Thursday, February 4, 2016

New Jersey Crumb Cake

This is probably the best crumb cake I have ever had and some compare it to Entenmann's....I think it is better than Entenmann's. It just happens to be my husbands favorite crumb cake too (maybe because he grew up next door in Manhattan?!).

This is the nice golden color it should be right out of the oven.

Hubby has requested I make some so that he can take it for breakfast at work. He is a total carb guy in the morning.

So since I am making a pan (a 13 x 9 pan! It freezes well) I thought I'd share it with you, since it is pretty easy and worth trying out. Amy, at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes, I am thinking of you over there in New Jersey!

Lots of crumb topping!

Not sure how this recipe got it's name. After googling it, I have come to realize that crumb cake is or was the thing to eat on Sunday morning in New Jersey. They may just have dibs on the best crumb cake ever made, since this breakfast cake is not available all over the country.

Wikipedia describes it this way:

"Streuselkuchen (crumb cake) is a German specialty. Traditionally it is made of a yeast dough covered with a sweet crumb topping referred to as streusel. The main ingredients for the crumbs are sugar, butter and flour, which are mixed at a 1:1:2 ratio.
German Streuselkuchen is usually a flat cake made on a baking tray and cut into oblong pieces. It should be very flat - about one inch - so crumbs make about 50 percent of its height." recipe meets some of the criteria. My topping cheats by using Bisquick mix with the butter and sugar. Can't go wrong there!

Without further adieu....

New Jersey Crumb Cake


1/2 cup margarine or butter
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
3/4 cup milk
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream the butter and sugar. Beat eggs and milk; mix with butter.
In another bowl mix flour and baking powder, then add to
butter mixture. Stir in vanilla. Pour batter into a
greased 13 x 9 pan.

Crumb Topping

1/2 cup margarine or butter
1 cup sugar
2 cups Bisquick or any biscuit mix
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/4 - 1/2 powdered sugar

Cut butter into sugar, biscuit mix and cinnamon. Sprinkle
over batter in pan. Bake at 350 or 35-40 minutes, or till done.

Top with powdered sugar till cool.

Serves 8-16 depending on how large you cut the squares.

This piece was not hurt in any way while taking the multiple pictures it took to get halfway presentable ones! After spending so much time with it I could not resist so I ate it.

This is a MUST try. I hope you do!

AnnMarie xoxo


  1. That looks absolutely scrumptious! You need to ship that to me right now!! :-) Thanks so much for the new recipe...I love new recipes, especially for yummy cakes!! Hugs!!

  2. I wouldn't mind trying this but haven't got a clue what Bisquick is. Is it the same as scone mix? It sounds quite easy and looks tasty.


    1. Oh, sorry! It is a baking product that has been around forever in the US. Never thought my international friends may not know what it is! Bisquik is a biscuit mix that has flour, corn starch, baking powder, sugar and salt in it. It is used for biscuits, pancakes and when sugar is added it is great for shortcakes for strawberries. It may be like scone mix. It bakes up the same as a scone does.

  3. Sweet friend, this looks oh-so-good! I am just about to put a pot of coffee on and this would be perfect to go with it :)

    Hugs and joy to you!

  4. This looks amazing! I have added it to my list of 'to make'!
    And it looks like the most amazing breakfast ever! :)
    Happy almost weekend!
    Hugs, Kimberley

  5. What a wonderful cake and it would be excellent with my cup of coffee and here I am trying to shed a few Christmas pounds!
    Happy Friday, dear one!

  6. Oh I am saving this fab recipe. Maybe for Valentine's morning? It looks so yummy. Sounds like a great carbs guy breakfast, lol. :)

  7. Yummy! Crumb cake makes me smile, it was a favorite of my Mom to bake for us when I was a kid. Guess what I was born and raised in NJ, so your crumb cake has to be "the best".

  8. Looks good AM. I'm going to try it.

  9. I just might have to try this since I am a carb junky also

  10. I'll be right over AnnMarie - put on the coffee! (I wish :) Looks sooo good - thanks for the recipe! xx K

  11. I make one almost like this using a yellow cake mix and putting the crumb topping on top...
    your homemade cake would be a thousand times better..xoxo

  12. Oh, thank goodness! My daughter (happily married now with two kids) broke up with her old boyfriend from New Jersey before she could get his grandmother's crumb cake recipe. After they broke up, he refused to give it to her! You're a jewel!

