Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Mid-Week Musings

Hi! Happy almost Spring!

I don't have a set schedule of posting here on my blog so it has been awhile since I visited with you all.

So, what have I been up to since my last post?

Musing about this and that. Planning some updates for my home. A little Spring decorating.

Because we are in the middle of another storm I can't seem to erase the Let it Snow sign. It will have to share the side of my dining room with the bunnies.

I was inspired to make this basket when an Etsy buyer bought a similar basket from me and recreated a Martha Stewart design she saved from a magazine years ago. She sent me the picture of hers in her new basket and it was fabulous.

This basket was still in my shop. It is a vintage Harry and David gift basket from Oregon. I quickly deactivated it so I could use it to create my own Easter basket centerpiece. I guess that's a perk of having over 640 items in my shop. No one will miss the ones I keep for myself!

The greens are a garland from Michaels all bunched up inside; I painted the ceramic brown bunny about 40 years ago in ceramics class; the ribbon is new and the eggs are ones I painted last year. Of course I had to change my "Winter" scrabble pieces to "Spring".

My dress form got a new look. I have been searching online for the perfect Spring dress but until I find just the right one, I decided to dress her in this vintage long dress I found at a thrift store in Rochester, NY. I layered some of my personal necklaces with some vintage ones and she's ready for the transition from Winter to Spring.

My window seat in the parlor got Springified too with some new pink pillows added into the ones I have had there for 20 years. Love my new bunny pillow.

My sweet girlfriend Colleen gave me the beaded candleholder for my birthday. She is all about the baubles and bling, and me...I am a little understated in that department. I didn't know where to put it in my home but when I stuck a faux fern in it and put it under my gallery wall, it added just enough elegance to the room. 

One of those updates I mentioned earlier will be done in my parlor. The walls are called Cranberry Cocktail and although I love the color I am tired of it after 21 years. My new rug does not match perfectly to them so I want a fresh look with a more muted color. I am 99% sure I am going with the top color called Portobello. 

I have to decide soon since my painter is coming to paint on the 24th!


A couple of things I have been musing about are toilet rugs and mug cupboards. Yup, you read that right!

For some reason in this house I have had a toilet "rug" on the seat in whatever color the room currently is. I match it nicely to the rug. 

My husband hates it. It prevents the seat from staying up on it's own and that can be a problem for him if you know what I mean.

The other update we are planning is for this bathroom. It will be pretty much a gut job. That ugly tile? Gone! That ugly floor? Gone! That ugly old thingamajig under the toilet? Gone! Actually the toilet itself will be gone too and now, so will the toilet rug.

My husband asked me why I even have it there. 

I could not answer.

I thought it was the thing to do. You know, match it to the rug. Toilet seats are plain and ugly. Anybody out there with me on this?!

Another thing I have been musing about is my mug cupboard. To clean it out or leave it be.

My kitchen cupboards are tall, narrow and deep with lots of shelves. One of them is filled with mugs. Almost every time my husband goes for a mug he asks me why I keep all those mugs in there.

Because I can.

What if I get a house full of people that all want coffee?!?

I am quite attached to most of my mugs although I only use three of them on a daily basis. I have two 4 cup coffee mugs in two different colors to interchange daily and my tea mug. I have to start my day with a large cup of coffee and I am so afraid of my 4 cupper breaking again that I now have two of them.

Gotta cover all the bases on things you love.


I went to Trader Joe's recently with my sister and she insisted that I buy myself this huge chocolate bar to stash away and have a piece every she does.

Since I do like a little chocolate every day, I gave in. 

She twisted my arm after all.

It is my new favorite Trader Joe's item! Really thick chunks of milk chocolate with huge almonds inside.

I decided to give a bar to my husband for our monthly (on the 13th) anniversary gift. It's his favorite kind of chocolate bar. For those that don't know, we exchange a small gift every month on our wedding date. We have been doing it for 21 years.

He surprised me with this book. I actually had it in my cart on Amazon but never ordered it.

I think the two go perfect together......

