Monday, July 16, 2018

Fresh Tomato Garlic Pasta

My sister moved to the Tampa Florida area 22 years ago and one of the first gifts she sent me was this great cookbook.

Ya gotta love Junior League cookbooks!

I found one of my most favorite dishes to eat in it.

In the Summer when the tomatoes are fresh and local, this recipe comes to mind. Think Caprese salad meets chunky pasta….yum!

It is the perfect meal to make when you want something fast and easy, light and fresh without too much stove time.

You do have to remember to make the sauce early in the day to give it time to blend.

I like to use this pasta that I found at Walmart. The sauce collects in all the twists and turns.

Fresh Tomato Garlic Pasta

Prep Time: 10 minutes            Cook Time: 10 minutes

4 large ripe tomatoes, diced

5 cloves garlic, chopped

1 large sprig fresh parsley, chopped

½ cup chopped fresh basil

½ cup extra virgin olive oil

1/3 cup red wine vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste

6 ounces mozzarella cheese, cubed

1 pound pasta of choice

Grated Parmesan cheese

Night before, or early in the day:

In a large bowl combine all ingredients except pasta and Parmesan; 
stir well. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours but not more than
a day. Stir once or twice while in the fridge.

When ready to serve:

Prepare pasta. Coat with sauce and serve hot or cold with

Parmesan cheese.


P.S. I like it best cold!


I am linking up with these great blog parties:
Cooking & Crafting with J & J
Wonderful Wednesday
Full Plate Thursday
Share Your Cup
Home Sweet Home
Best of the Weekend
Anything Goes Pink Saturday


  1. All that tomato and pasta goodness looks truly mouth watering, AnnMarie! The perfect dish for a hot summer's day. Thank you for the recipe.

  2. Oh, this sounds like a recipe I need to try come summer! I love salads and this one looks delicious! Thank you for sharing Ann Marie!
    Its been awhile since I stopped lovely to visit with you again!

  3. What a perfect dish for the summer! I too have an AZ Junior League cookbook and it is a gem.

  4. I just have to say that the first picture you took of the salad is so beautiful! Anyway, it looks like a really nice, refreshing salad to enjoy in the summer.

  5. I've made something like this before and you are so right -- absolutely delicious hot or cold! Of course, you give me basil, tomatoes and cheese and I'm already in love!

  6. YUM, YUM! Looks so yummy to my tummy girlfriend. What a lovely presentation too. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. Looks delicious!!!
    ~Emily @

  8. This looks and sounds delicious!

  9. AnnMarie this dish looks and sounds so good for a summer dinner. I love that it uses tomatoes and pasta. I will have to make this sometime.
    Thanks for sharing this at our link party.
    Enjoy the week

  10. AnnMarie, that sounds and looks yummy!..Have a great weekend..Judy

  11. So glad you shared this here. I want to try it! :)

  12. AnnMarie, I'm going to copy and save this recipe. It looks so delicious and I can't wait to try making it!

  13. I love pasta and summer is how I make it :

  14. This looks really, really good...perfect summer fare. Off to pin it so I can make it this week! Thanks for sharing.

  15. This looks delicious! So perfect for lunch!

  16. Oh my gosh, AnnMarie--sounds delicious! Pinned :)

  17. Oh this looks AMAAAAAZING!! I didn't plant a garden this summer so I'll have to rely on the kindness of others for fresh tomatoes but I am definitely going to try this!

  18. Oh, yes, this is my kind of meal! I like the idea of making the sauce the night before to meld the flavors. Yum, I can almost taste it! I'm going to pin it and will try it sometime soon.

  19. I love caprese salad and this pasta looks so delicious Ann Marie! Thanks for sharing it with SYC. Can't wait to make it!

  20. Refreshing! Looks delicious and thank you for the tip on the pasta, not sure our wall Mart has this brand, but I will look.



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