Friday, September 16, 2016

Happy Blogisversary to Me!

Today is Musings of a Vintage Junkie's 5 year blog anniversary!

Not being tech savvy at all, I can say that I am proud that I even got this thing off the ground. I remember my dear friend Michelle encouraged me to start a blog along with my then new Etsy shop, which will be celebrating five years on October 1st.

I started this blog to help promote my shop but once I started writing I found so much more to share.

My first blog post is hilarious....just all paragraphs of me babbling without one single picture. I got one comment on it. From my daughter!

So let's look back over the 5 years and see what was happening in my world that I felt the need to share!

My granddaughter Chloe was born a month earlier on August 11th, 4 days after my son turned 13.

This picture is Chloe in her ladybug outfit in December, 2011.

I managed to write 24 blog posts from September to December that first year!

That October I shared the pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread recipes that I have been baking every year for 30 years here. My granddaughter Cassidy, then 6, helped decorate these. It was the beginning of sharing one of my passions, and my heart on my blog.

My picture quality was not so good then!
I joined a Blog team on Etsy and that became my incentive to write something every week because the other bloggers were the only ones commenting!

I wrote about thrifting and found treasures a lot over the years so I am not surprised to find that my most popular post of all time is called Thrifty Treasures and a Purple Cow, with 2181 views.

I shared my second hip replacement surgery in 2013 with a post called Getting Ready for the Big Day. The picture is of some of the tools I imagined my surgeon using.

I've posted a lot about my gardens over the years. One of my favorites called NaNa's Garden, is one that features my granddaughter Chloe when she was 3.

In September of last year we adopted two kittens. We named the black one Cyrus and the white calico is Sprite. They popped up in various posts throughout the past year.

It was the first year in forever that we did not have any Christmas trees in our home.

I had to be creative and come up with a solution for decorating because these were two
rambunctious kittens!

My grandchildren are a big part of my life so I have featured them in different posts throughout the years. Goin' to Grandma's is a post about my efforts to create for them the same kind of memories I have of going to my grandma's house.

This past year has been full of thrifting posts, recipes, and my garden. There was a post on my dining room dilemma and the reveal.....

 and on spreading my wings by renting a booth at a local gift shop.

The look of my blog has not changed much except for when I finally figured out how to clean up my sidebar and add media buttons. I like the turquoise and lime colors and every time I think I need to change it all, I just don't.

I just like to share things going on in my life in a way that may be fun or interesting to read.

You won't find any ads popping up here. No fancy fonts or elaborate picture boards. I never want to get so busy with the business of blogging that I can't reply to comments or visit all of your blogs.

Just everyday living with an occasional recipe, some found treasures, maybe a plug for my Etsy shop, or an out of town adventure.

If you are new to my blog I hope you will stop by again. To all of my followers over the years, I appreciate your time reading and commenting on my posts. I have made such lovely friends with so many lovely ladies from around the country and the world. I still can't get over the sweet connection there is to be found with other bloggers.

It is the best kind of reward for just sharing ME.

Thank you!

AnnMarie xoxo

I am linking up to these fun blog parties:
"Anything Goes" Pink Saturday
Dishing It & Digging It
Home Sweet Home


  1. Congratulations! I popped over to your Etsy shop and checked out your interesting items. I also started my blog to bring traffic to my Etsy shop. Not sure it has worked but I've found and learned a lot in the process. Enjoy your day.

  2. Happy Blogisversary! Wishing you all the best in many more years to come. I may not comment all the time, but I do enjoy reading your blog and all the interesting things you post.

  3. Happy Anniversary Ann Marie! It's been a pleasure getting to know you and I wish you many more years of blogging and friendship.


  4. Happy Blogiversary!! I'm glad that you are still blogging 5 years later and that I can take a peek back at some of your older posts through this post!

  5. Happy 5th anniversary of your inspiring blog. Here's to another 5 years....and beyond.

  6. Happy Anniversary, AnnMarie! I always enjoy reading your posts, and try not to miss any of them (although sometimes I do have to catch up and read a couple at a time ;) I am SO grateful that we met each other in this great big blogosphere! Wishing you many more years of blogging success!

