Friday, December 4, 2015

A Simpler Christmas....and my Decorating Dilemma Solved!

We were so excited to adopt our two kitties in September. We never thought about having to worry about the Christmas tree in December. My last kitty never bothered the tree or any of my decorations.

And then there was Cyrus. To catch up on my Christmas decorating dilemma, you can click here.

So to solve this dilemma I decided to go with a wall tree as seen in my last post. Except my tree would go on my double pocket doors instead of a wall in the living room.

I bought some Command hooks and just started sticking them to the door. I have had the garland from when we first moved into this house 19 years ago (I save stuff!) so I just shaped it in a tree pattern.

Some red bulbs and my hand made paper tree topper and done! I didn't do any lights because of the cord hanging down for playful kitty eyes to see.

Lots of room underneath to put the gifts

I found the small vintage ornaments at the public market. They add just the right touch.
The simpler tree inspired me to go simpler everywhere else I usually decorate in the house for Christmas. You may not think some of it is simpler, but for me, it is!! I have so many decorations, but this year only a quarter of them will be used.

I have at least four nativity sets that I love to display and this vintage one is my favorite. When I saw
how Lori  at Dining Delight displayed hers, I fell in love and had to try it.

I just happened to find the glass cloche at JoAnn's on sale. I set it all up on a red cake plate with a
small light to shine through.

My parlor mantel changes every year and it is usually done up with a huge wreath, stockings hung from the mantel, and a yule log in front of the fire plate. Not going to work this year.

I found the vintage picture at an estate sale on my street this summer. It is a woven tapestry framed in a gorgeous vintage frame. It makes me think of "over the river and to the woods to Grandmother's house we go"! I knew it would go great with the vintage ceramic set of trees, carolers and a horse and sleigh I found last year at my favorite thrift store.

On the opposite side of the room are my wing chairs and antique table with the window seat behind it. I usually really embellish this area but again, not this year. I am taking a huge chance with just the three trees on my table! The one on the left is a thrifted safety pin beaded tree.

Just some hand made star pillows from my sister on the window seat.
In the dining room I always decorate the top of my cupboards. I have been collecting vintage deer so it is a woodland theme again this year.

The table centerpiece gets changed up every year. I was inspired to use my fabulous snowmen made by my artist friend Michelle. The little trees were made by Donna at Distressed Donna Down Home. I had to have them!
This is where the aqua tree I made of vintage, rusty metal parts a few months ago is....for now. I keep changing my mind on where things will stay every time I walk through the house. Do you do that?!
That blue thing to the left near the baseboard is a kitty toy!

Or maybe it looks better here?

 My husband and I both had to sacrifice putting up our own tree this year.....his is a super hero tree and mine is a snowman tree. He found a solution for his....

Just a simple centerpiece on the kitchen island with a few other things here and there and the kitchen is decorated.
The ornament is just one of the many treasures I received from Pam in an ornament exchange I joined. She made this one.
This is one of the other things in the kitchen and it covers three categories....thrifted, vintage and kitschy! I had to have him.

The snowman plate is from an Estate sale. The woman sold something her grandchild made her!! I bought it for $1!

If you are still with me, I have one more thing to show you. Every year I make a few things for gifts.

Totally forgetting that I bought a stocking last year at an after Christmas sale (I have too much stuff to keep track of!), I bought this one at a sale recently to decorate for my daughter and her husband. I still hang stockings on the hall banister for my  husband, son, daughters and their husbands, and my grandchildren, and fill them every year. I never did like the one I had for my oldest daughter Candice and her husband Matt. They live in a cottage in the woods and their house is decorated in woodland colors. This stocking is just their style (even though it will be hanging in my house!).
I printed out some cutouts online of trees and a deer and cut them out of felt. I added some snowflakes and snowballs. 
With this post too!
AnnMarie xoxo

P.S. The edit version does not show all the misaligned sentences for me to fix. Drives me crazy trying to fix them....I've tried everything I know. Anyone have any suggestions?
I am linking up with these great blog parties: 


  1. With all the rest of your decorating, I think you'll hardly miss the tree this year! Your home looks lovely. I'm envious - I've had 2 bad colds since the end of October so nothing's done here yet. Your post has put me in the spirit, though! Thanks!

  2. Love, love, love that tree!! And the wreaths are adorable. Everything else is so lovely, I just love it!! I think you've done a beautiful job with decorating and it doesn't look like too much or too little!! I'm so glad you found a beautiful solution to the kitty tree problem! :-)

  3. Every thing looks so pretty and festive, and a great solution for the tree. The kitties will probably enjoy napping on the pretty packages or playing with the bows when you put them under the tree. :-D Really like the picture over the mantel with the sled, etc..
    Enjoy your evening..

  4. AnnMarie, I love your garland tree and your window seat is the best! Thank you for sharing your simply elegant decorations @Vintage Charm! Hugs, Cecilia

  5. Hi AnnMarie,
    Everything looks so pretty! I really like your garland tree, very cute! And your framed art over the mantel is nice too, it does remind me of "Over the River...". I like how you added to the sweater stocking too!
    Have a great weekend,

  6. Dearest AnnMarie, your Christmas tree is one of the cutest I've seen. What a fun and unique idea to put it up on the wall - I LOVE it :)

    Your home is beautiful, my friend. You have an eye for making things lovely and extra cozy.

    Sorry about your alignment issues. I always choose the center alignment when I write posts and it keeps everything centered.....Hugs to you!

