Sunday, April 3, 2016

Church Rummage Sales Are The Best

Small town church rummage sales are the best.

Especially when you walk in and there are sweet, elderly ladies chatting behind the check out table.

It tells me that it is an older congregation and there will be some good stuff!

This past Friday's picking falls into the thrifting on a whim category. I had my granddaughter Cassidy for the day and I had errands to do. Of course we had to stop at the church rummage sale around the corner first.

I scored pretty good!

I bought all of the large Pyrex glass percolators they had....


These are such classic 1950's kitchen items. I just can't imagine having to clean them every day though! They are heavy Pyrex glass with a fragile glass stem and basket.

Postscript: I made a pot of coffee the next morning in the pot for my husband and I and we both agreed that it was pretty good. Not for a morning when you are in a hurry though!

This Pyrex Friendship Cinderella Bake Serve and Store Set are also a classic 1950's kitchen item. They are so pretty in their red, yellow-orange, and white and they are in perfect condition.


I will have to research them both over at Diana's blog, Adirondack Girl at Heart. She has a Pyrex Price Guide on her sidebar.

Train cases are great sellers so I always look for them at rummage sales and usually find at least one. This one is in pretty bad shape but for a buck I grabbed it anyways. I plan on painting it like Altered Art Works did and give it new life.


These sandwich makers for the campfire are very popular with buyers. This one is from Toas-tite. It is in great, usable condition too and just in time for pbj's by the fire.


All of these great metal kitchen tools were in one bag for a buck. I think they are great collectibles to repurpose or use for their intended purpose.

When I got home with my goodies and started playing with them I realized that one of the percolators was missing an inside metal part. One of the sweet ladies at the sale tried to give me a bunch of metal parts but I didn't take them! I went back the next morning and got the whole bag for a quarter. I only needed one, but like the kitchen tools, I thought maybe they would be good for a repurposing project. There was an extra glass lid in there too.

I will be sorting and listing these things in my Etsy shop soon. If you are interested in any of them before they make it there, send me an email!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up to these fun blog parties:


  1. Yes, I too love these kind of sales. The last one I attented was in New England. You found some great things. The percolator and sandwich maker takes me back to my childhood. I remember a percolator in the kitchen and we used the sandwich maker a lot. We called it toastite maker.

  2. Ann Marie,
    You certainly did hit pay dirt with your finds. You're so right about the inside metal ring part and serendipity shined on you that the following morning there they were waiting for you to buy them.

  3. You got some great items. Love the Pyrex Friendship set, those lids are wonderful.

  4. That was the BEST Church Rummage Sale. Loved your photos.

  5. I love the Pyrex coffee pots. I have one similar that is a tea pot and I use it every day.

  6. You found some great stuff...hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. Some good scores there, I love the pyrex dishes, so pretty.


  8. You found some great goodies! I love church rummage sales and especially run by "little old ladies". Have a great week!

    xo Dianne

  9. What a great sale! I have a Pyrex percolator in my kitchen cabinet. If we lose power I use it to perk coffee in the morning. And I will add it makes really good coffee. :) love finding train cases ready for some cute rehab. You did great!

  10. Oh my - lots of fun items here!!!

  11. I agree...our thrift stores stink (pricey newer items that I can get at Marshalls), but church fairs are the best!!

  12. Look at all those cool things you got - you have such a good eye for collecting - I wouldn't have a clue!

  13. Those are great finds! I really like that Pyrex Friendship set - very pretty. I'm sure it was a nice atmosphere to shop at also.

  14. You sure found some fun goodies. I agree that church rummage sales are the BEST and you can't beat the prices.

  15. Hi AnnMarie
    Love this post -- I'm going to have to look for some church and temple rummage sales in my area. You found great gems! I collect old graters and have repurposed a few of them. Thanks for the shout-out for my suitcase makeover. Looking forward to your train case transformation.

  16. Good Morning!
    I have said it before, but I will say it again you find the best things!
    I had forgotten about those coffee pots:) sweet memories and what a great fragrance to wake up too.
    Just like the Folgers commercial!

  17. Hi AnnMarie, Once again you really hit the jackpot of treasures. Yes, Church sales are the best. Love the glass coffee pots. My mother and dad had one when I was growing up and I can still see that pot perking on the stove. I also have the hand held pie or sandwich toaster. It was my grandmothers and I enjoy to display it in my kitchen.
    Love the train case. I've redesigned many of those and it's lots of fun.
    Hope you are enjoying the start to springtime. I'm still on a blog break to refresh and recoup but just wanted to stop in and say hello.
    Have a great week. Blessings. xo

  18. Wow AnnMarie you found some amazing things! And I so agree, church sales are the best!
    I love the Pyrex dishes, I have never seen that pattern - so pretty! And all the kitchen gadgets too!
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!
    Hugs, Kimberley

  19. AnnMarie, you did GOOD! The Friendship pattern is hard to find in my area--great score. I love church rummage sales too. Hugs, Cecilia

  20. great finds! especially the Friendship pieces!

