Saturday, September 13, 2014

Oh My, What a Difference a Coat of Paint Makes!

There is always painting to do around an older home, isn't there? My house dates to 1870 and it seems to be settling a little bit too. I add extra paint in those areas to cover it all up!!

Long overdue was the painting of the side porch steps. I could not do it over the past 3 years as I have had both total hip replacements done and my husband is not allowed to paint! With some of the wood starting to rot I had to get to it this year and cover it all up.

Wow, what a difference a coat of paint makes! A new pretty Victorian door and freshly painted trim helps a lot too! Still working on the trim as you can see by my  painters tape!

Even longer overdue than the side porch steps were the back door steps. They were down to the bare, bare wood. I never took a before but found this picture of them under the gorgeous blooms of my Orange Blossom tree.

Oh my, what a difference a coat of paint makes!

I also didn't take a before of the front porch floor but this little glimpse of it to the right of the stool pretty much sums up what the whole front walkway to the front door looked like. Faded, grungy and peeled with the primer showing through. Oh, there was bare wood too!

Oh my, what a difference a coat of paint makes!!

 I found this chair on the side of the road. Ugly color, unevenly painted, but I could not find anything wrong with it in the 15 seconds I contemplated taking it! It was clearly in the garbage but I thought, why not! I did find a break in the frame later, hidden by the woven seat but it doesn't affect the use of the chair. I decided to paint it and use it as decoration on my front porch.

I have been loving the color aqua so much lately that when I saw the aqua chalk paint at JoAnn's I grabbed it and started painting. The color name is Cascade and it is a new line of paint that JoAnn's carries called FolkArt Home Decor Chalk. With my 40% off coupon, it was quite inexpensive. It is an Ultra Matte acrylic paint. I love the way it went on, how easy it was to distress a little and then I finished it off with a brown stain and paste finishing wax.

Oh my, what a difference a coat of paint makes!

See that brown wooden shelf with the green chalkboard? It is also reflected in the mirror! That is the only before picture I have of it but I wanted to share it because I love the after.

I used the Oatmeal chalk paint from FolkArt Home Decor Chalk that I am loving from JoAnn's. I also distressed this a little bit and then finished it with a light wash of a brown stain and paste finishing wax. The flash from the camera does not show the distressing details but the coat of paint just made a huge difference. It now hangs as an information center at Impact Theatre, the community theatre my husband and I run.

Oh my, what a difference a coat of paint makes!

After I posted this picture on a recent blog post about my kitchen, I was horrified at how bad the color of the stool legs and the bottom of the island looked! I knew that I had chosen the absolute wrong color 15 years ago, but it looked right in the store! Very Violet? What was I thinking for a cobalt and white kitchen?

I went straight to the paint store in town and got the right color, called Glory, to finally redo them. Amazing how you can live with something for 15 years and then one day, it just doesn't work anymore!

Early morning favorite time in the kitchen!

Oh my, what a difference a coat of paint makes!

The weather is getting too cold to be doing anymore outdoor painting....oh darn! Come next spring I will have some finishing up to do and probably re-touching to do after the inevitable harsh winter.

As a last reminder of summer, my lone sunflower bloomed today! Isn't she sweet?

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:
Anything Blue Friday
Strut Your Stuff Saturday
Bouquet of Talent Linky Party
Amaze Me Monday
Make It Monday
Make It Pretty Monday
Cottage Vintage Style
You're Gonna Love It Tuesday
Treasure Box Tuesday
Coffee and Conversation
Before and After Wednesday
Showcase Your Talent Thursday


  1. Wow....paint does make a difference. Your front porch looks wonderful. I could sit out there with a cup of coffee and enjoy the sounds of the morning. :). And yes-the lone sunflower is beautiful. She looks like one happy gal! :)

  2. AnneMarie, your porches and steps look beautiful. I can so closely identify with you in that it has been at least 3 yrs. since we have painted our front porch and back deck. I have had some health issues myself and was not able to tackle the job. My husband who has been retired since we painted out there last has taken on a couple of part-time jobs, neither of which have regular schedule hours, so we have to plan well in advance. When he does get a day off, there is grass to be mowed, etc. As a result, our outdoor structures are looking pretty shabby. I might just have to get out there when cool weather finally arrives and do it alone, like you have done! By the way, your yard looks beautiful, too, and those ferns are wonderful. Wish we could grow them outdoors in the ground here like that!

  3. Wow - somebody's been bitten with the energy bug! I still need to sand, patch and paint a shelf that I plan to put in my upstairs bathroom - and you're right - it will soon be too cold to paint! Nice job!

  4. Terrific transformations using paint. Thanks for the tip about the FolkArt chalk paint. I used their products but have not heard of this product before. I would like to invite you to link up this post to Make It Monday -

  5. Great painting post AnnMarie :) You are so right about what a coat of paint can do. That rocking chair was a terrific find and it looks great now with its aqua paint--great choice. Have a wonderful week!

  6. What a difference indeed! Your before and afters are amazing!!! Your porch is just stunning as is your kitchen! Well done and I am going to have to check out that paint line! Happy week to you! Nicole xo

  7. Wow, you've been busy! And I agree, a coat of paint can transform anything! Thanks for linking up to Make It Monday, our new link party!

  8. Lovely! I dream of adding a beautiful Victorian door like yours to my old house. Thanks so much for sharing at the Make it Monday Party! Hope to see you again next week :)

  9. Paint is wonderful...a low cost way to make things look great. I love your blue stools.

  10. Dear AnnMarie, You are handy!! and everything seems to turn out stunning.
    The porch, the kitchen, the rocking chair. It all looks beautiful. You have a lovely home.
    Blessings dear. Catherine

  11. So glad you're mobile again getting your wish list done! I enjoyed the porch tour and your homey kitchen. :-) Thanks for the painting tips too.

  12. You did an amazing job, I especially love the stools. I am sure it feels great to look around and see all the lovely improvements.

  13. Sure does make a difference, love your porch!!! Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  14. Wow! What a big difference on the steps. Paint really can do wonders.

  15. Your porch is beautiful- you've done such a good job! So glad you added in a picture of your sweet sunflower- what a day-brightener! Thank you for sharing your musings with us at Treasure Box Tuesday! Pinned! :)

  16. You have been so busy with paint and have inspired me to get busy repainting our deck. Was thinking I would do it next Spring but now I am ready to get busy now. Your place looks fabulous!

  17. I love your quaint kitchen. Your porch looks great, too! Come visit me when you have a minute!

  18. Wow, what a difference a coat of paint does to is right! I love your sweet home and your kitchen is so warm and cozy. The new color on the stools is just the perfect touch! Love that sunny sunflower too.

  19. Oh your porch looks fabulous - how beautiful - and how amazing to live in a house with that much history - lucky you !


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