Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Greatest Invitation

Invitation + Desire = Acceptance

My bedtime ritual every night is to read my stack of devotionals, my favorite being Our Daily Bread.

It has a small devotional for each day of the month written by a Christian writer and then a complimenting scripture is included.

The one on Friday, March 31st got me.

It's not like I didn't know the content in that days writing, or had not heard it and read it many times before. I just had never read it put quite that way.

The writer of this devotion is David McCasland. He quotes Isaiah 55:1:

"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters;
and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk without money
and without cost."

God is offering his free gift of salvation and everlasting life to anyone who will come to Him.

McCasland goes on to say how Jesus offered the same thing in the last book of the bible,
Revelation 22:17:

"The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!"
And let the one who hears say "Come!"
Let the one who is thirsty come, and let
the one who wishes take the free gift
of the water of life."

On this day before Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified, and this Holy week of Easter, I thought it fitting to share this devotion.

The part that got to me is McCasland's final words in this devotion...

"We often think of eternal life as beginning when we die.
In reality, it begins when we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord."

You can have eternal life TODAY! Giving your life over to Jesus Christ, repenting of your sin and trusting Him to direct your path, will glorify Him for what He did for you....dying on the cross and rising again. It is the message of Easter and it is for everyone that trusts in Him.

Your life will be full of peace and joy, regardless of the circumstances, knowing that He has it all in control and NOTHING happens to you that He doesn't know about first.

The invitation is there. If you have the desire, accept.

Your eternity starts today.

Happy Easter!


  1. Easter Blessings to you and yours, AnnMarie!

  2. A beautiful devotionm thank you for sharing with us.
    Years ago we read those very devotionals.

    Easter blessings to you, dear lady♡

  3. What a lovely message, AnnMarie. Happy Easter! :)

  4. A vital message of everlasting life!

    Wishing you a peaceful and blessed Easter, AnnMarie.


  5. I use "Journey" and sometimes I will read "Our Daily Bread". Both are awesome devotionals. Like you, I've read these verses so many times but I love it when the Lord gives me a new perspective! I hope you have a wonderfully blessed Easter AnnMarie! Love and hugs!!

  6. Indeed. He has overcome! Wonderful encouraging words.
    xx Beca

  7. This is the true message of Easter, AnnMarie. The reason we celebrate, the reason we worship. "Jesus has overcome, and the grave is overwhelmed. . ." Love that song by Chris Tomlin "I Will Rise". So beautiful. So full of hope. Blessings and peace to you, sweet friend. Thank you for posting this and Happy Easter. Hugs, Nancy

  8. That was so beautiful! Wishing you a Happy Easter Ann Marie.

  9. Thank you for this and for linking up at the Friday at the Fire Station link-up! Have a Happy Easter!

  10. Great post! That would be wonderful if someone would come to know Jesus by reading it.

  11. The greatest invitation ever. May many accept it this Easter Sunday! Thanks for sharing how God touched your heart. #SpiritualSunday

  12. I appreciate you sharing sweet lady. I too like Daily Bread. Praise the Lord for salvation! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Loved your post AnnMarie. The greatest invitation, indeed! Hope your Easter was blessed! Hugs, Cecilia

  14. Happy Easter to you too sweet friend. We went to church, had a big friend and family lunch at the farm and climbed into bed exhausted.

  15. Very beautiful Ann Marie! I feel so blessed to have the savior in my life!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. Amen! Yes, we are to live IN the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth! We are to think like Christ and behave as a child of God would. Beautiful verses that highlight this important fact so many are missing! We were made in His image to be like Him!

  17. I will feature this tomorrow at Home Sweet Home!


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