Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Looking Forward and Looking Up

I'm not making any resolutions for the New Year.

Not posting any goals or things I want to change.

Don't have any plans different for the new year than I did for the old. I have finally reached the time in my life that I am just living my day to day and enjoying life in a small town in Upstate New York. I have asked my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to take control of my life so all I have to do is obey and follow his lead.

I think He's got some cool stuff for me coming up in 2015 though!!

I like the routine of the every day so I just plan on spending my days and life in 2015 with some special people that I couldn't do it all without.....

My husband Frank and son Michael, who aren't afraid to indulge with me in some high tea.

Grandson Baby JC, 3 months, and Granddaughter Chloe, 3 years. They are too cute, I am too blessed!

Jena, my youngest daughter, who is SO much like me, and the cute children's Mom.

Granddaughter Cassidy, 9, with the Christmas toys I buy her every year. You know, the annoying ones that sing and dance? I think she is up to six of them now, much to the dismay of her parents!

Candice, my oldest daughter, Cassidy's Mom. Hair stylist extraordinaire. The compliments I get on my hair boost my confidence on a daily basis!

Ah, the girls, my Mercy Sisters. We get together and eat and laugh. From the left is sweet Lora, funny Colleen, feisty Tree, big-hearted Kim, the. best. hugger. Irene, and me.

Bonnie, who is so much like me it is scary, except, obviously, our looks!! Even everything we do for our looks, we do the same!

There are many others I will enjoy spending 2015 with, I just don't have pictures of them!!!

In 2015 I will be eating some of my favorite foods.....in moderation....

Almond Joy Cake (recipe)

HUGE donuts from a local grocery store bakery
My Homemade Lasagna (recipe)
Rhubarb Crisp (recipe)

Seafood Boil (recipe)

And, so you don't think I am a junk food junkie...
Beet Greens, Walnuts and Goat Cheese Salad (Recipe)

After a full day from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. of doing and doing, weeknights you will find me on the couch watching some of my favorite TV shows:

Downton Abbey
Once Upon a Time
The Voice
Shark Tank

Anyone else watch any of those? I'm kinda hooked.

And finally, I will be doing some of my favorite things......

Gardening in the summer

Baking in the Fall....

      hibernating at home  in the winter.....

and in the Spring......thrifting and garage sale-ing and picking and hunting for the best old stuff I can find.

 You can find me here on my blog musing about this and that or in front of the computer working on my Etsy shop when I am not thrifting, or going out to lunch with the girls or spending time with my grandchildren.
It's where I am supposed to be in the big picture of things.....looking forward and looking up.
And that's just how I like it.
AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these great blog parties:

Roses of Inspiration
Show and Share
A Return to Lovliness
A Little R & R Linky Party
Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Share Your Cup Thursday
The Weekend Missional Link Up Party
Flashback Friday
Coffee and Conversation Link Party


  1. Love it all!! Your family is so beautiful! I need to do the same thing....trust that God has his plan and keep enjoying the little things!!! Love Downton by the way and all of your yummies up there too! Wishing you a blessed year! Nicole xo

  2. Dear AnnMarie, What a beautiful family you are blessed with.
    I am like you. I put my days in the hands of the Lord and ask Him to guide me. I am His.
    I like the Voice too. I will have to check into some of the other shows, since I have not watched them.
    I think we all have to indulge a little in fun food.
    Have a very Happy New Year.

  3. Fun post, and all your family are just lovely, would you believe I have a grandson name JC but he's 12 yrs. I am trying so hard not to eat sweets, for at least 6 weeks anyway till I go back to the doctor for my check up. Now looking at all yours I am craving them, especially the almond joy cake.Visiting from Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration.

  4. You've got a good-looking family ... and my goodness, did that Almond Joy cake look divine?

  5. I love your motto, "looking forward and looking up". This is the second time I have heard it this year, maybe God is telling me something!
    I thoroughly enjoyed your post, family, friends and food, what more could you ask for.


  6. I don't do resolutions, either, Ann Marie! It looks like your year will be off to a good start. I like to watch Downton Abbey and The Voice. I enjoyed seeing all your pictures that you included in your post. Happy New Year!

  7. Hello! I'm visiting from Stephanie's link up. My goodness, I loved your post! You remind me of myself...we have lots in common, except I am not blessed with grandchildren...yet! One day and sooner rather than later I hope! I enjoyed my visit here and will visit again. I am off to check out some of your thrifty finds. I noticed in the above picture the metal clock. I have the same one and turned it into a mirror! I LOVE thrifing!

    Blessings, Vicky

  8. Good evening, AnnMarie! Okay, all of the food you just shared has my tummy growling! After I finish this comment I am headed to the kitchen to start supper :)

    Your family is beautiful, my friend, just like you. And that little JC is just precious! Your post was a joy to read - "Looking forward and looking up" Amen!

    Thanks for sharing on Roses of Inspiration. Hugs and blessings!

  9. Hi AnnMarie! So glad you came to see me! This was such a great post and I LOVE your attitude about the new year...letting Jesus be our guide and for us to follow! I really enjoyed your photos...and I see you are a fellow Downton fan! Have a good Wednesday!

  10. What a beautiful family. And the almond joy cake looks DELICIOUS!!

  11. What joy to have stopped by your place... I feel the same way - no need to change anything - My God and Savior is in control! mari

  12. Wow your garden looks amazing and I love thrifting too, so much fun to see if you can find a treasure out there :)

  13. Well, it's official! I went to spend the New Year with you, AnnMarie!! What a wonderful outlook & an even more wonderful life. You are truly blessed. Wishing you the best 2015! Maybe this comment & future ones will actually "post" in the new year also!

  14. Looks like your life is blessed. Give thanks and enjoy it just like you're doing. At some point goals can be overrated.

  15. What a precious family you have! I love the photo of your garden through the door, that should be a greeting card. I'm totally hooked on Downton Abbey - you know the new season just started this week, right? Take care - Dawn

  16. Yes, looking up covers any possible New Year's resolutions! My daughter and I watch 'Once Upon a Time' and 'Resurrection'. We usually watch Downton Abbey when we can get the whole season on Hulu and binge watch.

  17. I think you've got the right idea AnnMarie! Your grandchildren are just beautiful- those dimples! I love the view of your garden through your charming screen door! Enjoy the new year!!

  18. Aww, your Grandson's a cutie-pie.

  19. You could be a "ghost writer" for me. Running parallel. I am a Downton Abbey big-time fan. I love anything related to Victorian, Edwardian, Jane Austen-ish. Both books and films.

  20. Sounds like everything is aligned for a great year ahead, AnnMarie! It's the everyday things that are the most important!

  21. Ann Marie I am with you girl! I just enjoy life and try to do the best I can each day. If I try to give up everything I love I feel like I am punishing myself and I find i crave things even more. It's best for me to just stay busy. I enjoyed the photos of your beautiful family! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  22. I so enjoyed seeing the faces and places of your world, AnnMarie, as well as reading about your amazing plans for the year. Your grands are adorable, and their mommies very pretty, just like their momma, too!

    Happy New Year, my friend!



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