Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Little Known "Day"s of the Month

Does anyone really celebrate the little known "Day"s that come around every year? Depending on which calendar you have, there can be as many different ones as there are days in the month....

My Farmer's Almanac Calendar seems to have some unique "Day"s I haven't heard of. In August, I am sorry I missed Colorado Day on the first, National Aviation Day on the 19th and Women's Equality Day on the 26th.

One Day I do know about is National Grandparent's Day. It is celebrated the first Sunday after Labor Day and this year it falls on September 9, 2012. The day was created in 1978 by a federal proclamation, passed by Congress and signed by President Jimmy Carter. The purpose was:

  • To honor grandparents
  • To give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children’s children.
  • To help children become aware of the strength, information and guidance older people can offer.

  • The R & W Berrie Co's made a bunch of these kitschy figurines in the 70's and they were quite popular as a gag sort of gift, as I remember. This one is marked 1970 on the back.

    What a cute gift for your dear Grandpa.....

    These handcarved figures can be Maw and Paw Kettle or Grandma and Grandpa. They are the work of an 80 year old gentleman who rough carved these as samples for the finished product.

    In October on the 16th is Boss's Day. It is not a public holiday but an observance. Since 1962 employees have celebrated the day in the workplace to appreciate their employers. It actually has become a popular celebration. A great reason to have a pizza party and cake and GIFTS! I just happen to have one of those for Boss's Day too!
    Not sure why he is blue and has that grin on his face....I think he is just waiting for you to clock in late. He is also from the 70's from the R & W Berrie collection of kitschy figurines.

    After running around getting gifts and trying to observe or honor or commemorate all the little known Days for all the different people in your life, be sure not to miss the International Day of Peace on October 21st. It is a United Nations General Assembly thing, but I see nothing wrong with each of us having our own Day of Peace...... AnnMarie's Day of Peace.... (insert name here)'s Day of Peace......

    I'll contact the President to have him declare the day a National holiday.

    All in favor, say "I"!

    AnnMarie :)

    P.S. All the figurines above are available in my NaNa's Things shop.


    1. I remember those figures! Wow... I'll have to check out those days... I'm totally down for that Day of Peace! Thanks :)

    2. Thanks for the reminder. I need to get my mom a card to send to her.

    3. We love it! Our school here has a grandparents breakfast:)

    4. I did not know there was a grandparents day!

    5. when I was little we always would celebrate grandparents day:) I have a calendar that has all kinds of special days on it like National Chocolate, National pancake day . .who would have thought . .lol WHen I started teaching I discovered that in May there was a Teachers appreciation week . . .how come I never knew this before?? lol

    6. I remember those R & W Berrie figurines! Does that make me old???

    7. Hey,Kim, when is National Chocolate Day? We could all celebrate!


    8. The handcarved figures of Grandpa and Grandma are tremendous! What a find. I just heard of Grandparents Day this last week. We are returning our granddaughter to her parents in Seattle on the 8th. They were so excited that we would be there on Grandparent's Day. Put me down as looking so forward to the Prince of Peace to usher in an eternity of peace!!!

    9. Thanks so much for sharing! I need to send a card to my grandparent's this weekend! Stopping by from the CASTTEAM!



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