Having endured three nor'easters with snow still on the ground, I can only hope Spring comes our way soon and gives me lots of ideas for future posts :-)

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up to these great blog parties:


  1. I hope spring comes your way too AnnMarie. If I were in your shoes I would have already eaten all of that chocolate bar. Danger danger! I have the Gaines' book but haven't read it yet. I'm sure it's great though. You have been busy in your house! That bathroom job is going to be something to live through but I bet it will be pretty. :)

  2. So good to see you post. Loving your basket. Oh those Harry and David baskets are so nice too. Girl, I too have cover on toilet lid to match rug. I've never seen a pretty toilet! You are 2nd person I have seen with the new book. I might need to check that out. READ IT WITH THAT CHOCOLATE! YUM! Everything looks so nice Ann Marie. So good to visit with you today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. You made me laugh! The toilet rug dilemma and the cabinet full of mugs because you can. I am not an analyzer, and sometimes I get surprised when someone asks me why and its something I've just never considered... the why.
    Loved your updates and your post.
    :) gwingal

  4. Hi AnnMarie! Love your basket creation - so classic "Easter Basket" shaped from my childhood. I get you with the toilet seat cover and the mugs. My husband nixed the toilet seat cover the first time it almost took him out. And we collect a souvenir mug for each of us when we travel. So what do we have? All mismatched and falling out of the cupboard. But that's what a "cup"board is for, right? Happy Spring!

  5. AnnMarie, I don't think I have ever caught a glimpse of your home before. I like your style and the pretty pieces that you have. The basket is wonderful and so springy. I used to use the furry covers to match the furry rugs, then changed up to oak toilet seats, now I just use the regular old white ones. I love your custom of the once a month gifts. That candy bar is marvelous. I haven't seen it at Trader Joe's. But my question is how can you eat just a piece a day? I don't have that kind of will power. I do have the book and really enjoyed it..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  6. Oh, how you make me giggle, lovely AnnMarie; love, love, love your delicious sense of humour! LOVE your Easter Basket; it is singing a sweet song of Easter and Spring. You might have to annexe an auditorium onto your lovely home to contain the throng that might enjoy a hot drink from all those mugs. The jury is out down here, re the fluffy toilet seat cover. =) BUT....if this concoction of fluffiness gives you much joy, then fluffy toilet seat cover it is! Oh, how I love visiting your beautiful place; you always bring many a delightful smile to my day. I can't wait to see your newly painted walls.

  7. I really like that dress! It's beautiful! I've always wanted a window seat, and those pillows make it look so welcoming. We had the same issue with the toilet rug in our house, so I had to get rid of it! Mine was purple to match our purple bath rug.

  8. I think I owned that dress! Just kidding, but I did have one simmilar to it years ago. You cracked me up about your musings about the mugs - Love your answer than you keep them "because you can" - I think that's my rationale for keeping everything. And yes, I can totally relate to being prepared in case an entire house of coffee drinkers show up! LOL!

  9. Absolutely love your Easter basket décor.
    Coffee cups; know where you're coming from. I used several of mine to plant herbs, succulents, cactus etc. into them. Have used in guest bathroom to hold new tooth brush and tooth paste knowing when I'm having overnight guests; melt wax and turn some cups into candles.
    Using old wood along with some hooks, I have made a cup rack to display on my kitchen wall.
    Old coffee cups are also great for holding markers, pens, pencils, paper clips, etc. Decoupage photos on some.
    Remember, if not going to be used for beverages they always be spray painted to match your décor.

  10. Well, you have been a busy, busy girl, AnnMarie. LOL about all your cups. I have way too many cups but many of them are packed up now in anticipation of moving later this year.

    I quit using toilet lid covers years ago and also rugs. Now I just use the bath mats like they use in a hotel. It just feels 'neater' to me somehow. Remember when ruffled toilet covers were popular back in the 80s when "country" was all the rage? LOL I had one of those!

    Hope you have a great Thursday, AnnMarie. xo Diana

  11. I guess I have a mug cupboard too, but did purge several last year when we updated our kitchen. Good luck on the gut job in the bath - been there, done that, not my cup of tea, and I don't want the t-shirt, lol. Good thing you found a new great chocolate bar. I'd stock up on those if I were you!

