While scrolling through Pinterest this week I came across this quote and I can't stop thinking about it...
"If someone wants to be a part
of your life, they'll be there.
So don't bother saving a spot
for someone who won't make
an effort to stay."
The quote is by Michael Cera. I googled him because I had no idea who he is! He is a Canadian actor and writer and guitarist. The part I identify with him on is the fact that he is a middle child, like myself, and that he must have had the same experience and same pain in his heart as I do to have said this quote.
We've all heard the comments and funny remarks about social media and technology and that our friends are all at the push of a button instead of face to face. I am all for the connections we can make through social media and understand it more and more because of my two Etsy shops and Pinterest and Twitter and Stumble Upon. I too sometimes "talk" more with my friends through Facebook or email than in person these days.
I still need the personal connections though. That face to face, one on one is how you tell who is a true friend. I treasure my friends and those in my family that are my friends. I am working on not saving a spot for those that won't make the effort to stay.
I have a high standard (maybe too high!) when it comes to friendship. I want a give and take. An equal sharing of time, trust, confidences, advice, prayer and love as opposed to a dumper and a dumpee. I am all for you venting to me if I can vent to you! I want to know where I stand with you as a friend. I can list those friends that I know that I know are there for me, love me and have no ill will towards me. Then there are those I am not so sure of. Some of them are in my family. Those are the ones, if any, I may tend to save a spot for, just in case they come around. Just in case they realize what they are missing in having me as a friend. Just in case they want to start making an effort to stay.
Scripture has got it all there for us -
Proverbs 17:17 says "A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity" (NIV) meaning when you are in trouble, you see who your friends are and how helpful a brother can be. Thank God for my sisters in Christ!
Proverbs 27:6 says " Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." (NIV) meaning that a loyal friend may correct you and the wounds will heal, while a deceitful enemy says sweet things that offer no real help.
Whether you have friendships through social media or face to face....you know who your true friends are. They are a part of your life and want to be. Treasure them.
AnnMarie :)