  7. Happy Blog Birthday! Hasn't the time flown by quickly!

  8. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging! I love that you write about all the different aspects of your life. I enjoy reading all of your posts.

  9. Ann Marie- happy blogging birthday! I love your journey. I am 5 months in and have learned a lot but I have so much more to learn about Blogging! Congratulations and continue to enjoy!

  10. Congrats on 5 years and here's to many more!!

  11. Happy Blogiversary AnnMarie! I think we started blogging at the same time. I enjoyed your recap of some of your post over the years. BTW, we had a bar in the town I grew up in named The Purple Cow!

  12. Hi AnnMarie and Happy Blogiversary! I, too started blogging 5 years ago and I agree that bloggers are the very sweetest of friends. I'm so glad I 'met' you and have so enjoyed keeping up with what is going on in your life. Love this re-cap and hope to 'hang out' with you for many years to come! xx Karen

  13. Happy Blogiversary! I love looking at all your pictures. Good luck to your future in the blogging world !

  14. Hi AnnMarie, Happy Blog Birthday. I enjoy your blog so much and so glad I got to meet you here in blogland. Yes blogging friends are the best and the journey of sharing is amazing. Wishing you many more wonderful blog years ahead. Blessings always xo

  15. AnnMarie, congratulations!! Five years is a long time to keep at it and I am so glad that you did. I just adore your posts, I love reading about your family, your trips, your decor, your thrifting, your shops and your kittens! I agree that blogging friends are the best and I am glad that our paths crossed on the internet. xo

  16. Happy Blogiversary to you! That cake looks so creative and cute ♥

  17. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy your adventures! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  18. Happy 5th Anniversary Ann Marie! That's so awesome. I hope you'll be blogging for many more years to come.

  19. Aww Happy Blog Anniversary AnnMarie! Wow what an accomplishment and I'm so happy to be your blog friend. Wishing you many more happy years of blogging.
    Hugs, Julie

  20. Congrats on the milestone and thank you for sharing a look back with me. Loved it!

    Thanks for joining the DI & DI Link Party.

  21. Happy Anniversary on your blog sweet lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  22. Happy belated Blogiversary Ann Marie! Five years is a long time. I love the photo of your imagined hip replacement surgical tools - that's too funny!! Enjoy your weekend, Kelly.

  23. Happy Belated Blogiversary to you Ann Marie - love reading your review of your 5 years of blogging.

  24. I haven't been around for about six months, been helping a new blogger so let mine be on hiatus. Back to it now, so it is nice catching up with where you are in the blogging world. I remember that purple cow!

  25. I'm behind, but Happy Blogiversary to you, AnnMarie! Hugs, Cecilia

  26. As happening upon your lovely blog only recently, AnnMarie, let me say how I have loved clicking on each link and reading each wonderful post. What a treat it must be for your grandchildren to visit you in your lovely home and to get lost in your magical garden! Oh, to live in an 1870's Victorian house....just heaven! What a beautiful world you have created both in your home and in your blog. It is a delight to visit you each time and get lost in your gorgeous little part of the world. Happy 5 year Blogiversary to you!

  27. I'm so glad I found your blog when I did. I can't believe I missed your Blog anniversary. Happy Fall and keep the good writing coming.

  28. These two paragraphs from your post are how I feel about blogging too!

    You won't find any ads popping up here. No fancy fonts or picture boards (maybe I would have them if I knew how!). And I never want to get so busy with the business of blogging that I can't reply to comments or visit all of your blogs.

    Just everyday living . . .

  29. Congrats on 5 years, that's amazing and something to be proud of for sticking with it!
    I too love the 'old fashioned' blogs that don't have ads and pop ups! I loved reading through the recap of some of your favorite posts! I can see why that purple cow got so many hits too!
    I hope you having a wonderful weekend! Hugs! Kimberley


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