  12. A mug cupboard?? You lucky lady! My family was just talking about the fact that we have so many mugs they are overrunning the place. I need a place for all of them, because I can't give any of them up! And can you believe that I have never seen Fixer Upper? I literally posted about it on my Facebook page today....

  13. So glad to see you checking in, AnnMarie. I can relate to the mug situation. Most of them are there because I like them or they were a gift. And I will NEVER have that many people drinking hot beverages at once. I don't even drink coffee.

    And what's the point of having such a charming shop if you don't nab a few things for yourself now and then... just sayin'! I love your centerpiece basket.

  14. I'm not sure Spring is ever coming, AnnMarie!! I don't know about you but we've been getting snow every single day since that whopper of a winter storm Riley. It's never going to melt! I have had enough of shoveling and snow boots for one season!!!

  15. Hello, sweet friend! Oh, how I would love a piece of that chocolate right now. I just finished my afternoon cup of coffee and the chocolate would have been the perfect addition :)

    Your home looks beautiful and how sweet is that Spring basket! I love it! It was such a delight to visit you today. Hugs to you!

  16. Ann Marie, your basket turned out absolutely darling! I'm glad you posted again. I've hopped over a couple of times and was worried about you. :) I'm not a huge chocolate fan, but a piece now and then with almonds, oh my! I don't keep alot of mugs in our home. We aren't coffee drinkers and rarely use them. I keep some for my family that drinks coffee and for hot cocoa now and then. How exciting to be redoing your bathroom!

  17. I Love your pretty Easter basket that you decorated AnnMarie! I can't wait for spring to arrive. It's so cold and windy here. I can't wait for warmer weather. Hope you have a Happy St. Patrick's Day and a lovely weekend.

  18. Oh, I read that book - it's really good! I don't know if I could resist that big chocolate bar by having only one little piece. My downfall is chocolate.....Love all your spring decorating and the wonderful Easter Basket. I remember the Martha Stewart basket, too. I laughed at the toilet rug - my daughter loves those. And all the mugs - you are right, who knows when you might need to serve a crowd, right? haha! You might have to change your chalkboard sign to 'Please, let it stop snowing now!' :) Crazy weather. Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy Spring! Hugs xo Karen

  19. Hi AnnMarie! Just love your cute little Easter basket arrangement! Blessings, Cecilia

    1. Thanks so much for sharing it at Vintage Charm--pinned!

  20. I love your Easter basket centerpiece as well, AnnMarie. So cheerful.

  21. Chocolate is always a good idea. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home.

  22. Phew - I'm worn out with all of your activities! Haha - where to start: The toilet rug or the chocolate bar? Or the dress form or the window seat? The cute basket?? It's all great - I USED to have toilet seat covers simply because my MOM always had them so I thought you HAD to have them. Then one day, I realized, I didn't like them. And my hubby had the same complaint as yours lol. Now, a new reason to check out Trader Joe's - my hips thank you!

  23. Hi AnnMarie! I just wanted to let you know you are one of my features at TFT today! I hope you will stop by and say hello and link up again! Happy Spring!

  24. I loved your nice newsy blog! When my boyfriend moved in with me, I wanted to make some of "my" space also his; I put a expanding hat rack on the wall mount oven wall and put a lot of his favorite cups up on display. Once or twice a year, I run them through the dishwasher! If a new cup comes into my house, an old 1 has to go as my cupboard is FULL! Same problem here with the toilet rug, but the oak toilet seats at least have a bit of character to them (to match my sink cupboard and towel bars). That Portobello color is a darker version of a rich cream that I have lived with; when lights are on at night, it is a beautiful, rich glowing gold; I think you will like it.

  25. I hope it is starting to feel like spring where you are. I can't wait to hear more about your bathroom reno. How exciting.Thanks for linking up to Keep In Touch. The Easter basket is adorable.

  26. Great book. I read it a couple months ago then handed it down to a friend.


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