Monday, January 13, 2014

Take His Hand Into the New Year

It is January 13th and I am finally writing my New Year's post. I have been wanting to write this since I read the December 31st devotional in Our Daily Bread.

The image it left in my mind has become how I am looking ahead into the new year.....taking His hand in mine and following His lead.

The devotional talks about how when we are about to cross a busy street with a small child, we put our hand out and tell them to hold tight. We would never depend on their grasp to keep them is our grip on their hand that holds them and keeps them safe.

In the same way, it is not our grip on God that keeps us safe and secure, but the power of Jesus' grip on us.

"28  I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. 30 I and the Father are one." John 10:28-30

Sometimes I wonder how people without a grip on Jesus' hand make it through each day. It is through our trials that we have to lean the most on Him. When we have made Him Lord of our lives, we know He is in it and taking care of everything whether we can see it or not. It is a huge burden lifted.

For the aunt whose niece is in a coma from a brain anuerism at 43 years old....

For the pastor and his wife whose son is facing criminal charges and jail time....

For a man fearful of the tests that may show medical issues....

In all these situations, Our Father is on one side and our Lord and Savior on the other, gripping on to our hands and not letting go.

Grab His strong hand....the hands that formed the oceans, that gave the sun it's light and the stars their brightness.....

.....and take it into this new year with a childlike grip so that you are assured that no matter what happens He has His firm grasp on you and will never let go.

"No, In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39

AnnMarie  xoxo

P.S As I have been writing this my vehicle has been towed away on a flatbed after not starting this morning and being jumped by a roadside service. Thankfully it was in my driveway. I had a bunch of things  I had to do today, and some things I just wanted to do. I guess the Lord had other plans for me, as I was able to sit down and write this post.  Leaning on Him......

I am linking up with these great blog hops.....

Spiritual Sundays
Amaze Me Monday
Pin It Monday Hop
Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party


  1. It's nice to meet you and visit your lovely blog, AnnMarie. I'm glad you chose to share with us on Spiritual Sundays.
    I like this post. It made me think about when my daughter was a little girl. (She's 53 years old now). She always said "Hold my hand tighter, Mommie." I thought she might grow up being very dependent. It is just the opposite. She is very independent. There is a good lesson here in your post.

  2. A lovely reminder. And oh, how I can relate to the car issue. A couple of times God has stopped me in my tracks that way and it always turns out to be a blessing, like this was. And I always think, "I wonder if He is protecting me from a bad accident!" :) Have a blessed week.

  3. This is so good! Happy 2014! :)

  4. What a wonderful way to start my morning. I am going thru a health struggle (thank you for your comment, too) and God has provided the peace I so need. You said it perfectly here..." we know He is in it and taking care of everything whether we can see it or not. It is a huge burden lifted."

  5. This is a wonderful post! Some of my very favorite scriptures as well... especially Romans 8:37-39. It is a great comfort and encouragement...

  6. This is such a wonderful and encouraging post, dear friend. I truly appreciate the lesson you have presented to us.

    Also, I love your new blog button! Hugs to you!

  7. Such a beautiful post AnnMarie. This makes me think of the song, "Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus"...
    What have I to dread
    What have I to fear
    Leaning on the everlasting arms
    I have blessed peace with my Lord so near
    Leaning on the everlasting arms

    Oh I'm leaning, leaning
    Safe and secure from all alarms
    Leaning, oh I'm leaning
    Leaning on the everlasting arms

    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  8. Awesome start to the new year - a reminder in Whose had we are.

  9. Yes, Annemarie we need to remember who is really in charge. Definitely not us.

  10. This post is wonderful! I'm pretty sure that if there was an Extreme Worrying Olympic sport, I would be holding a Gold Medal. One of my goals this year is to work toward putting those worries aside and trusting that God will handle it all better than I ever could. This was good for me to read, thank you for sharing!

  11. Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party.
    Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above


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