Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thrifting Heaven

I never thought I'd experience Thrifting Heaven again so soon after my recent trip to Rochester Greenovation....the $5 a box warehouse.

I never thought I'd have two thrifting posts back to back either, not wanting to ever bore you, but I was so taken by this old/new place I had to show you!

I say old/new because I have been here a few times before but this time it was different with a bigger wow factor.

For one, the back storeroom is now open to the public and that is where I took most of the pictures. It was warm, thanks to heaters everywhere, and filled to the brim with PRICED, fabulous items. Nothing annoys me more than to have to ask "how much?"

Look at those fabulous retro hanging lights!

Speaking of prices, it is a little pricey for someone like me who is looking to resell and make a profit. Last time I was there I bought for myself, so the prices weren't too bad. Don't worry, I found some stuff this time too that I really want to keep but I am making myself list them in my Etsy shop! You will see them near the end.

Just like my other favorite warehouse picking place, this building is also a warehouse in an industrial area of the town next to mine so it is closer for me. I only had about an hour before I needed to get home but I managed to get through most of the vendors rooms and that huge storeroom.


They had a nice collection of vintage windows....

and look at this fabulous aqua door!

On my way out of the storeroom I stumbled on this box of vintage clocks. Gasp! But at $10+ each, I passed by for now. I need to go back when I have more time and really go through the box. For me. To keep.

This room is just so pretty, I could live in it. The owner decorated it. Actually he does a lot of the buying for the main area of the store. I just realized that I never told you the name of the store. Rustiques. Isn't that perfect? The name makes me want to see what is inside.

I have always wanted a cupboard like this in my kitchen. It will have to be in my next house :-)

Okay, so now that you have seen heaven from a pickers point of view, here is what I got!

There is one booth that I found great things in the last couple of times, so I went there to get serious about buying stuff. I found three of the four items I bought in that one booth. Her prices are great. The owner said she is a sweet, little older lady that likes to find things and sell them at a good price.

I was so excited to see this tartan plaid cooler in her booth. It is The Skotch Kooler from the 50's, USA made. It will be hard for me to part with this one.

Anything aqua catches my eye so I picked up this small wooden Shaker cheesebox because of the color. I am thinking of stenciling something on the top.

It has a fun surprise inside.....

I learned from a seasoned antique collector that white enamelware with cobalt trim is rare and can be pricey. That is why she wouldn't budge on the price of a colander she was selling! I bought it at asking price and it is hanging in my kitchen.

When I saw this large, white enamel pitcher with cobalt trim, I didn't think twice about getting it. Not sure yet whether it is a keeper or a seller.

See how it matches my kitchen?

I found this license plate first and carried it around the whole place. I just love the rusty, worn, industrial look of it. There was a whole bin of these so I will have to go back for more. Along the top it is stamped 67 OKLAHOMA IS OK. Get it?


So I want to end with some pictures of my two kitties that we adopted in September. They were only 2 months old then. Now they are 6 months old and don't really look like kittens anymore! We call them "the children" and like children they grow so fast! At least they won't be graduating and moving out!

Here they are then...

And here they are now....

Cyrus the Black Burmese

Sprite the Calico
They have made themselves at home and we just love them both.

Life is good with kitties in the house!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these blog parties:

Share Your Cup Thursday
Vintage Charm
Flea Market Friday
Anything Goes Pink Saturday
Amaze Me Monday
Vintage Bliss Tuesdays Linky Party
Thrifty and Vintage Finds
Table It Link Party
Let's Talk Vintage
Talk of the Town
What's It Wednesday


  1. You will have to take me next time I come north!

  2. That place does look like a thrifters heaven! Love the name of the place too! You found some neat things. The kitties are getting so big. They are just the cutest! Have a great rest of the week!

  3. Oh, yes, the room the owner decorated is gorgeous. I'd have to spend a lot of time drinking it in. White enamelware with cobalt blue trim is one of my favorite things, but I can never afford it so I don't own any. Love that aqua door! xo ~ Nancy

  4. Oh my goodness, I want that green dollhouse!! I love that pitcher, too. I say it's a keeper. I know I keep saying this, but you live in the best area for thrifting!!

