Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Bathroom Reveal

So last night I was almost done with my bathroom reveal post with all the before and after pictures in place. I hit enter, obviously in the wrong place, and the whole thing deleted, never to be found again!

Yup, I was a little upset. I had written most of it a month ago, and since my memory doesn't go back that far, I could not recall most of it.

This is a before picture of my bathroom at Christmas time
It was just some commentary on the pain and suffering and woes of going through a renovation....ya know, like having to use the toilet that sits in the middle of the basement and showering in the tiny claw foot tub upstairs while all my toiletries are downstairs.

You almost didn't believe me, did you?

Not to mention the daily mess and miscommunication with the contractors. One major setback was to do with thinking we only wanted the floor IN the bathroom changed and not the adjacent hallway.

What? Gorgeous new tile floor next to 1960's gray linoleum?



I knew my colors would be black and white with Aqua accents. I also wanted a black feature wall and a chandelier hung right in the middle where the fan was. I think they thought I was a little cuckoo.

Do they NOT ever watch HGTV?

Obviously not.

So I am saving you from all the details of the renovation process and let's get on with the before and after pictures.

You're welcome.

The angles may be a little wonky because there is no where to stand to get a good picture. It is small!







And just some random pictures.....

I bought three different shower curtains, 2 different light fixtures and three shower liners before we got it right! There is a bit of a learning curve on which liner works on a walk in shower stall as opposed to a tub so as not to soak the whole bathroom after a shower!

I decided to keep the black shower curtain for Fall and Winter and the Aqua one for Spring and Summer.

What's next you ask?? I have to strip the wallpaper in the linen closet/hallway area. I will leave the trim white and re-wallpaper it in this.....

It is a Vintage Damask black and white linen look wallpaper.

I am so excited that I have a toilet that flushes every time, a shower that does not rock while in it, and a floor that doesn't take me back to the 60's, in a bad way! Actually the floor I chose takes me back to my Grandmother's bathroom in the 60's, in a good way.

I am not promising that after this bathroom area is all done that I won't have other places to update in this 1870's Victorian house of mine.

Does it ever end??

Of course I know the answer to that....I live in an old house!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am sharing with these blog parties:

Wonderful Wednesday
Share Your Style
Share Your Cup
Best of the Weekend
Dishing It & Digging It


  1. Wow, I love the way your new bathroom looks. The wall color is nice and I like the floor.
    Same thing happened to me last week with writing out a post. It’s so frustrating and glad I am not the only one it happened to. I went through the same thing as you last winter with putting in a new bathroom. While the contractors are working it’s a mess but end results are worth it. Enjoy.

  2. GORGEOUS!!! I love it. What a wonderful makeover! "It is well, with my soul" One of my most favorite hymns and sayings! Bless your heart on losing the original post...I've done that before...doesn't make me happy at all! :-) Hope you are doing well...I'm trying to get back into the blogging grove...we'll see how it turns out...LOL Love and hugs to you!!

  3. To answer your question-NO-It never ends. lol What a really great makeover. Love the sign over the toilet, the floors, etc. Oh-heck--I love it all. Hope you enjoy every moment there. xo Diana

  4. AnnMarie! Did you hear me yell WOW after I saw the first picture! Love the color combo, love the accent wall, love the tile, love the white fixtures against the black wall, love the turquoise bottles.... I could go on! It's BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy it! (PS-I've lost entire blog posts, too. That's painful).

  5. Just the words "1870's Victorian" sends me into a state of apoplectic shock. Your bathroom renovation, AnnMarie, oozes gorgeousness! I love the inspired black and white paint choices, the mirror, the oh-so-chic chandelier......and even the toilet roll holder.....be still my beating heart! As for the builders thinking you are a little kooky re the chandelier/fan thought.....whisk that evil thought from your mind.....me thinks you are the next big designer on HGTV. =) As always, lovely AnnMarie, you have made me smile and giggle reading this post. I do love your sense of humour. How nice to be able to flush the toilet, (and may I add an oh-so-beautiful flushing receptacle) and have 'everything' disappear into the never regions......these are the important necessities that make for a happy life. Enjoy pampering yourself in your beautiful new bathroom, lovely lady.

  6. Well, Hello Gorgeous!! You have rendered me speechless and if you read my long posts, you know that's pretty hard to do! It's outstanding, you did an amazing job, the details are perfect and I love the floor. I have the same one... ;) I hate to say it was worth the wait, because renovation and waiting for renovations stinks, but wow, really beautiful. Enjoy it!!

  7. Oh my mercy Ann Marie! It is absolutely beautiful! I adore the colors you chose and used. Mercy, it's such hard work and money to do anything isn't it. I need to re-do both my Baths and putting it off til I have no choice I reckon! I just love what you have accomplished! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  8. Wow, what an amazing difference! I went back and forth between the before and after pictures several times because it was hard to believe it was the same bathroom!

  9. AnnMarie it looks fabulous! Love the color scheme, accent wall, fixtures and the chandelier! That was one option I had to forego in my bath Reno because I still wanted the fan. Where I wanted a chandy (over tub) was too low a ceiling for water rated fixtures.
    Your commentary takes me back about 18 mos, and not in a good way. Renovations are NOT my bailiwick. I'm good at detail and bad with patience when others don't listen! Good job!

  10. It’s drop dead gorgeous! I love the colors, the accessories and how you maximized the space. It looks like you repurposed the vanity, yes? Did you paint it? It looks fabulous!


  11. Oh, my word! This is just gorgeous!!!! I LOVE it! You did an amazing job, and it was just a joy to see the beautiful transformation. SO sorry you lost that original post ~ I know how frustrating that is, but so thankful you persevered and shared all of this!

  12. Nicole Curtis would love it. This is so cute! Great job. I'm sorry your post was deleted. That is terrible.

  13. I love it! So pretty and luxurious. I especially like the new floor, it is amazing.

  14. It turned out beautiful, AnnMarie and most definitely worth all the hassle! It's so classic and timeless. Love the tiles! xo Karen

  15. You deserve a red carpet award for that bathroom. It looks amazing!! I love your fearlessness about painting the wall black. I have been thinking on doing that in our Master bedroom and then painting everything else white.

  16. Oh my gosh, how terrible that your post was deleted. I would have been pretty upset too. But your bathroom turned out beautifully. I love the aqua touches with the black and white. You're so right about your new floor, definitely 60s in a good way. I would have to leave that aqua shower curtain up all year long. It's so pretty. Love the chandelier!

  17. It sure does look great! I love the black wall and the floor is awesome. The toilet in the middle of the room made me laugh!! The chandelier is just perfect! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  18. Wow! AnnMarie, you totally "floored" me with this gorgeous look, I love your color choice of black and aqua! Every detail is perfect, especially the chandelier hanging from the ceiling!!! Oh my goodness, I can only imagine how lovely it must feel to have the bathroom done, and not be rocking and rolling while you are in there! Love the walk-in shower too, so convenient! I totally feel your pain about losing the post! I've done that before, and it is a horrible feeling! I would say you did an amazing job at recreating your post though :) Enjoyed seeing you being featured at Share Your Cup :)

  19. Wonderful after pictures, it looks so nice and updated.
    I know what you mean about it never ends in an old house, always something breaking down, plumbing mostly here
    You can be very proud to show this off


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