  21. I love church rummage sales also! Estate sales are wonderful sometimes also. My sister and I (and our husbands) do estate sales for people. It's fun to find treasures!

  22. wooo, nice pyrex! it's always so cheerful to find good ones in such lovely condition! recently i broke a big one (while trying to make cornbread...obviously didn't work) so i'd like to find something like these :)

  23. I agree about church rummage sales! There is one in my neighborhood this weekend - can't wait!!!

  24. Church sales are so great...and the prices are always wonderful! You found lots of great goodies! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comment!

  25. Wow some of these finds really take me back! My dad will still pull out the percolator on occasion because he says the coffee is better. My mom had a train case just like that when I was a kid and I thought it was so glamorous. I never see anything around here called a rummage sale...I'm missing out!

    Happy Thoughts of Home on Thursday, AnnMarie. I'm pinning away. :)

  26. Nice pickin' AnnMarie. The Pyrex set is so cheery. I remember my friend's mom used a glass percolator back in the day. It was very upscale. I checked out Altered Artworks' train case. Very cute. Can't wait to see what you do with yours. I bet Cassidy enjoyed her outing with you. Hugs, Nancy

  27. Such great finds! Love the pyrex!

  28. Great junkin' day, AnnMarie :) Thanks for the shout out re: the Pyrex. Those Friendship pieces are just awesome. You got that whole bag for a dollar?! That utensil with the yellow handle looks like Bakelite--yummy.

  29. Wow you scored some nice finds! We used to have the glass coffee pot too from my mother in law! I hope you enjoy everything. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  30. I love church rummage sales too! You really found some great stuff. Also those kitchen gadgets for $1 is awesome. Love the pyrex too!

  31. Great finds. I love church rummage sales, too. I totally love that colorful set of Pyrex bowls!

  32. Hi there, thank you for sharing at SYC! Have a wonderful weekend. xx Jo

  33. I've always found some of my best stuff at church rummage sales. Love the pyrex. Have a great weekend.

  34. Wonderful finds, I love that bake serve etc set and the old suitcase! Isn't it just a happy day when you find beauties like these? Sunny greetings

  35. Such excellent finds! That Pyrex set is particularly wonderful!

  36. How fun all those old kitchen tools are! Tuula shared a group of fun wind chime ideas that would work with those tools.

  37. Ill have to keep an eye out for a toast tite my boy scout would love it! Your post is such a happy addition to Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Thank you SO much for sharing the joy.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  38. AnnMarie, I would never have remembered about those percolators, but as soon as I saw them, I remember my parents (or maybe my grandparents?) had one. And, I have a couple of pyrex bowls that were my mother-in-laws. I checked the site you mentioned, and mine are worth about $7-10,lol. They are from the 70's. Glad you had another successful buying spree!

  39. We are kindred spirits. I would have bought everything you bought at the sale. I'm so envious of the Friendship Pyrex. Lucky you!!! I'm following you now to see what else you find.

  40. You did great!
    I love those percolators. I am looking for the corning ware electric percolator.
    It made the best coffee.
    Thanks for joining TOHOT!

  41. You certainly did find some great things! My grandparents had those glass percolators and for awhile I owned one, but ended up letting it go at some point in time.
    I have that cake slicer with those very pointed edges, but it sure works great with a fancy cake that you do not want to destroy while cutting.
    We never see church sales in our area. :(

    What a fun day for you, AnnMarie~~

  42. What great finds! There is a rummage sale coming up this month, it definitely makes me want to go.

  43. Yes, great finds! The Pyrex set is very different from the norm... a good find, too! Enjoy your week and thanks for linking up and stopping by!

  44. I don't think I have ever seen a Pyrex coffee pot so cool.

  45. I agree...everything about a church rummage sale is the best! You came out with some fabulous treasures.
    Mary Alice

  46. Such great finds, and how sweet of the church ladies to let you get the missing parts! We brew our coffee each morning with a stainless steel percolator and love it. My MIL has an old train case that she still uses, I didn't know you could paint them. I do agree that church rummage sales are best! :)

  47. You hit the mother load Ann Marie! Those coffee pots are awesome. I don't think I've ever seen them at a sale.

    (I was thinking of you today...I picked up more miniatures for my 'someday fairy garden'.)

  48. Hi AnnMarie,

    I see that you're still finding beautiful treasures in your rummage sales! The Cinderella Pyrex set is adorable; love that vibrant orange and cool white.

    Have a wonderful week!



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