Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spray Painting on Furniture - A Guest Post with Eva

Today I have a special guest host with a very pretty DIY project....
Please meet Eva...

Hi everyone! My name is Eva , and I am visiting over from Home Decor by Eva. AnnMarie was kind enough to let me be her guest and share my ideas with you guys (hope you enjoy them!) I started blogging earlier this year to vent out my love for home decor, DIY and crafty projects. I have a long way to go but it is a great help having so many pro's around me to learn from. I hope to polish and grow my blog and enrich it for my readers for a place where they can wander for inspiration and creativity. Happy Reading! xoxo Eva

Spray Painting on Furniture with Lace, Leaves and Different Stencils

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The Internet never fails to impress with the constant surge of new home decoration ideas. Just when you think you’ve seen all DIY projects that you can possibly try out in your home, there appears another one that sounds more interested than everything you’ve done.

So, after reupholstering your sofas, distressing coffee tables to give them that stylish, antique look and decorating your mirrors with beach shells and jewelry, it’s time to try something new: spray painting on furniture with different stencils.

Luckily, this method of freshening up and beautifying your home is currently very popular online, so you’ll find many tutorials on how to decorate your chairs, tables, cabinets, chests, drawers, etc.

How does spray painting with stencils work?

It is very easy to do. All you need is some quality spray paint, something that will leave interesting marks on your furniture and some peace at home to work. Oh, yes, you’ll also need a piece of furniture to work on.
I suggest that you first practice on something that you won’t necessarily place in your home. Find an old wooden chair or table that you can easily part with and try your spray painting skills on that. I experimented with a dresser, a thrift store find which would not look beautiful despite all my efforts! I even purchased a table runner from
Yorkshire Linen, in a poor attempt to make it look pretty. But Alas! Have a look for yourself;

 Even when you perfect your skill, you should still do this DIY project on furniture bought at yard sales or furniture that you’ve been meaning to renovate anyway. I painted mine white before starting so it would stand out.

What can I use as stencils?

Many people find lace very inspirational. You’ll find lots of beautiful examples of wooden tables, dressers and chairs spray painted using lace to cover the flat surfaces. Other good things to use are leaves, flowers, or even paper cut out into shapes that you like (stars, butterflies, etc.). This is a totally cost-free and easy way to decorate.

A step-by-step guide to spray painting with lace

After trying out a few tutorials, I modified them a little and found the easiest and most successful way to create a beautifully patterned table:
1. Find a very cheap or free wooden table- Check (or you may work with something at home too!)

2. Choose a nice lace table cloth to work with, there is a wide variety to choose from.

3. Buy a quality spray paint any color you like. I had heard good reviews about Plasti-Koti.

4. Use the lace to cover the whole surface you’d like decorated and tape it around the edges so it won’t move. Use masking tape for this purpose.

5. Stand at an arm’s length away from the table and start spray painting over the lace-covered surface. Don’t stop until you’ve nicely painted the whole surface.

6. Let the paint dry for about an hour or as long as needed. 

7. After the paint is completely dry, remove the lace and reveal the nicely patterned table. I had to mix two shades to get this blue shade.

And here is the after picture, I am so happy with how it turned out! Looks great, doesn’t it?

A more complicated approach

If this tutorial sounds too easy, there are more challenging ways to do this. For example, if you want to spray paint a cabinet, dresser or drawers, you’d need to remove all knobs and handles first before spray painting, so you’d get a flat surface.

You also need to sand off any old paint, and then apply one coat of new paint. After it’s dry, you can continue working in the way described above. And don’t forget to put the handles back once you finish.

Wishing you a nice spray painting adventure!

I hope you enjoyed Eva's tutorial and will go visit her on her blog Home Decor by Eva to see what other pretty ideas she has.

AnnMarie :)




  1. Love that coffee table & the unique lace stencil idea! Fabulous ideas!


  2. Wow, each piece of furniture is stunning! I just love the lace detail and will have to try it sometime :)

  3. Love the coffee table and the chair. This is so inspirational! Maybe I can get the nerve up to try it. lol.
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow, what a great idea! I loved that coffee table. My mom in law spray paints everything and I'm gonna have to show her your ideas. Hmm, now what to paint :)



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