  7. AnnMarie,
    Your door tree looks very creative and the wreaths with the super heroes adorable. i have been lucky that our cats just lay under the tree to smell it and will occasionally bat at a low hanging ornament/cat toy.
    My brother lives in Florida and has an artificial tree - last year on a visit he had just put up the tree. He and his wife had weeks before adopted 3 kitties, Larry, Moe and Curly Sue you can imagine they became the 3 stooges and climbed that tree and nested inside the branches for naps. Totally destroying the tree! I wonder if they will behave this year?!!!
    Your stocking turned out very cute and your house looks very festive, wishing you a magical holiday season.

  8. Hi AnnMarie - everything looks wonderful and that is a very clever solution for keeping the kitty off the tree! This is the 3rd blog I have read that has this problem! Mine are too old now to bother the tree, but they still like to knock off the bulbs. I love the stockings you made. Your beautiful home looks very cozy for the season. I mentioned your Etsy site on my blog - and showcased the sweet things I bought. (The post before my recent one). Hope you have a lovely weekend. Hugs xo Karen

  9. Wow, you've gone to town on your decorations! I love the practical tree and the woodland stocking x

  10. Love it! You are one creative girl, but I knew that! ;-) I am so taken with your mantle. Charming. I have the same problem lately with the odd centered text. I have to go into the HTML and change it from there. It reverts back...weird.

  11. I love how you have decorated this year. It's all so pretty! What you did with the stocking is wonderful. Hugs,

  12. I love your alternative tree. So festive through out your home.

  13. Your tree turned out amazing and I love the deer stocking. You've come up with some great solutions so you can still decorate with Cyrus around. Way to go! It all looks great! Love your window seat too!

  14. Kitties can be like have a toddler in the house! Your decorations look wonderful. Sometimes less is more, ya know what I mean? The stocking came out great. I love the picture over the mantle. I would like some winter scenes so I could switch out my pictures in the dining room. I have this day dream of finding a winter coaching scene painting at Goodwill. Sigh! Happy Pink Saturday Ann Marie! - Susan - Susie'

  15. I love your swag tree! I've been wanting to do something like that for years...there's always next year. Everything looks so festive!!!

  16. So clever and it looks great! I love everything. The cloche with the nativity is perfect! My favorite is the basin with the trees in it and the adorable ornament Pam made for you! Love it! And, I love that tapestry! It is so beautiful and yes, it does remind me of that song too! It all looks great! Now, enjoy!

  17. I have to say I really like your simpler decorating. I don't do much now that the family are gone but I do love a tree and a few things about.


  18. Thanks for visiting Buttercupland! So enjoyed seeing all of your decorations. So pretty and sweet. Please come back and visit again.

  19. So fun to see all your Christmas decorations! Your home looks so warm and welcoming, and of course, I'm loving all your vintage goodies.
    Mary Alice

  20. AnnMarie, thanks so much for sharing @A Very Thrifty Christmas! So much eye candy--I enjoyed it every bit as much on my second visit! Hugs, Cecilia

  21. It's always fun to take a little trip around your house.

  22. AnnMarie the sacrifices we have to make for our furry friends. Your whole world has been turned upside down because of the cat. Your house still looks festive and cheery for Christmas, althought that triplet of trees on the table might be an easy target. Have a very happy holiday season!

  23. Hi AnnMarie, Love your tree idea. What a creative way to decorate. Love all your special touches around your lovely home. So inviting and cozy. Your ideas are inspiring. Merry Christmas xo

  24. I love your decorations, AnnMarie. I love the tree idea and those vintage ornaments rock! Really enjoyed the trip around your home and your unique vignettes. I was with you from beginning to the cute stocking end! Happy Holidays :)

  25. I had the same problem for a couple of years with two demented kittens. They've settled down now but this year a one year old grandson means it has to be unbreakable or very high up for decorations. You've come up with some great and very pretty ideas!

  26. Well, your flat tree is a success! It turned out great, AnnMarie! Now that you've gone "simpler," you'll have time to relax, right? Ha! The stocking for your daughter is so cute!

  27. A wall tree - so clever! My husband and I are in love with Cyrus the Terrible. Such an impish face. I was unpacking my cork trees and wondering where to put them - yours are displayed so well. I love the ornament you received. We did have a cat who liked to sleep on the bottom branch of the tree, but never had a pet who paid any attention to the ornaments. I like the tree plaque with the printer's tray. I will be featuring the star and the snow globe you sent me on a post tonight.

  28. This is such a great solution to the Kitty situation! I love it!
    You know, our oldest son has a 2 year old and a brand new kitten. They put up a Tree, but not one ornament or decoration.
    Your simpler approach to decorating is marvelous!

  29. Perfect, perfect solution! You done good Ann Marie.

  30. You certainly found a great solution for your Christmas tree dilemma, AnnMarie. I knew you would. So many great ideas in this post. The nativity under the cloche is lovely. The vintage tapestry is perfect over your mantel. I love your little trees and your sister's stars are beautiful. I'm crazy about the knit stocking with the fur trim and how you decorated it. It's so great! xo ~ Nancy P.S. Love the super hero wreath. LOL!

  31. Came over to visit you and was so delighted by your wall tree! What a stroke of Christmas genius! I know it's already time to take everything down, but I really enjoyed scrolling through your awesome decorated house. (I'm sure your bad kitty will help with the un-decorating.) Happy New Year!


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