  13. Yum, that looks absolutely delicious! Your husband is a lucky guy.

  14. WOW this looks so good. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I am going to file this one for sure. Have a great rest of the weekend. xo

  15. Definitely something I would enjoy. However, I do not do much cooking for myself. I pretended to enjoy a piece of yours.

  16. That looks absolutely delicious! Happy PS!

  17. You're right - this is a MUST try! I saw this the other day on your blog and made it today. Excellent!! Even my picky husband liked it. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Your crumb cake looks delicious-off to pin! Found you on Best of the Weekend-really glad I did! :)

  19. I can smell it now, yummy! No wonder it's your husband's favorite!

  20. AnnMarie,
    Hope you get a chance to make my toffee. It's a lot easier than I thought it would be.
    I love crumb cake too.

  21. Oh yummy! Anything buttery is right up my alley. Can't wait to give it a try Ann Marie! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe with SYC. Pinning.

  22. It looks heavenly, AnnMarie. I couldn't sleep, so I got up to catch up on my blog reading. Now I'll go back to bed and dream of your cake with a nice cup of tea. :) Hugs, Nancy

  23. This sounds like a delicious cake, but I would have to take it to work or to a brunch or I would eat it all, a slice at a time. :)

  24. Ahhhh, Ann Marie! I must try this cake... I am from New Jersey so I'm sure it will be a delight. :) Since you offered the history of crumb cake, feel free to link up to my "Let's Talk Vintage" link party today!

  25. Even I have all those ingredients! It looks scrumptious and I dearly love a sweet with my morning coffee! Thanks for the recipe!

  26. This looks wonderful! and sounds yummy!

  27. This sounds delicious and easy enough for me to make! Thanks for sharing it!!

  28. Dear Ann Marie:
    Oh what a wonderful cake - I love the historic part of it too! So glad you shared this at my blog party!

  29. This looks so good...I love a crumb cake for breakfast with coffee.
    Mary Alice

  30. Now if only you could send that thru the mail! lol

    Looks amazing, thanks so much for sharing it with us. Have a great day!

  31. This is my first visit to your blog and I can't wait to browse around a little more!! Pinning this recipe to try - this looks amazing!

  32. Sorry it took me so long to come by an visit! You know that the title caught my attention right away! So, being born and bred in NJ, I've never known crumb cake to be associated with NJ...However...yes, of course, I have eaten my fair share of it, and it is readily available everywhere. And, I LOVE it. But your post made me curious, so I googled it, and in fact, some people do think it's a NJ "thing." And, in my search, I discovered two bakeries fairly close to home that boast having the "Best" crumb cake. I may have to sample them! If you ask my husband and me what is the best crumb cake we've ever had, we will both say it's from Rachel's Bakery in Fire Island, NY. Go figure! In any event, your crumb cake looks delish! I'm going to pin it, and try it! PS - thank you for the shout out, AnnMarie!

  33. Hey lovely lady! I just wanted to let you know that your tasty cake will be featured at Roses of Inspiration tomorrow. Thank you so much for sharing! Hugs to you!

  34. Hi! I am stopping by from Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration link up party! And I just have to say that this cake looks so scrumptious :) Thank you for sharing-- I will be marking this one to try sometime soon!!

    Enjoy your week!

  35. This looks absolutely delicious! Thanks so much for sharing it at Tasty Tuesday where you've been featured and pinned!

  36. Hello Annmarie
    I've just popped over from Stephanie's where this post is featured on Roses of Inspiration this week!
    I haven't heard of Crumb Cake before but I can't wait to try it on the weekend. Thank you for sharing your recipe!
    Happy February days

  37. Hello Ann Marie, how nice it is to stop I for a visit. :-)
    I saw that this delicious looking crumb cake recipe was featured at my dear Stephanie's party, and I can see just why she featured it, yum yum yum!
    I think I'm going to bake this up this afternoon and then treat myself to a cup of coffee. Crumb cakes are one of my enjoyments, and the more topping the better. Lol
    Thank you for sharing with us, and I enjoyed the story behind it.

    Blessings~~ Debbie

  38. Dearest AnnMarie...I do hope you've had a joyous day thus far! Hmm...your crumb cake looks absolutely divine...I think it is one to try - and very soon too! Thank you so much for sharing the lovely recipe and story...with love and blessings!

  39. Oh THANK YOU!!! I am originally from Brooklyn NY and I can remember my father bringing this cake home after church on Sunday's! Now I will make it for my family! Thank you!! Over from Roses of inspiration. Great blog


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