Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Goodbye October

I wanted to share some pictures of my most favorite month of the year.....October.
This is not my usual one day at a time post, just random pictures of this and that.

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen some of these pictures.
If you don't follow me yet, click on the sidebar camera icon and join in the fun!

My month started out by moving into my new booth space
at the Geneva Antique Co-Op on Seneca Lake
in the Finger Lakes of Upstate New York. I can't believe 
I have been there a month already!


We have had some wild and crazy weather this month....very warm and misty

and a microburst storm just as we got into a restaurant!

The warm weather has helped to keep my
Sweet Potato vines thriving on 
the front porch....

but delayed the burning bush from burning!


My favorite barn sale of the year is in October and 
this year I found what I have been
looking for for a long time!
A vintage bicycle for my garden.....in AQUA!
Can't wait to style it in the Spring.


I am always happy when Panera brings back their
Pumpkin Pie bagel for October. 
Soooo good!


One of my most favorite things about October is the way
the light is different throughout the day 
and especially late afternoon. I captured
the Autumn light coming into
two rooms of my house.

The dining room

and the parlor


I made a new wreath for my front door out of Rye Wheat....

and pumpkin cookies for my grandchildren to decorate.

my 3 year old grandson decorated these

We took grandchildren Chloe and JC to our church event, Trunk or Treat.
They got to dress up early for Halloween and get buckets of candy, 
go in a bounce house, drink cider and eat donuts and popcorn.
We had pizza and pumpkin cookies for
dinner and then off to home.

Isn't that what grandparents are supposed to do? ;-)

a buff policeman and a hippie

My sweet "sisters" and I drove to the beautiful town of Skaneateles
on Lake Skaneateles, also one of the Finger Lakes,
to celebrate Colleen's birthday. We had lunch 
at her favorite restaurant and this was my choice....

The Lobster Napoleon
Layers of English cucumber, mango salsa, fresh avocado, and micro greens topped with Maine lobster and drizzled with Thai chili mayonnaise, Balsamic syrup and toasted sesame seeds.....

oh my oh my

But it wasn't all about what I ate! It was about being in a gorgeous
place to celebrate a beautiful woman whose favorite
line is "is my lipstick still on?"
Throughout the day we saw so many cute things in the
gift shops having to do with lipstick.
This was one of her gifts.


I am excited to meet some goals I set for myself for the end of October

600 items listed in my Etsy shop
1700 sales!

I actually accomplished these goals early on the 28th :-)

I have been adding vintage Christmas items as well
as other items in all sections of my Etsy shop. Just click to see.

Come by for a visit!

Here is a sample of some vintage Christmas goodies....

oops, dust is a sign of a productive woman....just not in housework!

One last picture for the last day of the month....my
two daughters and their daughters....
a ladybug, a cave woman, a dinosaur and a hippe.
I am a proud Mom and NaNa!

I am sorry to see October go. But with it goes the overeating
of candy corn, glazed donuts and pumpkin cookies.
Time to get back to eating right and geared up for
the sweet potatoes, candied carrots and
pumpkin pie with whipped cream!

Happy November!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:


  1. A very productive and fun October indeed...and a beautiful family to boot! Congratulations are in order, it's great when goals are met. And I have to confess, I have already hit the whipped cream. I just couldn't wait! ;)

  2. Congratulations on doing so well with Etsy. I was a bit nervous opening my shop after hearing all the horror stories of people that never sold ANYTHING. I would say your prices are right and the items are great if you have had that many sales. Good for you! I love success!!!!

    Love the pictures of the kids and the grandkids and the decorated goodies they made. Life is just so precious when we have kiddos in it, isn't it?

    I love your friend with the lipstick--must be her "logo". I had an aunt like that. She was a farm woman and I never once saw her without her lipstick on (bright red) and her hair done (also red)....lol Whatever shade your friend has on is a pretty one.

    Hope you have a good night and good luck with your shop, AnnMarie. xo Diana

  3. Thank you AnnMarie for sharing your VERY full October month. Your new booth space looks great. Hugs.

  4. You've certainly enjoyed your Oct and I enjoyed your post :)
    I must try to remember the dust quote, love it.


  5. Loved looking back on your October month. We are busy women aren't we? Loved all the pictures. Oh and I adore that lipstick bag. I feel NAKED without my lipstick! The grands are adorable and your daughter's are beauties! I can't believe NOVEMBER is here! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. Happy November, my friend! I so enjoyed your sweet photos from October :)

    Congratulations on meeting your goals on Etsy {{smiles}} You have a lovely shop and you offer wonderful vintage items.

