Saturday, August 25, 2018

Hey, What's Up With Blogger??

I have just realized that I have not been getting email notifications for the blogs I follow.

Knowing that most of them post frequently, and wondering where they've been, I went into a few from my sidebar and noticed that I have missed quite a few posts.

What's up with that?

I did not unsubscribe from anyone and a few that I just re-subscribed to took it like I was new and a few said I was already subscribed.

These are blogs I have been following for awhile. So why aren't I getting the emails?!

Frustrating for me and I apologize for seemingly dropping out of sight from reading and commenting on your blogs.

On top of that, my new normal for the whole email notifications for comments on my blog is that I have to go into my dashboard, click on comments and then awaiting moderation. Then I can publish them and THEN they show up on my email.

Dumb question.....are you getting my posts by email?

I realize if you are not, you won't be answering :-)

Anyone else experiencing this craziness?

AnnMarie xoxo


  1. Lots of changes...

    I saw this on my blogroll, but I am not signed up for emails.

  2. I seem to be having the same issues! OH, it is frustrating! I feel bad because if I don't get an email in my inbox, I forget all of the blogs I follow, and it probably looks like to many people that I am no longer interested in keeping in touch. I have tried to figure out what is going on, to no avail. It is hard telling how many blogs I want to follow have slipped through the cracks, but it is what it is. I'm glad I'm not the only one ~ but my heart goes out to you in your frustration. I hope things work out. :) God bless you, my friend.

  3. Well I don't know what happened but about a week ago I got an email from blogger and when I clicked on it I'm now getting email notification again. I hate blogger lol.

  4. I receive your posts in email. But at least 2 other blogs I also subscribe to stopped sending me emails last year. When I try to subscribe again, I'm told I am already a subscriber. I emailed the 1 blogger for help. She never replied. I'm not sure that there may be other blogs I'm not receiving. Thanks!

  5. I haven't really noticed this problem, but then I go into my blog to see who has visited. I have always done this as I want to see those of my friends whom have posted so that I can read their post. Now that you have mentioned this problem I will see if that is what is happening here. Thank you for drawing my attention to yet another Blogger glitch. Hope you are having a fabulous weekend, lovely AnnMarie.♥

  6. Well I’m getting your blog posts on my email . But I’m also seeing on my email every time i comment to a post on my blog ..mercy ! Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  7. AnnMarie, I received your post by email subscription, but I have had problems with email notifications since last October! I have also had some people tell me they cannot subscribe to my blog by email and I have no way to co form that or any idea why that won't work - it's blogger's gadget!
    I just go with it. I'm not a revenue producing blog so the issues are sweating the small stuff in the overall scheme of life, but it does bug me. I occasionally go to my blog reading list to make sure I'm not missing posts, but I think I'm getting most if not all that I'm subscribed to.

  8. I just got this in my email. The problem I’m having is I often can’t reply using my google account and have to use chrome. Let’s see if it works this time!

  9. Just a suggestion. Try taking away comment moderation.

    God bless.

  10. I still receive an email about your posts and a few of the other blogs I follow, but not everyone. I'm also not receiving emails about comments to my blog. It is very frustrating.

  11. I have never received blogroll email notifications...hmm. I just check my feed every day. Am I missing something? As far as the email notifications of comments goes, that changed a while back. There is a fix. I think you have to go in an resign up to have comments come to your email. Delete your email and re-enter it in your blogger settings and you should get notified of comments again. I think...Blogger...grrr.

  12. Here's the drill. It's a big pain in the blogger behind. I went through this too and here's how I got out of it. I hope it works for you but I've seen others say they've tried it and it didn't. Go to your blogger "settings" section. Click on posts/comments and there's a spot for your email. Your address is probably there. Delete it and hit save. Then go back, enter it in and hit save again. Then go do the same to the tab that says email -- delete/save, re-enter/save. You should receive an invitation from blogger -- "do you want to subscribe to comments from this block. Click yes, you want to subscribe. It will probably take a couple of days. But you'll also maybe want to take off moderation. Try it. I had no moderation, then moderation with the same issue as you, and then when I did this, I took off moderation and they started to come. If THAT doesn't work go to blogger help. There's a forum and theoretically you may find the answer there. Good luck with it. I sweat with this for about a month back aways and now it's fine for me.

    I don't subscribe via email but through blogger friend as a follower. Not sure if that's coming through for folks or not.

  13. I am really glad to know that I am not alone. I used to get comments emailed to me, and I don’t any longer. I have been getting a huge amount of spam that I never got in the past, and I have not been getting various posts emailed to me from blogs to which I subscribe. I’m going to follow the steps in the post above mine and see if that fixes things. Happy to have read this blog post.

  14. Girl, I was getting notifications. Them I wasn't and then a blogging friend told me what to do and I did. Finally started getting them again. And last week I noticed that even when I reply to a comment on my blog I get that notification too. LOL! Good luck. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. There has definitely been some weird stuff going on with Blogger! I follow you on my sidebar, since I get overwhelmed with emails, so at least you're showing up there. When I disappear it's just that I'm crazy busy!! :)

  16. I was on a summer break from a few weeks. I've just come back and as soon as I posted, I got an email from blogger and was asked to reactivate email notification again. It works fine now. I think that you can go to blogger settings and activate yours. Hope this helps.

  17. Blogger made changes that no one is happy with. But there is a fix, and it works. Jeannie, above, listed the details in her comment. I will say that after working for weeks, I stopped getting emails again, and had to re-do the fix. So far, so good. It's an easy fix -takes less than a minute.

  18. I Have a few blogs that have stopped coming to my inbox, but then others work so I'm not sure what is up.... I usually visit my blogger feed to see who has posted and I have noticed I am not getting all the blogs that I follow to show up. {{sigh}}

    Thinking of you, my friend! Hugs!

  19. I had the same problem with the email notifications coming in like I used to and did the fix as stated in the comment from Jeannie and it worked out fine. I hope I will not have to fix it again.
    Good luck with all of this blogger mess.
    Thanks for your lovely visit to my blog yesterday. Enjoy the rest of the week and weekend.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment...I treasure each one! Do you know if you are a no reply comment blogger? I love to reply to your comments but sometimes instead of an email there is a It can easily be changed by changing the setting in your blogger profile to "show email address".