Monday, July 10, 2017

In Full Bloom

This post is a photo diary of my July garden, after lots of rainy days in Upstate NY.

I am joining Pam at Everyday Living, at her new garden party that she is hosting throughout the summer, called Gardens Galore.

My "Garden" sign is blooming....

The Hostas are ready to bloom.....

Almost, but not quite there.....the Black-Eyed Susan, which is what makes up the whole first part of my middle garden, will be in all it's blooming glory in a few weeks...

To see more beautiful gardens, click on the link at the
top of this post to go to the party....

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:


  1. Love it all, AnnMarie! Your black-eyed Susans are waiting for the next garden party so they can be the star of the show! ;)

  2. Lovely gardens! Love the old chairs! We had the longest stretch w/o rain/precipitation last week since Oct!!!

  3. I am so jealous over all of your pretties in your beautiful garden area. Love it! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. Looking beautiful, girl! You've been busy! Unfortunately, I bashed my bad knee a couple of weeks ago so except for turning the sprinkler on them, my garden beds are on their own for a while. Enjoy your summer~

  5. Well, it's all just beautiful girl! Wish we could get some rain. I have lots of Black Eyed Susans that will be in bloom soon as well. Love that they last clear into fall. You have so many fun vignetttes tucked into your garden!

  6. AnnMarie, I just love your blooming chairs. I can't wait to see the Black-eyed Susans in full bloom! Thanks for sharing at Gardens Galore and for the shout-out!

  7. Your gardens are so charming, AnnMarie! Love all the little chairs and your sweet little 'toadstool'. Everything is so pretty. Hugs xo Karen

  8. You have a most beautiful lush glorious garden AnnMarie! I love seeing all the gorgeous pictures of your blooms! You definitely have an amazing green thumb! The chairs filled with flowers are just beautiful!

  9. AnnMarie, this is just beautiful! I don't remember seeing long shots of your hard before. Everything is gorgeous!! Love your red chairs in there too. ;)

  10. Your garden is just so cute and delightful. The use of the old chairs as planters is super cute.

  11. Your gardens are just beautiful, AnnMarie! I love ALL of your vintage accents, but especially your use of old chairs :)

  12. I love all your chairs, AnnMarie! I just found one in the trash and I can't wait to garden it up. :)

  13. LOVE your blooming garden sign. I always love strolling through your beautiful garden, AnnMarie. There is so many beautiful and quirky pretties to behold, not to mention your beautiful flowers.

  14. Had to come back and tell you that I bought two Hostas that was on the verge of dying. They were located on the discount rack at Walmart and needless to say I grabbed them up with hoping to bring those babies back to life. Oh, they have already bloomed and so pretty. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. The perfect word to describe your lovely garden is 'charming ' Ann Marie. Everything is full of whimsy and character galore!


  16. Love all your garden elements. Surprises at every turn with blooming chairs.
    Your garden is lovely and would be fun to stroll through.

  17. Beautiful garden....summer is moving right on along isn't it?

  18. My gardens aren't as pretty yet. seems like everything is blooming very late maybe I need to add some miracle grow?

  19. Your gardens are just gorgeous AnnMarie! Old chairs make such fun planters, and yours look so great. Your gardens look so fun and relaxing at the same time.

  20. Wow, your garden is amazing, Ann Marie!! I love all the unique accents you include! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!

  21. I love that cute garden sign hanging from your tree Ann Marie. You have such a pretty yard and garden.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  22. What a gorgeous garden! I love what you have there..

  23. It looks lovely! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  24. Your garden looks beautiful and of course, I love the whimsy!

  25. AnnMarie, I am dropping back by to let you know that this post will be a feature on Gardens Galore tomorrow!

  26. What a great garden, AnnMarie!!!

  27. such a lovely place...

    Please visit:


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