    Thinking of you and wishing you a blessed day. Hugs!

  7. October is my favorite month for many reasons and I'm always sad to see it go, but it's nice we have Thanksgiving and then Christmas ahead to look forward to with our children and grandchildren.

  8. What a great month! I love pumpkin bagels too! Our church had a trunk or treat also but my son didn't get to go because we were having dinner at my parents' house. That meal you had was super fancy!

  9. Such beautiful vignettes of a lovely October, AnnMarie. Your grandchildren look so sweet dressed ready for Halloween. Well done you for all those sales; I am doing a happy dance for you. LOVE that aqua bicycle. I am very pea green with envy but then I always say that to you, don't I......you do find the most amazing treasures. =) A lovely and vintage filled November to you, lovely lady.

  10. I love October too, but what’s not to like? Well, the fact that November follows maybe ;).

    When I first read your post I thought you meant you sold 1700 items in October! lol Congratulations on having a successful etsy site. It’s not always easy because there’s so much competition but you must be doing something right!

    Love the bike and it will fit in with your pretty yard perfectly.

    (Take a good look at your first pic of your booth. Doesn’t it look like it could be a pic of miniatures)?


  11. Wonderful to see all of your October fun, AnnMarie. Love the photos of your sweet little grands and your beautiful daughters. Congrats on the success of your sales, too! Love the sunlight coming into your beautiful home and that gorgeous wreath you made. I laughed when I saw your vintage bicycle find because I had one very similar, new, as a child. I loved that bicycle! I can only imagine it in your garden with the basket full of flowers. So cute about your friend and her lipstick :) Happy November! Hugs xo Karen

  12. So fun looking back Ann Marie! Love your beautiful wreath and that Lobster Napoleon, oh my! I've never heard of such a thing, but I love all of the ingredients. so fun to spend an evening with your cute grands. Congrats on how successful your shop is! It's great to reach goals. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. Lovely photos, Ann Marie. I love your wheat wreath and how I long to shop in your store in Geneva. maybe in March. I keep hoping our trip will be on!

  14. You had a fantastic month! Wow, congrats on your Etsy store success. Mine is not doing so well at all, but what I'm selling is very niche. Maybe you could give me some pointers! ;P

    I love how y'all ask "Is my lipstick still on?" It makes y'all sound Southern!


  15. October is a great month and it sounds like it has been good to you. Everything still looks pretty in your yard and glad the shop is going so well..Happy Weekend..Judy

  16. Hi AnneMarie,

    What a fun post- gosh, where do I begin? First I ADORE your front door and that amazing stupendous huge pocket door in your home. Wow- they both have so much character!

    Your grands are adorable - and so is the pic of you all dressed for Beggar's Night/ Trick or Treat!

    And a huge giant GRATS to your Etsy accomplishments. I am heading there now to check out your store!

    Thanks for your sweet comment about my home feature at Poofing the Pillow's First Friday House Tour. It means so much to me, as I seldom share house tours, so it was special to me. ♥

    Have a happy weekend!

  17. October was a great month for you, Ann Marie. :)

    I didn't know about Panera's pumpkin pie bagels but that's probably a good thing.

    I have been to Skaneateles before with my friend who lives near you. When she told me we were going there, I thought she was saying "Skinny Atlas" and couldn't believe a place was named that!! LOL What a beautiful place it is.

    I'm so glad your Etsy is doing well. How fun to have something that works for your hobby but makes a little money too.

  18. You've had a busy October! Exciting to reach your sales goals too, that is so awesome! I've enjoyed seeing you on Instagram, it really is a great place to get to know people better. That Lobster Napoleon, oh my goodness, what a feed that must have been! So much fun to have time with your sisters :) Our November started out with a storm, we got 8" of snow here, and more on the way, so much for fall, lol!

  19. Your house looks so cozy! And such a sweet photo of your grandchildren :) Great job on the etsy sales, congrats!

  20. I can't decide if I'm more impressed with that fabulous bike or your Etsy sales! Congratulations!

  21. I love popping in and learning what you've been up to each month, AnnMarie; you always have so much fun! How lovely that you got to spend a girls' birthday lunch with your sweet friend; I miss that! And kudos to you for accomplishing your goals re: your Etsy shop! Your daughters and grands are beautiful, just like their mama!


  22. Beautiful photos, Ann Marie! I love the pumpkin cookies and the wreath! Your grandchildren are so sweet! Kisses, my friend.


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