Friday, September 11, 2015

It Reminds Me of You....

Everyday things tell a story.

I know we all have them. Those things around your home that take your mind and heart immediately to that someone special that gave it to you.

Every morning I start my day with a cup of coffee. And I store my coffee in this beautiful stoneware, cobalt blue glazed crock, given to me by my sweet friend Michelle. She and I both visited the quaint country store she bought it from many times over the years. It was called The Leaning Barn. The store is gone now so it is even more special to have an item from it.

As a child I received a very special gift from my grandmother, Ga. I have so many things around my home from her, but this Madonna and Baby Jesus statue is my most favorite. It sits on my dresser where I see it everyday.

Surrounding her are other precious pieces of Ga's

For my 50th birthday I threw myself a Mary Engelbreit "The Queen of Everything" party.

  My daughter Jena found the perfect gift...

It hangs by my dresser above a hook for my scarves. I see it everyday.

 Every evening I end my day in bed reading before I fall asleep. And I always think of my friend Darlene who cross stitched bookmarks for all the ladies in our bible study, several times! I am blessed to have two of them and they are prized possessions.

As you can imagine I have lots and lots of goodies that my husband gave me as gifts, but the one thing that is an important part of my day and is useful and practical, is this cute eyeglass holder.
It sits on my bedside table along with my books and pictures of him and my son. It is the last thing I use each night before I go to bed.
I don't get to see my friend Michelle very much anymore. Our lives are on different paths and she is busy being an international artist!
Ga passed away when I was 11 (47 years ago!!) but I have so many reminders of her that I feel her presence all around my home.
I have been told I look like her!
I talk to my daughter almost every day and see her throughout the week, but it is a nice reminder to me that I am the Queen Mother in her life!
Darlene is a knitting buddy of mine and I get to see her big smile almost every Sunday at church.
And of course my husband is the one I get to share my life with every day. He is my Knight in Shining Armor.
All of us Queen's have to have that strong man around the palace :-)
What everyday things do you cherish that were given to you as gifts?
AnnMarie xoxo
I am linking up with these great blog parties:


  1. I fully agree. I've been feeling quite sentimental lately ... walking down memory lane because of certain objects that have special meaning. Especially when I stumble across something unexpectedly.

  2. I have a felt wall hanging that my daughter made when she was a teen, It says "Plant kindness, Gather love"

  3. I have my grandmother's glasses and prayer book...they are such treasures. I have a bookmark from a friend who passed away from cancer. I have a teapot from another friend I lost to cancer...the list is endless. I carry these people with me always. I have gifts from friends I see all the time and some occasionally, so they are never far away either....such beautiful gifts you've received AnnMarie!

  4. Used to have a couple little crocks like that (but not blue). Think mine went out on one of my "clean out" episodes.
    It is all those little special touches like that, that make our house our "home".
    Enjoy the weekend!

  5. I enjoyed seeing and hearing about your sweet little memories. Thanks for sharing them with us and have a great weekend,

  6. I am fortunate to have some lovely pieces from my family. My grandmother's school slate is one of my favorites to use in decorating. My grandpa was my only babysitter and I loved him more than anyone. His bottle capper from his days of making beer is always on display somewhere in our house.

  7. I have a few keepsakes around the house that make me smile on a daily basis. Like you, I love pieces that mean something to me, that have a story or a history. New just can't compare...

  8. Beautiful and sentimental treasures you have, to warm your heart. I too have many, many treasures, tea cups, china sets, vases, books, hankies, limoges and art. They all have special places in my home, heart and memories!

  9. I love your special gifts Ann Marie. I too have many things around my home that hold a special place in my heart as well. I love that you have special things from your grandmother. All of my grandparents had passed away before I was old enough to remember them and I have no special grandparent trinkets.

  10. I love the portrait of your grandmother and the Madonna statue. I have eccentric items like a jar of sawdust from my grandfather's jeweler's bench where he cut gemstones, My grandmother's doll, and a tall cheese box of fabric scraps my granny saved for quilts.

  11. Hi AnnMarie, I love this post filled with wonderful treasures from loved ones and the place they hold dear in your heart. I too cherish those precious items from my mother and grandmother along with my dear hubby and son. Things that, if the house were on fire I'd grab them on the way out!! Loved your pics and the story behind each treasured gift.
    Blessings, cm

  12. You're so blessed to have so many treasure that were given to you by some of the most important people in your life.

  13. It's wonderful to have so many special reminders of all those sweet friends and family in your life throughout the years! My family was very intentional about passing along tangible pieces of their lives to their children and grandchildren which I'm thrilled to own today. Lovely post, AnnMarie!
    Mary Alice

  14. Love this AnnMarie! I also treasure these kinds of mementos in my home ;) Blessings, Cecilia

  15. Your grandma looks like a movie star!!! Beautiful!
    You're so lucky to have so many special mementos from your loved ones.

