Wednesday, April 20, 2016

You Know It's All About Getting One For The Land

Cleve-land, that is.

That's a HUGE billboard of LeBron James on the building in the background.
LeBron James said that about getting a championship win for the Cav's - the Cleveland Caveliers NBA basketball team.

But we weren't in Cleveland this past weekend for the Cav's game. We were there for the Cleveland Indians vs. the New York Mets baseball game.

Why go to Cleveland, Ohio for a Mets game and not New York City when we live in Upstate NY?

$$$ vs. $$$$$$......It is actually less expensive for the tickets, the gas, the lodging and almost everything else you spend money on for a trip. And it's closer.

It was a three game series for the Mets and the Indians and we had tickets to see two of them, Saturday and Sunday. This could have easily been a guy's only weekend for my husband and son but I like a live baseball game too! And I found out that the once a month flea market in Cleveland was to be on Saturday! We had all day to roam the city before the 4 p.m. game so we stopped there first.

Located in a parking lot behind some buildings in the city, it was full of all kinds of stuff, including my favorite....vintage. The railroad tracks were right there, with trains going by above the whole lot.

Not a lot was affordable enough for me to buy and resell but I did buy a few things. I paid too much but they were unique.

This was the best upcycle of vintage suitcases that I have seen yet! The music was very loud coming out of them!

With a few hours to go before the game, we decided to check out the Westside Market on 125th St. It is an indoor market with vegetables and fruit, meat and bakeries.

It literally blasted all your senses as you walked in the doors.


 Italian goodies....

I am AnnMarie (no e) and my husband is Frank. How cool to see this cute dairy first.....

and then just to the left.....

It was so tempting to load up on all the food that surrounded us.....and how about those apple fritters?! But we were good and had juiced veggie drinks and some fresh fruit as a snack.

On our way back to the car we ran into Guitar Man, Super Hero for Hire. His slogan is "Saving Cleveland 1 Song At A Time".

We weren't quite sure how to take him but he was super fun to talk to.

Time to get to the game. The weather was gorgeous, not a cloud in the sky. Frank got us great seats, right on first base. It was a really nice field, called Progressive Field.

The Mets came out to stretch a little.

This struck me so funny. How many guys does it take to hold a hose?

Apparently 15.

Even though it was warmer back in NY, we all got sunburned from sitting out in the glorious sun for 4 hours. Not complaining!

Mets lost 7-5.

But we had some pretty good food. The best veggie pizza I have had to date!

The next morning our plan was to go to breakfast and then off to the second game. There was a Bob Evan's restaurant across the street from the hotel that the guys wanted to go to but I didn't want to go there. I wanted to find a cute diner to eat at. I googled a few places and we set off.

It would all turn into a comedy of errors.....three times!

Yours Truly was our first stop. When the GPS said "your destination is on the left" this is what we saw....

A building torn down to the studs.

I googled again. Another one that sounded cute....can't remember the cute name. This is what we found when we arrived....

Shut down for who knows how long.

Across the street was a grocery market with a huge Café sign on the building. We went inside to find out it too was closed down.

Guess where we ended up going to breakfast?

Yup, you guessed it, Bob Evans!

The game on Sunday was an early afternoon game at 1 p.m. The Cav's were playing at 3 p.m. The baseball field and the basketball arena just happened to be right next to each other. We got caught in the middle of two major sporting events going on and it was lively! Thank goodness for being able to make reservations for a parking spot online a month ago!

The weather was perfect again but we were on the third base side this time, in the shade most of the game. I was dressed in 3 layers with a scarf around my neck and a jacket over my legs. It was a great game though. Mets won 6-0.

On our way out, another colorful character was hanging out by the parking garage.

It's always a fun time in a big city! You never know what you'll see or who you'll meet. It was a memorable trip and I got to tag along with the guys!

What are you doing this weekend?

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up with these fun blog parties:

Thoughts of Home
Share Your Cup
Best of the Weekend
Anything Goes Pink Saturday


  1. AnnMarie,
    Besides enjoying a live game/s in Ohio it looks like you filled in the hours with enjoyment and discovery. Wasn't just a take me out to the ballgame but more a let me explore all the spots. I had fun strolling with you during your photo essay.

  2. Oh you guys had so much fun! I was born in Columbus and a beloved aunt lived in Cleveland so I have some happy memories of The Land.LOL Those markets are fabulous aren't they? And how sweet to see ya'll's names up there together! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!

  3. AnnMarie,
    This was a memory maker trip. I enjoyed my visit with you this morning. What fun you had and wow your seats for the ballgame were wonderful!
    So very glad that you had such a great time.
    Good to have you back and thanks for joining us at TOHOT!

  4. Ann Marie how did I not know that Cleveland was SO charming??? What an absolute delight this post is!!! Thank you so very much for joining the gathering at Thoughts of Home on Thursday.

  5. Looks like a great trip and held something for everyone! I have never been to Cleveland, but it looks like fun! :)

  6. This all looks like fun! I feel the definite urge for an apple fritter. :)

    How neat that you saw both of your names in that one spot. It was meant to be!

    Happy Thoughts of Home, AnnMarie. :)

  7. What a fun adventure! I love watching any sports live, but not so much on t.v. Hubby is the opposite because he hates crowds. Although he would go to an out of state game. Love the shops with your names on them! How fun is that?

  8. What a fun market. I live so rural that I don't get to shop much anymore but if I found one of those I would have a big blast.

  9. What a fun market. I live so rural that I don't get to shop much anymore but if I found one of those I would have a big blast.

  10. What will I be doing? Dreaming about those apple fritters you left behind! Sounds like a great trip - sports and junk - two of my favorite things.

  11. A fun time! Lucky lucky you! I love going to sports events, there is always such great energy, and shopping on top of that! Best day ever.

  12. Cleveland is full of characters. I love the street musicians. Westside Market is very similar to North Market in Columbus. Makes me miss Ohio! I'm glad you had fun, AnnMarie. The Bob Evans story is cute. Sounds like something that I would do. Hugs, Nancy

  13. My dear AnnMarie, what a wonderful time you mut have had with your husband and son. It looks like a grand adventure :)

    Have a fabulous week. Hugs!

  14. I have never been to Cleveland! I am drooling over all of that food! Looks like a super fun time - and even, closer than NYC? Who knew? Glad you had a wonderful time!


  15. Thanks for sharing your fun getaway with SYC.


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