  5. It would be so fun to browse through this vintage store. Ooooo, I love that red plaid cooler. Remember the vintage red plaid lunch boxes? I've been looking for one of those. They always remind me of the good ole school days. Aahh, that little red truck with the tree in back is sweet too. This is a great place to visit.


  6. Love the Cooler! Looks like an amazing place!

  7. What a fun place to shop!!! I love the white pitcher with cobalt trim!!!

  8. Ok, I have thrift envy, lol! Thank you for sharing the eye candy and your treasures @Vintage Charm!

  9. It's pretty bad when you see a post---and covet living in a warehouse...OMG...what a place---and it's only 12-14 hours from here, LOL. Thanks for the view, Sandi---maybe if I pack a sleeping bag they will let me squat!

  10. I would not have been able to all!! So much gorgeousness and what a great name for a store!! Love your purchases and don't know if I would be able to part with them to sell...just too many wonderful things!!

  11. I could very happily take a thrifting vacation in that place. I'd feel so at home there. Love the aqua box, and that enamel pitcher is fabulous. The kitties are adorable!

  12. Wonderful to look at and dream about. What a warehouse !

  13. Wow, I can't believe how big your sweet kittens have gotten! They are just precious, my friend :)

    I love what Tuula said about taking a thrifting vacation there - I quite agree! My, what fun treasures. Happy weekend, my dear! Hugs!

  14. Oh o love it all!! This is exactly my kind of place! That door!

  15. What pretty kitties! Looks like they are loving their new home:) Wow, what an amazing place to shop, I could spend alot of time there! Love the vintage aqua and white door!!

  16. Hi AnnMarie, that looks like a really great place to go, lucky you. I don't think I saw enough Victorian though. :)
    Awww, your cats have grown so much. How sweet they are!
    Have a great weekend.

  17. That place looks wonderful! I want to shop there! Glad you found a few goodies.

    xo Dianne

  18. Drooling! I'd go crazy in a place like this. You sure found some fun stuff!

  19. Thrifting heaven! Indeed this is - and your thrifting finds are totally amazing.
    You made a great point - priced!! Oh, I grumble and mumble too- when I can't find a price tag, or anyone to ask:(
    Looks like you had a great day!

  20. I love these places full of treasures and memories and goodies. So glad you had fun.

  21. Heaven indeed Ann Marie! I am drooling over that aqua door!! I have a piece of enamelware with cobalt trim. Did not realize that. Thanks for the info. I also have that same scotch kooler, but like a dummy I put it on my porch one July and it got sun faded. Don't do that anymore! Thanks for sharing your great finds with SYC.

  22. What a great shop! Looks like they had some amazing things!
    When I buy stuff I have a tendency to buy what I like and then I have a really hard time letting it go! You got some good stuff!

  23. Well, I want that aqua door (I'm going hunting for a door tomorrow for my guest room wall), that pitcher, those fabulous letters on the wall ... and a whole lot more.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  24. What a heavenly place! I'm with you, I'd want everything :-)

  25. Oh, AnnMarie, you had me at the owner's booth! It's fantastic, and what a place to spend time! Get back there, girl, and get those clocks!

  26. Rustique is Fantastique!!!! I love old clocks too. I've had kitties almost all of my life.... Yours are beautiful.!

  27. WOW! I would love to spend a day in that place. Love the enamelware pitcher. Thanks for the kitty update. We call the dogs the puppy boyz and the cats are the kitty girls. Strange we have pet names for our pets :>)))

  28. Oh my. I would love to find a place like this. I can't even imagine all the hidden treasures. To us the hunt is a sport.

    Where is this amazing place?


  29. Looks like a great place to spend a few hours exploring! Love your enameled pitcher and your sweet little kitties. A house just doesn't seem like a home without at least a couple. x

  30. WOW! What a fun place to spend the day ~ We love coming across places like this...oh to dig up some treasures there!!!

  31. Oh My Gosh...well, I didn't think this post could out-do the last one...but GASP...I would have needed mental help not to buy out that entire store!! That aqua door - LOVE! Love the pitcher you brought home too, so pretty!
    Cute photos of the kitty twins! ;)
    Hugs, Kimberley


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