  16. Oh, I LOVE the photo of your Ga. My, oh my, what a stunning woman, and so stylish. I definitely see a resemblance, and I imagine if you had a photo taken wearing those same clothes and hat, and took off your glasses, you'd look just like her. It's not a "gift" per se, but I do have the trunk my beloved grandfather brought on the ship from Belgium to America in the late 1800's. It sits next to my side of the bed and reminds me every day of him. I love it. Enjoy your day AnnMarie. xo ~ Nancy

  17. AnnMarie, thank you so much for finding me. I'm glad I found you too. Your Ga is beautiful and I love the name, NaNa. I'm BonBon because I'm sweet and it's short for Bonnie or that's what they tell me anyway:)))) I love the white and blue rim enamel pitcher. I collected them at one time. I wish I had all the red, blue and black ones that I've collected over the years. Why oh why do we let go of what we love. To make room for more??? Jesus calling is my all time favorite devotional.

  18. What sweet reminders!! Love the old picture!

  19. Hello AnnMarie, what a sweet post this is. I love that gorgeous Madonna and Child statue, it's absolutely beautiful and I can image you treasure it. As the beautiful cross stitched book marks. And how sweet of your daughter to give you such a sweet gift! Thank you for your visit to my blog, wishing you a beautiful day!

  20. This is such a sweet post. I love using many of the old things that I got from my mom's kitchen when she passed away...many of them aren't worth anything but they are priceless to me and love the memories that they stir up in my head as I use them... or just look at them!

  21. Popping over from Stephanie's blog...I love all your vintage goodies. I am a total Mary Engelbreit fan and have decorated my sewing cottage with her goodies and vintage toys.It just makes me happy. Your Madonna and Child is so pretty and very special. Nice to visit.

  22. What wonderful treasures! I'm a hoarder of beloved things, so I'm afraid my list would take a while ;)


  23. I love to have items around me that remind me of my loved ones. Not far from where I am typing this is a shelf with my grandma's knick knacks. Behind me are her aprons. I have a several beloved pieces of furniture from her as well. You have some lovely pieces and I know they must mean so much to you. I like your birthday party idea. While you are the Queen of Everything, my boys call me the Princess of Quite A Lot! I am a new follower and am excited to read more!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  24. The Madonna statue is special - love that piece.

  25. These are the greatest of treasures-ones given in love with special thoughts.
    It's wonderful you keep them out were you can see them every day!

  26. What a nice post. I like things that are not only useful but come with a story or history.

  27. Such a sweet post...its amazing the memories and joy brought to us from those we love. Most of mine are from my Mom. I just used a copper bucket in a fall vignette and I cannot look at it without thinking of her.. Thanks for sharing your treasures with us.

  28. This was a great post, AnnMarie! It's so great to have things in our day to day lives that remind us of loved ones! Thanks for linking up at Best of the Weekend!

  29. I loved seeing all of these beautiful special pieces that you have in your home that bring back such great memories. I'm lucky that I have many of the same sort of things, thoughtful gifts from my parents, family and friends that always make me smile and make my house a home!

  30. Hi Ann Marie, I didn't realize we had so much in common. Vintage, aqua, middle child, 1st daughter named Candice, love of the Savoir and the scriptures, Fall, gardening, blogging, . . . I think I can go on and on. lol My first purchase from Etsy was a feed bag from your shop that I did embroidery on and covered a pillow with it. The back side I covered the seat of a chair. It was a great purchase!
    Do you know Jann from Have a cup with Mrs. Olson? She is going to Boston in a couple of weeks. I have been to Boston and surrounding area and fell in love with all the beautiful history there. I was in Salem on the first full moon on Halloween in 100 years. It was fun! I loved learning more about you from Kris. Love her spot lights. Enjoy your weekend. With hugs, Jo

  31. Gifts from our loved ones are so special ~ thank you for sharing some of yours! I'm stopping by from Kris's blog ~ very nice to meet you!


  32. Love that you have so many sentimental pieces! I have a cedar chest that holds cards, letters, awards, and so much more. I like looking back through it from time to time and reminisce. I see you have the Jesus Calling devotional; I do too!


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