Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hooked on Downton Abbey

Whew!! I just finished watching the Season 3 finale of Downton Abbey. I actually watched the entire three seasons this past month!

I know, I know I am a little behind the rest of the world. I never started watching the show from the beginning but kept hearing about it. I tried getting it from the library but all they had was Season 3 and that was a mistake trying to jump in there!

My friend Irene lent me her thumb drive with season one and two on it and I watched it all, wondering what all the anger was about on how it ended. After all, Mary and Matthew were finally getting married!

Then I saw an interview on Good Morning America and how Matthew's character was killed off in the finale. I didn't even know that I hadn't watched the finale!

There is nothing like a good, clean soap opera. And one that is so well done. It is like reading a good book where you get involved in the characters lives and get to know them, even if they talk funny and use words like "daft".

So I am hooked and waiting for January 5th when the new season starts. It follows another good, clean soap opera on Sunday nights that I have watched from the beginning....Once Upon a Time. 

Sorry, guys (to my husband and son), I have the TV Sunday nights from 8 -10 p.m.!  I won't be doing any Etsy promoting or selling or blog hopping or listing new vintage finds in those two hours. I also won't be doing the Downton workout just yet either!

If you haven't jumped on board the Downton Abbey train yet, you still have 10 days to catch up on all three seasons before the new season begins! Also you might want to brush up on your ability to follow and understand the English accent of the early 1900's!
In the northeast we need SOMETHING to get involved in over the long winter ahead!
AnnMarie :)
I am linking up with these great blog parties this week!


  1. I write my recap while I watch...there are folks who stay up to read it right after the show!

  2. I also am a fan! I have already watched the first 5 or 6 episodes of season 4, but will watch them again when aired starting 1/5.
    Hope you enjoyed the Holidays!!

  3. I have so many people around me that talk about Downton Abbey but haven't really jumped on the train yet. Maybe I'll catch a ride in January! Hope you had a very Merry Christmas! My hubs just got back from a ski trip in the Adirondacks and said there was hardly any snow! I guess there was a warm up like there was down here. THanks so much for stopping by for visits!

  4. Season 4 starts next Sunday!! You have a wonderful blog!! I'm your newest GFC follower from the “Inspiration Monday“ blog hop - this is my blog if you wanted to follow back:
    PS – I would also like to invite you to a networking blog hop that lasts 1 month long: “The Chain Linky CLIMB” currently live on my blog– Thank you! Chain Linky CLIMB

  5. Thanks for the reminder! I can't wait for the new season of Downton. I need to review season 3 to get ready! Woo hoo!

  6. Hi, I love Downton so much! I am so looking forward to Sundays. Happy New Year.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  7. Totally hooked! Hubby and I got all caught up in December on what we had missed in the first seasons, and then were totally enthralled with the beginning of Season 4 last night. It has to be the best show on TV!

  8. Hi AnnMarie,

    You're not the last one to join in on this most entertaining must be me! I started to watch when it debuted here two summers ago, but the sun and sand won me over and I tuned out after a few episodes. I intend to catch up during these cold, dark, damp winter months. Your excitement can be felt across the Atlantic!:-D

    Thanks for sharing!



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