Friday, August 17, 2018

Stories From My Etsy Buyers

Every once in a while someone that buys something from my Etsy shop shares with me a story about why they bought it.

I love that!

Most recently Kayo bought a green glass Sunsweet prune juice jar.

This is what she wrote to me:

"thought you might like a little history as to why I purchased the "green prune bottle"... my mom used to make French dressing and put it in the green bottle. We just recently found her recipe and want the authentic bottle... glad you had it!!! Thanks... oh by the way her French dressing is awesome!!"

We chatted a little and not only did I get her Mom's recipe but permission to post the recipe here for you to try!

"Anne O'Keefe" recipe for French dressing:
1-11 oz. can of tomato soup 1/3 C sugar
1 C white Vinegar 1 tsp. minces onion
1 1/4 C salad oil 1 tsp. prepared mustard
1/2 tsp. paprika 1 tsp. salt
1 T Worcestershire sauce 1/2 tsp. pepper
one clove garlic-crushed 
Green Prune Juice Jar
Mix... Shake Vigorously... Refrigerate add Blue Cheese crumbles to taste...or none

Another buyer, from North Carolina, bought the vintage Edison Tech pennant I had in my shop. I asked if he was originally from Rochester, New York because Edison was and still is a high school in the city, established in 1908.

 This is his reply:

"My nephew is named Edison and I thought the pennant would make for a thoughtful and unique gift".

Isn't that cool?

Back in February, Linda from Ohio, ordered a sweet green vintage Harry and David basket to make an Easter centerpiece. She had saved a picture from Martha Stewart of the exact one and finally found the basket in my shop.

She wrote:

"I just received the lovely green basket and love it!! It's just like one I had seen in a Martha Stewart magazine; exact color and shape. It will be the centerpiece on our table for Easter and Spring."
She sent me a picture of her finished basket....

I was so inspired by her story that I took the other similar Harry and David basket out of my shop to make a centerpiece of my own.

Selling on Etsy is fun when a buyer from Gucci, Milan, buys a vintage wood desk.

Or an admin for Universal Studios buys a 1950's pull down kitchen light for one of their vignettes.

A buyer from Pixar Studios bought a bunch of vintage clothespins. I am still waiting to see what they did with them in one of their films.

There are many other stories like these from over the 6 1/2 years I have had my shop.

Just knowing that my love of vintage and the chance to hunt for fun things that others want and will treasure, makes all the other stuff about running a business worth it.

Ya know what I mean? ;-)

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these blog parties:


  1. I love these stories of people purchasing your pretties, evoking in them beautiful memories of their own personal story. What a blessing you are, lovely AnnMarie.♥

  2. I LOVE this post! How fun to know the who, what and why behind some of the purchases and where the items end up. The movie trivia is fun, too, although I really enjoy the personal stories. Happy Weekend!

  3. Hi Ann Marie! Isn't life just FUN? I love reading your stories and seeing all your marvelous finds. In fact, I look forward to them! My life is certainly enriched with you in it. <3

  4. How fun for you and fun for us to read all about the stories behind the purchases!! Thanks for sharing them! Have a great week!

  5. Great stories, AnnMarie! And the french dressing sound delish!

  6. I love that you have "relationships" with your Etsy buyers. I believe we buy from people we like first, if more than one has what we are looking for. I know those buyers will be back!

  7. Wow, what fun, AnnMarie! Like you, I would love to hear the stories behind the reason people buy what they do!!

  8. Awe, Ann Marie...I love these stories. I always say that everything.....has a story. Thanks for sharing girl. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. Love these stories Ann Marie! I often think I should reopen my etsy. I just did not love the shipping thing. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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