in Port Hope, Canada. They will never fade!

I had to have this heavy plaster swan when I saw her at an estate sale. The pink Impatiens love riding on her back.

I did have red Impatiens in this bicycle basket but the squirrels stole one of them so I just let the Sweet Potato vine take over.

New to me is this Umbrella plant that I fell in love with and had to add to my garden this year.

More Impatiens amongst the Hostas….

My middle garden is over run with Black Eyed Susan's right now, which is fine with me. I decided to grow a pot of Spearmint this year and it is getting huge. The cute white elephant water can is a yard sale find.

I got tired of the ground cover that is choking out my Bee Balm and other flowers at the far end of this garden. With my granddaughter Cassidy's help, we pulled a lot of it out. I decided to take my chances and plant some Perennials now instead of waiting till Fall. This Coneflower is not in the ground yet but will go on this end along with yellow Coreopsis and Lavender.

I never thought these Lilies would bloom but they all are and they are huge.

The garden doesn't look so bad when you get up close to the flowers. Editing the pictures helps a lot!

Thanks Jann for the inspiration!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:

Garden Party
Anything Goes Pink Saturday
Home Sweet Home
Over the Moon Link Party
Gardens Galore


  1. What are you talking about? Your garden looks so pretty! And isn't it crazy how you can always count on daylilies to be there for you! I have been on the lookout for a vintage bike like yours because I have plans. I don't comment much but I hope you know how awesome your post are. They always make smile AND give me ideas. Have a great Saturday!

  2. Gorgeous!

    I love the elephant water pourer. I can't remember what it's called! Ack.

  3. Oh, I think your Summer garden is beautiful, AnnMarie! You have so many beautiful pretties resting in your garden. I am so envious of your beautiful swan planter, and if truth be told of your pretty bicycle and wood mushrooms and............! Perhaps if you go in the dark of night you could dig up those day lilies from across the road. =)

  4. I’m so glad you decided to share pictures of your gardens. Daylilies are a great plant- they seem to tolerate draught conditions and still bloom. I’m a big fan of fairy gardens so I enjoyed seeing yours. Love the new cone flowers you chose and that elephant watering can is too cute. Thank you for joining our Garden Party!

  5. AnnMarie, your gardens look much happier than mine! Brown and crunchy is a common theme this year with the heat and lack of rain that many of us seem to be having. Up close and personal is how we have to look at the plants right now...just ignore the brown and crunchy parts. ;) I love all the vintage things you've used in your garden. I'm inspired!

  6. It certainly looks like you have a green thumb!! I won't even show you my pathetic plants!!

  7. AnnMarie, your garden blooms are wonderful! I love the added mushrooms and elephant watering can.
    We've been getting a lot of rain, so much so that I've been able to even reseed some bare spots of grass. I walked the garden last evening and couldn't believe the growth, so give those coneflowers a go! I recently transplanted some after the blooms were already spent, and even though the flowerheads are dead, the plants are established, and I'm hoping they do their thing to spread even thicker for next year. Love sharing the dirt!

  8. Your garden looks just fine with me! What a joy it was to take in the beautiful pictures! When I thought of what you said about how it helps to edit them, it made me think of how much trouble you went to in order to make sure we saw only the beauty, with the things that are not so beautiful left out and how God does that for us when He winnows our path. We see what remains after He has removed the worst things. Sometimes, we look at what is left, and at first glance, it isn't good or what we had hoped for. But, if we look closer, we will find that our lives are truly beautiful, just the way they are. It also made me think that we need to choose what we focus on and edit out the bad. Your post really made me think today, and I just wanted to let you know how edifying it was to me. Thank you for posting this! God bless you. :)

  9. You have some of the most creative planters, and I love the way the vine looks in the bike basket. Sometimes Mother Nature knows best :).

  10. The umbrella plant has such an airy look for interest in the garden. - Margy

  11. Very pretty! I love that swan!

  12. Well, I think your garden looks just lovely! You have some really great plantings and planters there. I didn't do much of anything with my flowers this year. Hope you have a great week, AnnMarie! We need to 'catch up' one of these days. xo Diana

  13. I enjoyed seeing your garden with all of its touches of whimsy. I often post close up shots of colorful spots in my garden. My large garden is somewhat topsy turvy, but the individual plants look great. ;-)

  14. AnnMarie, I think your garden is coming along nicely even with a drought. Your coneflower and black-eyed Susan’s are so pretty and I love the wooden mushrooms! Happy gardening and I am hosting my Gardens Galore Party this summer.

  15. Ann Marie, your garden is beautiful! Girl, you've had drought and we have had an unusual rainy season! It has been crazy. Love that potato vine. Those things will grow for sure want they? Everything is so colorful. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. Your garden looks pretty darn good to me, AnnMarie! I am envious of your daylilies. For years, I searched for them, and was told they no longer sell them. I finally got some from a friend who was digging them up, and now the deer eat them every year before they bloom. I'm envious of your Black Eyed Susans - they are stunning. We just bought one little plant, and I pray those don't get eaten by the deer! My bee balm is busted - no idea why. But - my container plants are doing better than previous years - go figure! I've got a sweet potato vine that is going to take over my deck!

  17. I was going to say "count me in your corner" after reading that you had seen all the glorious gardens and there was yours. My thoughts exactly. Then I saw all your terrific photos and wonderful decorative pieces and now I'm back at feeling depressed about my garden! Oh well, life... and yours is living the good one!

  18. Hello, sweet friend! Oh, what a JOY to stop in for a visit. How are you? I hope you've been enjoying your summer.

    I must say that your garden looks great to me! Your blossoms put a smile on my face and oh, I just LOVE the Umbrella plant.

    Hugs to you!

  19. Your garden is lovely and I have enjoyed my visit. I especially love the swan planter - my mom had a similar one that she always filled with geraniums and set on the front porch. I love yours filled with the pink impatiens.

    Enjoy these summer days and happy gardening!

  20. I enjoyed visiting again! Thanks so much for linking to Gardens Galore!


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