Thursday, September 13, 2018


"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
Psalm 19:1
The bridge is closed on the route to take my son to school so we have been taking an alternate route through the back country roads.

At 7:20 a.m. not much is awake but I have been seeing the first signs of Fall along the way.

Even though it is a cloudy, dreary kind of morning, I found myself praising God for the beauty around me. If my heart can swell over open fields in Upstate New York on Earth, how much more when I can see the glory of Heaven in person? Scriptures indicate that we cannot even fathom how glorious Heaven will be.

Questions started popping in my head.

Will the greens and golds of the fields be even more vibrant?

Will the sun peeking through the clouds be more majestic?

What will the weather be like?

Perfect, I think.

Will there be colored leaves falling from the trees? Will there be snow?

I hope yes on the former and no on the latter!

Will there be seasons? Will it always be Fall because that's my favorite season?

Do the flowers ever fade, like ours are now?

Randy Alcorn wrote a book called Heaven that answers some of these questions from a biblical point of view.

It is human interpretation though, which in no way compares to God's reality.

What do you think Heaven will be like?

Traveling on this road called life, I can only imagine.....

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these blog parties:
Share Your Cup
Best of the Weekend


  1. Lovely reflections on some wonderful photos, AnnMarie. I do believe heaven will be the best of EVERYTHING, however we interpret it individually. After all, it is infinite, and so therefore it is enough to satisfy all who will be blessed enough to be there in eternity!

  2. Hi AnnMarie, oh it is such a pretty time of year. I love when the weather gets cooler and sunny out. We have been having a lot of rain and still feels like summer.
    I think heaven will be a warm and sunny place like your photo of the water and sun.
    Have a nice weekend

  3. What a lovely post, my friend. Heaven will be simply...perfect. I think the flowers will be incredibly vibrant and have the sweetest fragrance.

    Thinking of you, dear one. Hugs!

  4. I hope Heaven is everything we each pray for. :)

  5. Those are all great questions and suppositions, AnnMarie! I would love to know the answers myself. Autumn is my very favorite season, too. I could do without winter completely. xo Diana

  6. I too often wonder what Heaven will be like, AnnMarie. I can only imagine how beautiful and perfect it will be. I know I will be at odds with you my lovely friend, but I am rather hoping for a forever Spring heaven. =) Though if Fall/Autumn it has to be, I won't mind at all. Whatever it will be I know it will be beautiful, because I will get to meet you. Perhaps we will have cute li'l mansions nearby to each other. Then I could sit on your porch and you on mine and have that long chat. I wonder....will we drink tea?? A most splendid post overspilling with beautiful thoughts and glorious photos of God's handiwork. Have a beautiful weekend, lovely Ann Marie.♥

  7. A beautiful post, AnnMarie. I think I live my heaven right here on earth, each and everyday. And if the next is like this, I'm happy.

  8. "Heavenly" pictures, AnnMarie! I'm hoping it's each person's own idea of perfection!

  9. Heaven? I often wonder, more so since my mom passed earlier this year. Your photos are gorgeous and what a lovely place you live in.

  10. Oh I love this post. The pictures are beautiful and oh yes, I can only imagine! Hugs and blessings to you dear lady.

  11. LOL I am not a fall person I love Spring and cold cold winter

    However I am a person who knows the road to heaven is long and narrow, per scriptures.
    I'm trying to stay on that road
    I do love pumpkins LOL

  12. What a wonderful post, AnnMarie - I like to think that heaven is everyone's individual version of perfection. I think my Dad is up there fishing and drinking MGD...and the fish are biting!

  13. Such 'Heavenly' photos, AnnMarie! I think we create our very own Heaven, according to how we live our lives. I know I'll have lots of animals greeting me! :) x Karen

  14. AnnMarie. Your photos are just beautiful. That field of sunflowers must be what heaven looks like, if not, it is heaven on earth..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  15. Your photos are gorgeous and your pondering thoughts are all good ones.
    I believe we all have thoughts of our own and many questions.
    Perfect comes to my mind and peaceful.

    It's always a joy visiting with you ♡

  16. How lovely, AnnMarie. Early morning is my favorite time of the day, when everything is still fresh and full of possibilities.

  17. I think that all of the beauty we have in this world is just a TINY taste of Heaven and of course, no sun since the Light of the World will be there! I'm thinking that truly it will be summer all the time because I mean WHO in their right mind would choose to have winter all the time hahahahaha!

  18. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post! 1 Cor 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

    Blessed hope!


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