Sunday, August 5, 2018

I Finally Found THE Peach....A Vintage Pie Recipe

I had been making the same peach pie recipe for over 30 years (ie vintage recipe!). It is from my trusted Betty Crocker cookbook.

Then I couldn't find a good peach anymore. After some not so tasty pies I gave up making it but didn't stop searching for the best peach to make my Peach Glace` Pie again.

Every August during peach season, I would ask my friends what kind of peach they use. Recipes never named a specific variety. No one could tell me. "Just use any kind" they'd say. It seemed to be a lost cause.

Until I walked into Wegmans recently where a sweet lady named Patricia was handing out samples of peach slices. She was so cute with her short white hair and white eyeglasses to match.

I asked her the million dollar question....what kind of peaches are best for a peach pie? She pointed to a display of Lori Anne Peaches that were $1.99 a pound. She didn't try to sell me the more expensive variety that she was slicing up for samples, but told me to go get a Lori Anne and she'd let me try it.

Eureka! It is a perfect peach. Not too sweet, not too hard and pretty when it is sliced.

I bought a bagful and went home excited to make my peach pie!

I usually cheat and use a Pillsbury All Ready Pie crust but since I was too lazy to go get one, I used another favorite recipe from years past from my Junior League cookbook. 

It is a one crust pie and the only baking you have to do is for the crust. Let's get started..

Peach Glace` Pie

2/3 cup shortening
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup boiling water
1 1/2 cups flour

Combine shortening with salt.
Add boiling water and mix.
Add flour.
Press crust into 9 inch pie plate. 

Bake at 450 for 10 minutes or until golden.


5 cups (7 medium) sliced and peeled peaches
1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 cup water
3 ounces cream cheese softened
Cut up enough peach slices to make a cup. Stir together sugar and cornstarch in a saucepan. Gradually stir in water and chopped peaches. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and boils. Boil and stir 1 minute. Cool. completely.

Beat cream cheese until smooth and then spread on bottom of cooled pie crust. Fill shell with remaining sliced peaches. Pour cooked peaches over the top. Chill at least 3 hours or until set.

I just came back from having a slice (or two!) of this pie and it was all I had hoped for!! So fresh tasting and the crust was perfect for it. It was almost like eating peaches on shortbread.

Don't do what I did! You would think I knew better after making this for so long, but it has been a while. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it...….

Make sure you cook the peaches, sugar and cornstarch till fairly thick and then let it cool all the way down. In my excitement I didn't cook it long enough and it was too warm when I put it on the top of the pie. It all seeped through to the bottom.

The pie is supposed to have a thick glaze on the top that helps to keep all the peaches in place. It was still so good that I say who cares! I will do better next time!

***I had to come back and add this tip: If you have the time, put your peaches in a brown paper bag for 24 hours. It helps them ripen and sweeten up.

I hope you try this delicious pie! Enjoy!


  1. Thank you! It looks great. But I'm going to make a two crust pie. I have the same Betty Crocker Cookbook. Thanks for the tip on the best peach to use! Here from IG.

  2. It’s rare when I make pies but isn’t it typical to use cold water for the crust, not boiling?

    The absolute best peach I ever ate was in Napa Valley. It completely spoiled me and I could never eat the typically mealy varieties we get here in the northeast. Never heard of this variety but now I’ll keep my eyes peeled (no pun intended).

  3. YOU always share wonderful recipes so I will certainly give this one a try.
    I have used my mother-in-laws peach pie recipe for many years, as she was quite the pastry lady.
    I have never heard of those peaches before.

    Have a beautiful day ❤

  4. Looks delicious! I'm glad you found someone who was able to tell you what kind of peaches are the best to use. We have a guy in our local Sprouts store that knows a lot about produce, so we always ask him questions.

  5. Lori Anne peaches... good to know!

  6. Baking can be so technical and like you I get tempted to rush through the stages - I call it enthusiasm! My husband says I'm impatient haha. This looks so delicious, thanks for sharing the recipe xx

  7. The peach pie looks delicious. I have that same cookbook and still make many recipes from it! It is a keeper cookbook.

  8. Look at you with your pretty pie making self! Looks so yummy and I don't even like cooked fruit. My family would love this though. May need to whip them one up. But my pie crust won't look nearly as good as yours. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. This sounds amazing! I have a really good peach pie recipe too but...I love crust and really isn't it all about the crust? My peach pie doesn't have a top crust so I may need to try yours. :)

  10. So happy for you that you and Lori Anne found each other. =) Your Peach Pie looks delicious. Here's to many, many more years of you baking the perfect peach pie! Your well thumbed cook book made me smile. Here's to Betty Crocker!

  11. Can you believe I have never had peach pie! This sounds so amazing...

  12. Your peach pie sounds heavenly -- I've never had it with a cream cheese layer. At our farmers' market, the types of peaches are definitely named (like Red Haven) but I don't know which ones are the best for pies. I'll have to ask the vendors next time I'm there.

    best... mae at

  13. This pie is going to HAPPEN! I'm going to find those peaches at Wegman's. I love that the peaches are cooked on the stovetop rather than baked. After several summers of terrible fruit, I have found it to be sweet and juicy this year. Can't wait to try this!

  14. I make this recipe every year. It is the best! There is a local farm that sales peaches just down the road from us. As soon as they have them out I've got to make it. Yours looks delicious!!

  15. I love the cookbook picture. Betty Crocker saved me when I went away to college, and she is still a great reference. The peach pie looks fabulous. It is calling my name!

  16. This looks incredibly good and peaches are at their peak here. Could be trouble!

  17. I really love peach pie and this one looks so delicious. Thanks for sharing this recipe at Cooking and Crafting with J&J. Enjoy the weekend

  18. I just posted a peach pie recipe on my blog today too, lol :-) This looks delicious! Enjoy the rest of your week!


  19. AnnMarie, such a great post. I have told that I have only eaten two peach pies that were so good that I just couldn't stand it but I bought them from two different fruit stands and had to drive quite a ways to get them. So I will write down your recipe and give it a try as it sounds great, but I have never heard of that type of peach. Is there maybe a different name for them in different parts of the country? I always make my own pie crust, and it always tastes good but looks like you know what! I will ask about the peaches when I next go shopping..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

  20. Just hopped over for a visit and what a delight to find this peace pie recipe. I can't tell you how much I love peach pie! I've had a hard time finding good peaces of any kind lately. They look so beautiful and taste ... well ... disappointing. But I'll have to look for some Lori Anne's! Blessings!

  21. That looks absolutely amazing, AnnMarie!! My tummy is grumbling now!

  22. Mmmm...peach pie sounds so good! In fact, just this morning my mom and I were talking about how good a peach pie would be :)

    Thanks for the delicious recipe, my friend. I wish I could drop in for a visit. Hugs!

  23. This peach pie looks fantastic, I can't wait to try the recipe! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday.
    Miz Helen

  24. Okay, had to write a follow-up: I made your pie, AnnMarie, and it is DELICIOUS! I will definitely be making this again. The LoriAnn peaches were perfect, and the glaze was soooooo good!

  25. This looks absolutely delicious, AnnMarie!

  26. In all my years making peach pies I had never heard of using cream cheese ?
    I love peach pie and can eat half one when I bake LOL
    I have even in winter used canned peaches to make a cobbler


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